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DISGAEA! [Anime/Zimbu 1x1]

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Aged Entrepreneur

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 9:44 am
This is a tale within a tale. A battle that goes on during another story. A side-chapter if you will...

The battle between Overlords has raged on for as long as anyone can remember, with niether side making any progress. But now, it seems that certain Overlords may actually be winning this drawn out war. Not long ago, an Overlord began conquring other Netherworlds, growing in power, calling itself a MegaLord. This "MegaLord" has destroyed countless Overlords who refuse to become his vassals, even the mighty Tyrant Overlord Baal has fallen to this new threat. To stop their beloved worlds [and titles!] from being taken, Overlords now must team up, to keep control of their thrones. Of course, many others wish to take down this MegaLord, simply to take the title and increase their already god-like power. Humans, Angels, even Demons of lesser ranks are joining this battle, each fighting for a different cause.
Power, Peace, Revenge, Fame, Love. What do YOU fight for, dood?
PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 4:49 am

Personal/Favorite Quote :
Character name:
Race: [If demon,what kind?]
Class: [Warrior/Thief/Mage,ect.]
Theme Song:


Personal/Favorite Quote: "I'm a Devil of a Butler"
Appearance: Vespine stands at 5'9 with a thin build and four arms. He wears formal attire, a dark orange swallow tailed coat with the ends reaching the floor and curling upward, appearing to be two scorpion stingers. The coat sports a white fluffy collar, like that of a moth. He wears grey slacks with the same dark orange colored dress shoes. He sports grey dress gloves, which he usually uses to push up his small framed glasses, which rest below his bright orange insectoid compound eyes.. He has short fuzzy grey hair with two slicked back bangs that go back and pass his shoulders. These are actually antennae. Lastly, He wields from one to four black rapiers, resembling stingers.
Character name: Vespine
Gender: Male
Age: Appears to be in late twenties
Personality: Usually calm and reserved, true gentleman, the poster child for the perfect Butler's attitude, dedicated to serve his master. However, he is a bit too passionate about his young Mistress, getting overly worked up when speaking of her or when others speak of her in a negative way, leading people to call him a Lolicon.
Bio: Vespine was raised from a long line of the Insect Netherworld, or Netherhive, as it's called, warriors bred to serve as staff for the Queen Overlord. He rose quickly to become the Captain of the Guard and the Queen's HeadButler and Vassal.
Rank: Vassal
Race: Insect Demon
Class: HeadButler [A Combination of Bouncer and Celestial Host]
Likes: Honey Tea, Reading, Cleaning, His Duties as a Butler, his Mistress the Queen.
Dislikes: Chaos, Disorder, Brutish people, anyone who speaks ill of his Mistress the Queen.
Theme Song:

Personal/Favorite Quote: Darling, there's more to a person than meets the eye.
Appearance: Dulcinea is a statuesque beauty with an hourglass figure and smooth, milky skin. She has a highly feminine face with soft features, carefully plucked brows, long inviting eyelashes, a cute button nose, and plush lips that are nothing short of kissable. The irises of her eyes are a vibrant crimson, with a slit-like pupil centering each of them. Beyond that she has two pointed ears, each often heavilly deccorated with various tiny golden rings and gemstone studs crafted from some of the rarest gemstones one can find within the Netherworld.

Atop her head is long, wavy yet almost-featherlike strands of black hair. Her hair length ends a couple inches below her shoulders when worn down. Sometimes, although not often, she might try to tame her otherwise unruly hair and wear it in a braided bun - often with strings of gold carefully woven in.

