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Live the life of a wizard! Based on J.K. Rowling's books, this guild focuses on the Ministry of Magic and everyday life. Open and accepting! 

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The Hughes Family ~ Accepted

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Surefire Codger

13,950 Points
  • Vocalizing Hisser 25
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PostPosted: Sun May 25, 2014 12:06 am
The Hughes Family:

Emmet Brian Hughes -Eldest Brother, Legitimate Heir
Niall Sullivan Hughes -Younger Brother
Malachy Braden Molloy -Illegitimate cousin
Elvira Hughes -Daughter of Niall Hughes

Accepted by: ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [03/27/2017]
Accepted Characters: Emmet [03/27/2017] Niall [03/27/2017] Malachy [03/27/2017] Elvira [03/27/2017]
Updates Accepted by: Weasley 4/24/19
PostPosted: Sun May 25, 2014 12:10 am
Hi, my name is Emmet Brian Hughes

But I mostly go by Emmet or just Em or sometimes even Brian around the family

I'm a (checks his pants) yup, definitely male

I'm 51 years old.

My birthday is September 13, 2005

I work in as a proud co-owner of All or Nothing Ink and Board Shop in Diagon Alley

My dream job is I'd rather stay at home, listen to records, and watch as the days go lazily by but unfortunately I require money. Plus co-owning a tattoo parlor is the closest to just staying home and sketching as I can get.

My blood status is Pureblood

The house I was in was Slytherin

I was in the class of 2022

I'm interested in anything with a pulse and that's semi-interested in me

I'm currently with Morven Vass

I may seem cynical, apathetic, sarcastic, flirtatious a*****e but I'm really all those things plus the fact that I actually do have a heart buried deep deep down inside

My background story is not that extravagant. I was born to a family of blood purist from the Irish Isle but lived primarily on the outskirts of London. I was the oldest, just about three years older than my younger brother, and we are their only children. Apparently my mother had some complications Niall which led to her never being able to conceive to term afterwards. This wasn't that much of a bad thing to my parents apparently since they had one son to take over for one family and another to take over the others. Whatever. I'm not exactly the prodigal son my parents wanted or expected me to be; sure I was sorted into Slytherin like most of my forefathers, while I wasn't the top in all my classes I was in the ones that mattered (to me anyway) and I had a flair for business. But I was also rebellious; I argued with my father over his purist views not agreeing with any of it, I didn't want to marry some beautiful heiress they had picked out for me, I slept with anyone of my choosing male or female. And sometimes if I was brave I would parade my conquest the next morning at breakfast, I think I can count on one hand how many shades of red my father turned each time it happened. I got tattoo's, I hung out at muggle places, wore muggle clothing, did muggle things, it was practically the ultimate smack in my parents face. There only saving grace was my little brother who was everything I wasn't: smart, obedient, loyal, gracious, had all the right mannerisms, however even he wasn't perfect. He was sorted into Hufflepuff, first one in like three centuries I think, and just like his older brother didn't believe the pureblooded hype either. Not that he told them, I swear I made it so obvious about him I was practically tap dancing naked but they still never caught on. Not until he told them he didn't want to be on the school board or Wizengamot like they were but instead wanted to be a mind healer. That broke them. I was just about to graduate, about a month away, when he told them and they flipped all types of s**t swearing up and down that if one of us didn't stop our nonsense then we would both be disowned. I stood my ground and I helped (forced) my brother to stand his and nearly three weeks later both were dead. Don't look at me I didn't do it! Apparently my father had been dealing in the muggle black market (go figures right?) and he was missing on some loans and they came while me and my brother were still at Hogwarts and well....bada bing bada boom as the muggles say. Someone from the ministry found them after about a week since they weren't coming to work and the fall out was not pretty. I went from heir to Lord overnight and me and my brother were parent-less (I never liked the term "orphan," makes it seem like I'm flipping Annie or Oliver Twist). I stayed in the manor long enough to get most of the affairs in order (I didn't want those muggles after me!) and ensured my brother was good at Hogwarts. By the time he graduated I had either sold or given away a good chunk of our gold and items from the family vault to pay off my father's muggle debts and my mother's sick addiction to shopping. I had always hated the manor, too many bad memories and too much coldness didn't make me think twice to sell it and place all the paintings and furnishings into storage. Once Niall graduated I moved us both to a smaller plot that we inherited from a great-great aunt. We've been living here ever since.
Update 2026~So, last summer I saved this chick from an after club brawl only to find it wasn't a chick but a dude. A very young dude at that. I took him home, cleaned him up, and then drove him back to his home the next day but the weird thing was that he just kept coming back. Like that puppy you're not supposed to feed or whatever. Anyway, Niall thinks I'm taking advantage of the kid but I haven't even touched him! I'm not that desperate.
2029~ Apparently me and Niall have a cousin we had no idea existed. This guy named Malachy that I remember being a year older than me in Slytherin. Apparently his sperm donor and my waste of space parent had been siblings (how about that?) and he had been told on his Grandmother's death bed to play nice with us. That's how I see it and how he sees it but Niall's seeing it as some sort of family therapy session. Thankfully our cousin (it's going to be weird saying that) nipped that in the bud quick fast and in a hurry. I think we're going to get along just fine.
2031~ Well Lon and Seong decided to go off and be pirates (and not the fun butt kind either) and literally left the shop to me and Gypsy to own and take care of. I was a little dubious about the whole thing because I was sure Rainbow Bright was going to either leave or kick him to the curb but she hasn't so..that's kind of awesome. Also I've met this new chick named Vivi who works at the ministry but not for something boring but like, with ghouls and s**t like that. She's pretty fantastic, and that's me saying it without having gotten into her probably fabulous knickers.

