::'Ketsu Combos::

Your Rank: Genin
Ninja Class: Samurai
Name of Jutsu: Desert Saviour
Rank of Jutsu: Genin (but it costs academy chakra + 10)
Jutsu's Element: Water/Dark Matter
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List? Put it under 'Yuketsu known combinations'
Description: This jutsu utilizes very basic concepts. The user uses their mastery of the Water Manipulation technique to condense the water in the air, spreading out the technique to reduce the concentration but increasing the range. The user then simultaneously infuses the vapors with their dark matter to bring it together manually, allowing the user to produce a mass of water almost instantaneously. This jutsu has no direct offense or defensive capabilities.

Your Rank: Genin
Ninja Class: Samurai
Name of Jutsu: Water Style: Poseidon's Guard
Rank of Jutsu: C (but costs D chakra for Yuketsu)
Jutsu's Element: Suiton
Jutsu Type: NinTaiJutsu
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List? No
Description: This technique is pure defense/support, and in that nature can be used very quickly. Kino rapidly utilizes moisture in the air by concentrating it to the center of his palm into a ball, making use of minimal chakra by using his powers of control to aid in and speed up the concentration. Once done, the palm is thrust forward into the opponent, upon making contact, and the ball is compressed by the pushing palm on one side to a flat oval and then decompresses on the other side rapidly, releasing the concentration with enough pressure to push anything not rooted to the ground a few meters away. Carrying no offensive power, this jutsu is a means by which to push something heavy or to push someone without touching them. The entire motion takes about as long as it does to c**k back your hand (concentration begins) and through a punch (concetration completed).
Non-Yuketsu aided users will take slightly longer and will pay the full C chakra cost.
Note: While in nature the technique is not offensive, if the target were to not be moved by the force, they would be damaged by it with force similar to an air bullet.


Your Rank: Genin
Ninja Class: Samurai
Name of Jutsu: See description
Rank of Jutsu: C
Jutsu's Element: Water/Fire/Rain
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List? Yupp, but Samurai/Weapon Master only.
Requires at least two bladed weapons. The more similar the weapons are, the more effective the technique is. The description of the technique is also dependent upon the user's element, though they are all similar.

River Dance
The user must be atop a body of water. With some distance from the target, the user slashes the water at their feet, wetting their blades and kicking up some water. The user begins toward the target, dragging the blades in the water and lowering their body as necessary. They pick up speed as they near the target, moving chakra into the blades causing them to cause larger waves than usual. At top speed, the user stops abruptly and performs any kind of slash with both weapons that begins from the water, yielding a maximum of two thin waves that have the force and crushing power of a torrent with all the slicing power of the blades. The deeper the water, the larger the waves, meaning this jutsu is most effective when the user knows the water walking technique. The slices move at the speed of the average of the user's stats, -1 if they are not using the water walking technique because their footwork is slowed.

Fiery Dance
Requires a small-medium fire on a plane. The user dashes toward the fire and halts into a backflip before they enter the flame with their blades stretched outward toward the fire, drawing it all in and releasing the fire in a wave across the ground in an upward slash upon landing. This technique effectively directs a natural flame toward a target. Everything flammable in the path is set afire, and wave has a range relative to the size of the fire absorbed.
A small fire wave is just two feet tall and can travel 20 feet
A medium fire is about 5 feet tall and has a range of 45 feet
If the user has a way to protect themselves from burns (remember you must be close enough to touch flames with your sword), they can move through and absorb the flames of something large like a forest fire, release large, 15 foot waves that have an infinite range of 6 chakra per 50 feet.
All of these waves move in a straight line and cannot be redirected.

Sting of the Siren
This variation is the intended use of the nature rendering aspect if this sword technique.
As hinted, the jutsu requires it to be raining. Both blades are held, arms crossed, at the users waist. At this time, the blades are flooded with chakra and a high pitch 'ping' can be heard with each drop of rain that hits the blades. In heavy rain, the collective sound is comparable to a siren's song. When ready, the user can move (either by jumping, dashing, etc.) to their desired vantage point and slash outward with their blades, literally redirecting every rain drop in the direction of the slash toward the target, making them into what is comparable to a barrage of senbon made of water. The redirection is not instantaneous, it is a wave that moves along the path redirecting the rain until you have a large amount of rain drops speeding toward the target. The 'senbon' move just as fast as your normal throw, but by nature they do not pierce very deep. However, this is not exactly acupuncture treatment. The drops are as hard to see as the direction of any rain. A moving target can easily get away with just a few needles in them before avoiding the rest, but if for whatever reason the target is unable to move, they'll get rained on and will most likely never move again.

Your Rank: Genin
Ninja Class: Samurai
Name of Jutsu: River Fang
Rank of Jutsu: Chuunin
Jutsu's Element: Suiton
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List? Weapon Masters/Samurai only
Description: This jutsu must be performed a top a body of water and requires a single hand seal (dragon). If the conditions are met, the user then slashes upward with their sword, dragging it along the water and producing an instantaneous slash of dense, chakra filled water. It is capable of ripping through flesh, but not metal. At the most, it can cut through rock jutsu of a lower rank than the user. The slash travels at the average of the user's strength and speed, rounding up. Up to two additional consecutive slashes can be performed at the cost of 5 chakra each.
Extra: If the Samurai/Weapon user is of jounin rank or higher, he has gained enough mastery with the sword and this technique to be able to produce the slash from any body of water, i.e. by performing the jutsu and slashing through any body of water, suspended or not, they are able to produce the wave in the direction of their slash.


Your Rank: Genin
Ninja Class: Samurai
Name of Jutsu: Water Style: Poseidon's Judgement
Rank of Jutsu: C
Jutsu's Element: Suiton
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List? No
The name has a very intimidating connotation, but the attack is not so powerful. Poseidon's 'Judgement' is simply banishment from the ocean. This technique requires the target to be atop a body of water, and the user must have a firm path to the water (obstacles do not hinder the jutsu, but a separation from user to the water, such as the water being too high elevated i.e. a waterfall/lake,, would render it a failure).
After performing several handsigns, the user slaps his hand on the ground. After this, they are free to move and nothing else happens, except the chakra being taken.What this does is send some of your chakra into the ground and it targets the opponent's location. On the next turn, a powerful blast of water will rise from beneath the target and launch them near 40 feet in the air. When striking the feet, the water does nothing more than push them in the air. But if the target were to be laying down, have any broad side of their body facing the water for whatever reason, they'll feel struck by a disorienting force.
This move can also be used on one's self.