As was mentioned earlier, she has a statuesque build with an hourglass figure in regards to her womanly curves. In height she reaches about 7'2", meaning that she tends to tower over many of her female - and often the more "normal" looking male - peers. As is normal for succubi such as herself, large bat-like wings sprout from her lower back - which are a midnight black in hue, matching perfectly her feathery hair and the long tail that sprouts just above her plump derriere. Her tail is several feet in length and ends in a cute, spaded tip - which also manages to have several miniature golden rings pierced onto the edges.
Character name: Dulcinea
Gender: Female
Age: 2700
Personality: Surprisingly mild mannered for a demon, but by no means a pushover, Dulcinea is what many find to be a friendly face and source of emotional stability in an otherwise chaotic and hostile enviornment. She manages to be an excellent listener with a knack for withholding judgement until given proper incentive to do otherwise. Despite this, one would be a fool to assume her a saint. She makes a living using deception and her charms - sexual or otherwise - to achieve whatever goal she has in mind at that given moment. As one might expect, she is quite flirtatious in nature with that visible hint of snarkiness that all demons seem to possess in some degree. Let's not even get into her hedonistic tendencies, such as her addiction to gambling and lesser but still prominant love of sex and fruity alcoholic drinks. She is often underestimated by others, largely due to her pleasant behavior and her mediocre physical combat skills.
Bio: Dulcinea first appeared within a desert-filled Netherworld a thousand years ago, without a past or anything beyond the clothes on her back to call her own. At first she was lost and defenceless, easilly taken advantage of by her peers. It was a shock to all when the Overlord of that particular Netherworld, a man notorious for being a brutal and ruthless sociopath of a tyrant, decided to take the poor girl under his wing and teach her the ways of the world. It was from him she learned how to gamble, how to lie effectively, and how to spot the lies of others. The rest she learned on her own through observation and experience, eventually maturing into a wiser - and more useful - vassal. At first she simply felt greatful for the new life that the Overlord had provided her, but as she got to know him she found herself falling for her savior - and hard! Somehow, her inevitable confession managed to blindside him - to the point where she never even got a real anwer out of him before his disappearance. He was never the sort to flee the scene with his tail between the legs, especially at the expense of all he butchered and plundered for, so Dulcinea knew something was wrong when he went missing. Worried that something might be horribly wrong, especially with all this scary talk of a "Megalord" going around, the succubus has decided to set off in search for her master - and perhaps some treasure, glory, and maybe a cute slave boy or two along the way~
Rank: Beauty Queen//(Ex?) Vassal
Race: Succubus/Fallen Angel
Powers/Skills: Dulcinea's talents do not lay with her combat ability or endurance. Rather, she is more useful due to how she strengthens or weakens others - whether that be achieved through stat buffs or the innate healing ability that all succubi possess. Depending upon how trusting she is towards an ally or how much distain she feels for a foe, her buffs can and will vary in intensity. For example, a best friend and/or lover will have massive stat increases from her buffs whereas a charmed monster or barely tolerated ally will get minimal benefits from her buffs, if they don't get outright negative stat boosts instead.

Buffs alone can't keep a girl from swimming with the fishes, so Dulcinea's also able to charm enemies to an extent, making them fight for her for a limited time. She should be careful about buffing charmed characters, as was mentioned before, since she isn't going to trust someone she has to charm in order to control. Thankfully, unlike her buffs and stat boosts, her healing abilities work extremely well regardless of how much she likes or dislikes a particular being.

If she absolutely must, she is perfectly capable of fighting - however with her low HP close range combat is by no means reccomended. She is able to use staves, spears, and guns - although sweet words and sweeter poisons are by far her preffered method of 'attack'. In case it wasn't blatantly clear by now, she is more useful in how she affects others rather than any direct action on her part.

Outside of combat, Dulcinea has three important specialties: deception, obtaining information, and making money. In other words, she makes an excellent spy - especially since she can bring in a stable income of Hel while doing so. Her main methods of income are gambling and seduction, although she preffers the former due to the extra challenge and the colorful characters she tends to meet while doing so. However, one should be aware that demons are not always gracious losers. This meaning that she could very well bring extra trouble - or excitement depending on one's point of view - for her allies when someone inevitably decides to attack and try to steal 'their' money back. Then again, when making money from seduction she is also likely to attract trouble in the form of abhorent admirers and rejected clientelle.
Class: Consort
Hobbies/Intrests: Gambling, Sex, Alcohol, Collecting Wines, Videogames, Fine Dining, Art
Likes: Luxury, Gambling, Sex, Alcohol, Baths
Dislikes: Losing, Being Caught Cheating, Pain, Good/Evil With No Inbetween Philosophies, Cheap Fabrics
Theme Song: La Roux - In For The Kill
Gaianame: Animeprincess_9400  


Aged Entrepreneur

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Aged Entrepreneur

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:02 am
PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 2:04 am
I can just use this and edit it. XD Lazy me.  