2036~ Me and Vi split rather spectacularly. Or rather we would've if she had just bossed up and answered my phone calls instead of being a b***h and leaving without a trace. But I'm not bitter.

2037~ I feel sort of like a hypocrite at the moment. I'd always sorta given the tweens I work with a hard time for being young and me not being interested, and in comes a woman even younger than they are and we fall in bed together. Repeatedly. Idunno though, she might be the first to really fit that whole "age is just a number" thing.

I enjoy Sleeping, coffee, drawing new designs, sex, cigarettes, muggle literature, riding on my motorcycle

I despise My parents (may Satan be poking their melting bodies), illogical rules, high expectations, stereotypes, demanding clients

I'm afraid of flying, I had a bad experience once

My strengths are my art skills aren't bad, and I apparently have a good mind for business

My flaws are I'm not really a people person and I can basically be an a*****e the best of times

I look like Jeremy Allan White (fc being sent)

My wand is a 10 3/4 Coyote spiraled wood with a Merpeople scale core

My pet is a chipmunk named Dale (being sent)

My O.W.L. Scores Were:
Astronomy~ A
Charms~ EE
Herbology~ P
Potions~ A
Transfiguration~ EE
Art~ O
Care of Magical Creatures~ EE
Cooking with Magic~ EE
Cursebreaking~ A
Muggle Art~ O
Mythology~ A
Wandless~ O

My N.E.W.T. Scores Were:
Charms~ EE
Transfiguration~ A
Art~ O
Cooking with Magic~ O
Cursebreaking~ EE
Muggle Art~ O
Wandless~ O


Surefire Codger

13,950 Points
  • Vocalizing Hisser 25
  • Hellraiser 500
  • Friend of the Goat 100


Surefire Codger

13,950 Points
  • Vocalizing Hisser 25
  • Hellraiser 500
  • Friend of the Goat 100
PostPosted: Sun May 25, 2014 8:34 pm
Hi, my name is Niall Sullivan Hughes

But I mostly go by Niall mostly but Emmet's taken to calling me Sully for some reason

I'm a Male

I'm 49 years old.

My birthday is March 25, 2007

I work in as a Mind Healer

My dream job is what I'm currently doing

My blood status is Pureblood

The house I was in was Hufflepuff

I was in the class of 2024

I'm interested in Uh, well, both, I guess

I'm currently with Rubin Eide

I may seem nice, courteous, and empathetic but I'm really umm, I like to think I'm all those things, but I'm also rather funny too

