So..i suppose i should start off by listing various things about me so you know what to expect

My name is Blake, i'm 18 and from Australia, new south wales to be precise. I enjoy rping, playing video games, watching animes and listening to music with my headphones turned all the way up so the outside world is drowned out. My accent isn't that strong according to my friends but you can tell i have one

I have dark brown hair and brown eyes which are apprantly two differnt shades of brown, dark brown and chocolate brown...i dont know what that is about. I can be incredibly shy and loud, not much of a talker but i like to listen. I mostly prefer rock and metal but it really comes down to the song, one of my favourite bands is Lordi.

I have asperger syndrome and if you aren't sure about what that is, here's the wiki page for it.

Feel like i'm forgetting some stuff but oh well, must not of been that important then so if you wanna know more just ask me through a pm or something