Aged Entrepreneur

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Malevolent Warlord

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 5:46 pm
{Holy s**t I'm finally posting, let alone in an actual roleplay. Please forgive me if I'm a bit rusty! Also, for clarity's sake I am assuming that neither of our beginning characters are in their home Netherworld.}


It was dark and noisy in Teris Town's local den of sin, the sound of drunks laughing and carrying on echoing loudly through the small confines of the gambling room. It was filled to the brim with all sorts of colorful and unsavory characters, the sort of folks one would easilly expect to get violent at the drop of a hat - or more accurately, to get violent after one of their playing partners inevitably got caught cheating them out of their hard-'earned' Hel. Dulcinea, being a veteran at all games involving cards and dice, was an expert at cheating often and without being caught. Of course, even with her skill, there was no guarantee that she wouldn't be ousted and faced with a fight - for Lady Luck's a fickle b***h and demons are often the distrusting and equally dishonest sort. Thankfully, this was not one such occasion.


but that's too boring, isn't it?

She might not have been caught cheating, but that didn't mean she wouldn't have trouble on her hands that day. Oh no, someone a few tables over was going to be caught instead. That very someone would be tossed to the other side of the room, landing on another table nearby - and subsequently breaking it due to his weight and size. This would lead the gamblers at that particular table into a rage, especially the winner, resulting in each trying to attack the thrower - only to miss and involve more 'innocents' in the crossfire. Before one would know it, everyone in the room was trying to kill each other - and causing quite a ruckus in the process.

Dulcinea, being a rookie at best in the arts of hand-to-hand fighting and a worthless noncombatant at worst, had no chance to win such a brawl with her might alone. Perhaps she might if she just charmed the right people, but honestly, she wasn't interested in this place anymore - she was there to enjoy the games and now that was ruined. Her only concern was escaping the fray unharmed, but with all the fighting in such close quarters between herself and the exit, that was going to be a difficult task. She let out a heavy sigh. It looked like this was just going to be one of those days...
PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 1:01 am
During the brawl, the door leading both in and out of the foul pit this Netherworld called an establishment creaked open. A man crept in while the chaos ensued, yet seemed totally unaffected by it all. His smooth movements made him look almost ethereal as he stepped and turned his way through.

As one particularly surly Hog demon took notice of him and swung, the gentledemon stepped to the side and the pig flew to the ground. "Pardon me." If one looked closely and quickly, they'd take notice of the tablecloth that was once on the table next to them which was now bare, save the cups and cards that were perfectly still and neat, was now wrapped around the arm and leg of the boarish man and used his weight against him.

The man climbed atop the bar and cleared his throat, somehow gaining the attention of all ruffians inside. "Excuse me Sirs and Madams. My name is Vespine the HeadButler. I am searching for an adorable lady who was in my company until a short while ago. I gained information of her whereabouts and made haste. Has anyone seen a petite little madam with skin of the finest silk and eyes like the sweetest honey?" The room grew awkward as he praised the person he was searching for. "HEY LOLICON! You think we'd have a little girl in our joint? We ain't sickos like you! What kinda demons do you take us for?" About now, all aggression was turning towards the Butler...


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PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 4:47 am
This newcomer seemed quite the character, just stepping into this chaotic establishment to spew on about this apparently young mistress of his. It didn't matter if he was some sort of pervert or not, though. He had everyone's attention, and by extention he already earned a few brownie points by Dulcinea for being such a lovely distraction for the other patrons. She made it halfway through the room due to her graceful and delicate movements up until one of the fellows she'd been playing with caught sight of her, violently gripping at her arm - prompting a loud yelp from the lady. "Where you think you're going?! There's no way a hussie like you could've beaten me fifteen times in a row without cheating!" This patron, as big and burly as he was, was far too strong for someone such as herself to break free on her own. Thinking quickly, she called out to the newcomer, "I might have seen your lady friend, but only if you would be so kind as to escort me safely out of here." Most wouldn't trust a hooker and/or a succubus in the Netherworld as far as one coud throw them, but Dulcinea didn't look like any ordinary Jezebel. She was clearly wealthy, wearing plenty of jewelry - from the rings on her fingers to the golden jewelry on her neck to even the many studs and other sorts of piercings that deccorated her ears and the spaded tip of her tail. She was also dressed in a fine, if incredibly revealing gown that one might expect to see on a lady of the courts. In short, she was a woman of money, and it showed.
PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 3:52 pm
The butler quickly heard and thought of his options, trusting the lady who was rather obviously only speaking with him for assistance was not a smart thing to do, but no one else would assist him anywhere but a hospital. That, and the gentleman in him took hold. He leapt off the bar with surprising force and floated across the room, kicking and snapping the demons arm at the elbow, causing him to let go and shriek in pain. Vespine pushed his glasses up and dusted some of the settled smoke off of his coat. "After you, madam..."  