My background story is not long but you can still get comfortable if you want. I'm the second born son of my family but I was also the prodigal son. Well I mean, I'm not as smart as Emmet he's like genius level (even if he doesn't act like it), but I worked hard with the amount of intelligence I had and got the best grades that I could. I followed my parent's rules to a "T" and was always obedient to their slightest whim. In a way I was the favorite, however this all changed when I got to Hogwarts and happened to be the first Hufflepuff in the Hughes family in 373 years. My parents were stunned to say the least and absolutely furious to say the most. I think they actually tried to get a re-sort but the Board wouldn't allow it, even to such a prestigious family, and by prestigious I meant no matter how much they tried to bribe them. My older brother didn't find anything wrong with it, in all honesty he thought it was hilarious. I was still doing everything my parents had taught me; I didn't fraternize with muggleborns or halfbloods, I was still making top grades, I was still learning how to take over the family businesses and yet I wasn't the favorite anymore. I didn't know whether to cry or just cry out in joy. Emmet had always done his own thing, hung out with anybody he felt worthy of his time while still managing to get higher than average grades and I envied him. Especially when he stood up to our parents and told them he wanted to follow his own career path, after that they came to me about everything thinking that if they foisted all the love and attention they had forgone since I was eleven that all would be forgiven and that I would run to them with open arms. They believed that all of five minutes before I got the courage to tell them that I didn't want to run the businesses either but actually join St. Mungos as a Mind Healer. It was the only time I feared they would actually resort to physical violence and curse us but they decided to disown me and Emmet instead. For about three weeks I worried over where I was going to live, how I was going to pay for my schooling; I was only a fourth year without any OWL's I couldn't get a real job! My brother on the other hand was graduating and was about to set out on his own and do his own thing, he wouldn't want his kid brother with him, at least that's what I thought. When I told him that he hung me upside down by my ankles and berated me for ever thinking he wouldn't take care of me. I haven't doubted him since. However none of that really mattered when our parent's bodies were found decomposing in their home and since they never managed to file the papers disowning us Emmet became the Lord Hughes and I became heir apparent.While I was completing my education at Hogwarts, my brother was swimming through the mess that our parents had sunk the money and investments into. Needless to say I had the easier job. But it was all worth it in the end; I graduated and my brother got to stick his middle finger to our parent's memories by selling pretty much everything they once held dear. The money that we had left after paying back the muggles we used to move and get settled into one of the houses an older deceased relative left us. I can't wait to get into my work and I'm happy that me and my brother have a second chance at life.

2028~ After wedging my foot firmly in my mouth with Ada, I found out that her husband was a vampire and that she was pregnant. And then a few months later she gave birth to two beautiful babies. So while I've been getting used to being eventually called Uncle Niall, I met a wonderful woman named Gardenia in Diagon. She's a bit older but she's very sweet and I'm hoping that this could really be something special.

2029~ Things are moving along smoothly with Gardenia and to my slight surprise I've been made a groomsmen in Damien and Marina's wedding along with Richard Drage who happens to be one of my patients. I really hope this doesn't count of a conflict of interest but, as my brother and cousin have said before, I'll roll with it anyway.

2036~ Gardenia and I have been separated for quite a while with her moving away to start a life away from her family's rather oppressive home environment. And I'm happy for her since we had sort of been staying together more as close friends than two people close to engagement. So I fell into my work and had a chance meeting with a man named Rubin Eide. Our first two meetings were disastrous, to say the least, but oddly enough he came to me for therapy and I wasn't about to turn away someone willing to heal we started a rocky aquaintanceship. It slowly but steadily grew throught the year and a half of therapy until I could honestly say that I viewed him as another friend. Maybe not as close as say Ada or Rick but I wanted to be. Which might've mildly freaked me out until Emmet, literally, smacked the idea out of me telling me to stop allowing a dead man, ie our father, to continue to rule my way of thinking. And in a way he was correct; my father had been a raging homophobe and I had not ever spoken kindly to the idea of having a gay child in his household. So as Rubin and I got closer I started to reevaluate how I felt and was surprised by the level of attraction I felt for the other man considering I was sure he felt none whatsoever in return. I tried not to let that bother me and instead began working on how to make myself a better happier human being (since this is what I'm frequently telling my clients) and in a moment of rare rash decision adopted a young, intelligent, quite possibly the most adorable girl named Elvira. Becoming her Papa has been the single greatest shining moment in my young life and she has quickly become the brightest star in my solar system. I'm still trying to wrestle with my feelings in regard to Rubin but hopefully I don't make myself look like a fool in front of him.

To my horror, I ended up accidentally confessing my feelings for Rubin out the blue after inviting him to my home and kissing him. (Though now that I think of it, I was probably asking for it at that point). Surprisingly, he did not go running to the floo and report me to the authorities and even more so, he actually reciprocated my feelings! We've been together for a few years now and while Drew and Elvira seem to like and even encourage the arrangement, Rubin's younger twins are still rather strained. I'm not discouraged, from everything I've learned in and out of sessions I knew this would be a rather large and odd outcome for them to handle so I've decided to remain patient and open to any encounters they'd like to initiate. At least they're honest about their feelings so I'm not worried they both secretly hate me or something.

I enjoy Reading, muggle video games, listening to music, helping people, cooking

I despise water (I can't swim), almost living up to my parent's expectations, rudeness, spicy food, being tardy

I'm afraid of drowning

My strengths are I'm very perceptive and I can put people at ease

My flaws are I don't have a lot of self confidence or self esteem

I look like John Francis Daley (sent request)

My wand is a 10 1/2 inches of Oak wood with a Jobberknoll Feather core.

