Hello there ^-^
My name is Anna, I am currently 17 and turning 18 soon. (November 11). ^-^
I am just looking for a relationship like everyone else on here.
Mostly I am looking for a guy who is honest, sincere, not too clingy. Hmm,... What else. Oh!!! Let me tell you about myself. ^-^ heh almost forgot.

Alright we'll I'm a book worm, I love to go to school I love to learn new things. I paint style life or people it doesn't matter. ^-^ I like to draw and paint people mostly though. Hmm... I'm very stubborn, I'm sweet ^-^ umm.... I tend to get very shy, I'm very clumsy. I am very honest so any question you ask I will answer with honesty. I never have and never will cheat. I do get clingy if I like you a lot. Hmm.... Well idk what else I have to say ATM.

So if anyone has questions just email me ill be glad to talk to you^-^