Aged Entrepreneur

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Malevolent Warlord

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 4:19 pm
Dulcinea looked somewhat impressed how quickly Vespine managed to free her from that brute's grip, but now wasn't the time to get into that - especially not with so many hostile demons about. So instead she proceeded onwards, careful not to let herself stray too far from her escort. "You seem quite the gentleman. Thank you very much for your assistance, by the way."
PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 11:02 pm
"I am but a butler, it's a pleasure madam. And one of equal trade." Luckily, the other demons seemed more occupied on scattered Hel and spilt alcohol. Getting out would be easier than expected. Vespine followed the lady not to put her in danger first, rather to be able to watch for any incoming.  


Aged Entrepreneur

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 8:18 am
{Tell me if I need to edit.}

It wasn't long until the two made it out of the seedy, and currently quite chaotic, establishment. All thanks to the butler's timely intervention, no doubt. Once they were a safe distance away from the fighting she stopped in her tracks. Turning to face the helpful male, she then asked, "Your little lady friend was about this high, with eyes like yours and a proud demeanor - right?" As she asked this obvious question, she even went so far as to use her hand to demonstrate just how tall the young Overlord was in comparison to the tall tart. "Well, on my way to the casino I bumped into a pretty young thing matching that description. Our encounter was brief and started out on rocky grounds, but as we talked things over she calmed herself and asked me for information on the area. Happy to oblige one as adorable and potentially dangerous as she, I told her what I knew about Teris, the surrounding wilderness, and of course which roads go where. After that, we went our separate ways - the last I saw of her she was heading towards the crafts district - which eventually leads out of town."
PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 1:06 am
Vespine kept a calm, though obviously forced to mask his annoyance, demeanor. He pushed his glasses up and ran his fingers through his fuzzy hair with a sigh. "Ever like the little madam... When she inherited the title of Overlord she took all the royalty and none of the responsibility. After we lost our Netherhive's sacred treasure, our most beloved and prized item, she decided to abandon her throne and search for it. We've heard tale of someone, or something, that has been amassing considerable power and conquering Netherworlds. We have been searching for information on them. Though... rather obviously she doesn't take this mission seriously. I hope she's searching for things to buy and not attempting to leave town..."  


Aged Entrepreneur

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Malevolent Warlord

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 9:21 am
Upon hearing the butler's tale, something seemed to 'click' for the succubus. Her eyes widened slightly, and her pouty lips took on a most flattering smile. "I happen to be in a...similar situation, so if you'd ever like to conduct business with me again - for whatever know-how you might need or perhaps just a bedding partner, let me know. I might not look it, but I make a most useful ally when given the chance."
PostPosted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 12:50 pm
Mild discomfort leaked into Vespine's voice as he looked around. "I must admit... your services may become needed faster than you anticipated. I don't know my way around these parts, and obviously if the little madam can so easily escape from me, I'd be inclined to seek another chapero- I mean guard for her. We could pay you easily for your help. No treasure is worth more to us than the one stolen."  


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PostPosted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 2:23 pm
Dulcinea's brow raised in a mixture of faint surprise and amusement. With surprisingly no hesitation whatsoever, she replied, "Sounds good to me, I accept. We can debate about what constitutes as proper payment after I've had a chance to show my assets." That, and she would get the chance to see exactly what she would be up against in helping Vespine chaperone for the little miss. "Shall we be off, then?"
"RPC" *Roleplay Central*

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