My pet is a I have a Northern White Faced Owl named Perri, he reminds me of an old man

My O.W.L. Scores Were:
Charms~ O
Herbology~ O
Potions~ O
Transfiguration~ EE
Alchemy~ EE
Care of Magical Creatures~ O
Cooking with Magic~ O
Cursebreaking~ EE
Divination~ EE
Mythology~ O
Muggle Mythology~ O
Wandless~ EE

My N.E.W.T. Scores Were:
Astronomy~ O
Charms~ O
Potions~ O
Transfiguration~ EE
Care of Magical Creatures~ O
Cooking with Magic~ EE
Divination~ EE
Mythology~ O
Muggle Mythology~ O
Wandless~ EE
PostPosted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 10:29 pm
Hi, my name is Malachy Braden Molloy

But I mostly go by Chy

I'm a Male

I'm 52 years old.

My birthday is March 17th 2004

I work in Beast Division: Ghoul Task Force

My dream job is Is "Sit Around and Do Nothing" a job or more a hobby?

My blood status is Halfblood

The house I was in was Slytherin

I was in the class of 2021

I'm interested in Both

I'm currently with Rick Drage

I may seem crude, rude, and a trouble making b*****d but I'm really the b*****d part is definitely right, as are the crude and rude parts but I'm sorta decent if you look deep deep deep down inside. I don't trust people easily so I come off as either cold and aloof or just a complete a*****e, which I don't really deny being. When you do manage to get inside the crusty interior that is my center I'm fiercely loyal and always willing to lend a helping hand. Even to bury a body, ******** knows I won't ask questions.

My background story is not long so don't get comfy. I grew up being raised by my old biddie of a Grandma who was a fierce old broad. Couldn't walk two feet without that cane of hers but could whip a shoe and hit me dead in the face from anywhere in the house. She told me my parents died when I was just a babe and left me with her and I never questioned it. We lived in a muggle neighborhood and she was muggle and she thought I was too until I turned eleven and a freakin' owl showed up in my cereal like the damned rat belonged there. She was surprised that I was magical even though her own daughter was (as was apparently my old man) and I was flipping s**t because all that stuff I thought I imagined was actually real. Although it did seem cooler to me that my magic shrunk Margery Orven's mouth when she was calling me "Little Orphan Annie" rather than her having an allergic reaction to pollen. Anyway, this stiff gent came by later that day to basically say "Welcome to the Wizarding World, get your s**t Together and Ship Out!" Well, he didn't actually say that, I'm pretty sure when I cursed in front of him and Gran he had a mild aneurysm. After he left my Gran decided to tell me the truth about my parents which I sorta wish she hadn't. It was better thinking of these faceless beings who were killed well before their time than one whore who got in over her head with a married man and jumped ship. My mother was a muggleborn and got her letter just the same way as I did and was sorted into Ravenclaw yadayada fast forward she was working in the ministry which is where she met my father. Who was married. Not that it stopped the pair of them from humping like bunnies but what can you do? Well, like all adultery it had to end and this just happened to end in my conception. He said get rid of it, she said "eff you", he said "it won't carry my name and I'll disown it", she said "well fine it'll have my name and I'll raise it" blahblahblah. Either way it didn't matter since a few days after I was born my mother dropped me off at her mothers and was never heard from again. My old man neither. Fast forward, I got sorted into Slytherin, dealt with any little ankle biters that thought they could push me around just because I wasn't "pure" like them. Fast foward again to my second year and I hear about this kid named Hughes, which was the same last name as the old fart who donated his genetics. So I wrote my Gran and we assumed that he might just be a cousin or second cousin or whatever but I never told him that. Not to spare his feelings but mainly because I didn't care. Those people never did nothing for me, not even a name, so why the ******** should I claim a kid I've never met as my cousin? But the kid turned out to be alright, even his younger geeky brother was alright once you got passed his general puffiness. Blahblahblah, I graduated, I got a job, I moved out of my Gran's, life was sweet. And then I get this thing in the mail that my old man kicked the bucket of natural causes leaving his estate to his wife (his young hot wife that he got after his old flabby one died), and his kids, including me surprise of all surprises. It wasn't much really. Some money to not tell the press about me and my egg cooker, and house of my choosing out of his lot. Which I found out wasn't much considering his brother's kids ended up selling a lot of s**t to pay for their own parent's mistakes. Looks like that whole side of the family was a bag of dicks. I just took the money and put it in my vault for a rainy day or some s**t like that, I wasn't turning down that much moola unless I was brain dead. And then a year after my Gran slips and falls and busts something important (interior vascular I don't know that medical ********) fact was she was there and then she wasn't. In her will she left me pretty much everything, including the house and a note that I get to know my cousins since they were innocent in the madness that was my life. I couldn't bring myself to sell her house, she raised two Molloys in that place, it held memories to the old gal, so I kept it and gutted the thing for family stuff and rent it to people. And as far as kindling some familial love with my cousins, I'll see where the chips lay.

