I'm not going to say "I'd like a nice guy, etc. etc. etc." because that's all been said before and it's becoming increasingly hard to determine the "nice" guy from the "bad" boy anymore. However, I am looking for a causal relationship with someone who has a sharp wit and good RPer or at least a can appreciate classic literature. Someone who likes videogames and can still manage the college work-load (as difficult as that may be sometimes). Other than that, quirks can be worked around and laughed at on both ends.
(I'm not perfect. I'll never be perfect. So let's laugh at each others imperfection together, ok?)
Please be 18+ when you contact me and the talking be done over Gaia PMs initially.

Me, on the other hand, I am looking forward to Shin Megame Tensei IV when it comes out and am currently reading a dialogue between Geothe and someone I think to be an actor... And "The Color of Magic." I am studying Zoo and Aquarium Science for my major and Writing as my minor. I am a tad dyslexic, a fan of various manga, and plan to go to a Ren Fest later in the year. In other words, I am a nerd. And a geek. And a APO Bro. If any of those things bother you, I sincerely apologize.

So until we meet on the field of battle,

Note: there are multiple reasons why I am looking for a casual relationship at the moment, and if you need to hear those reasons, feel free to ask here or via PM. Whichever you deem more dignified.