Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 1:00 am
[I would have replied sooner. But my internet was shut down for a little while]
Saying nothing in response Victor set off to work. One table had a few first timers. They didn't seem to know how to react at the sight of a couple tough looking men dressed in maid outfits. His gaze only seemed cold. Oddly some people seemed to like it.
Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:00 pm
Christopher got to the library and walked around for a little bit, pulling books he needed off the shelf and checking them quickly to make sure they were the ones he wanted. Once he had a few, he headed to the checkout desk. The woman there smiled at him and greeted him, as he frequented the place. She checked out his books and commented on how he looked nice in his shirt and tie. He gathered his books and headed out, hoping Shayna would be at the maid cafe by now.