I started seeing this guy Rick for a while, nearly a year if I'm honest about it, and was feeling pretty good about it until he plopped a douche sized rock on my nuts. Apparently he had also been seeing this other guy and said he loved us both or some s**t like that. I am so close to pulling that guys skull through his arse it's not even funny and the worse part is I can't even decide which guy I'm thinking about. I still lo-like Rick but, ******** Idunno, this is just too much.

So obviously I stuck with him even though I was still pissed at him for the whole double teaming thing, but we worked through it somehow. We even moved in together in Hogsmeade of all the places in an actual ******** cottage like out of those "Better Home and Garden" mags or something. Later on due to some unforseen actions (none that were my own thanks) his sister Clarice came to live with us. I've never invested in so much holy water in my entire life. The kids pure crazy but considering who her parents are I'm not all that surprised. Hell I'm more so that Rick and his brother made it out semi-alright. Therapy aside.

It seems like I should've invested in more holy water than I had apparently. Clarice went and flew the coop and is more than likely staying with her crazy arse parents and Rick seems to think it'd be a good idea to get her back. I'm still straddling the fence on that but if he thinks I'm just going to let him walk into that harlot's den without me beside him, he's bigger idiot than the bastards I work for.

I enjoy
-Cleaning my collection
-People watching
-Mechanical engineering

I despise
-Working overtime

I'm afraid of Losing what I think is important

My strengths are I'm pretty good at fixing things

My flaws are I don't trust easy and if I don't like you, I don't like you

I look like Noel Fisher (face claim to be sent)

My wand is a 11 inches Ipe with Diricawl Feather core

My pet is a German Shepherd named LB

My O.W.L. Scores Were:
Astronomy~ P
Charms~ EE
Herbology~ A
History of Magic~ P
Potions~ EE
Transfiguration~ EE
Cursebreaking~ O
Ghost and Ghoul Studies~ O
Music~ EE
Wizard Law~ P

My N.E.W.T. Scores Were:
Charms~ EE
Potions~ EE
Transfiguration~ EE
Arithmancy~ O
Cursebreaking~ EE
Ghost and Ghoul Studies~ O
Music~ O


Surefire Codger

13,950 Points
  • Vocalizing Hisser 25
  • Hellraiser 500
  • Friend of the Goat 100


Surefire Codger

13,950 Points
  • Vocalizing Hisser 25
  • Hellraiser 500
  • Friend of the Goat 100
PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 6:25 pm
xxxxE L V I R AxxxM A R I S O L ExxxH U G H E S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Elvira, Vera, or Vi

              AGE 29

              BIRTHDAY 16 July 2027

              BLOOD STATUS Muggleborn

              WAND 11 1/2 in. Willow wood with Wood Nymph Hair core, Bendy with a Knobby surface

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Straight

              FACECLAIM Child- teen: Jenna Ortega [x]
              Adult - Becky G [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Ravenclaw

              CLASS OF 2045

              BEST LESSONS
                  History of Magic

              WORST LESSONS

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ X
                  Charms ~ X
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  Herbology ~ X
                  History of Magic ~ X
                  Potions ~ X
                  Transfiguration ~ X
                  Elective ~ X

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ EE
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
                  Herbology ~ A
                  History of Magic ~ EE
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ O
                  Alchemy ~ EE
                  Arithmancy ~ O
                  Muggle Studies ~ O
                  Study of Ancient Runes ~ A
                  Wandless Magic ~ EE
                  Wizard Law ~ EE

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Child advocate

              DREAM JOB To find Atlantis

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ INTELLIGENT Elvira is a very bright young girl mainly due always being surrounded by some form of learning, either a library filled with books, or an aquarium filled with facts.
              ■ SELF-ASSURED She doesn't doubt her self easily and rarely ever to be honest. She's very much sure in what she knows and doesn't know and is very sure that if she's interested in knowing it then she would.
              ■ QUIZZICAL She's always curious about the world around her as well as highly skeptical of the different things surrounding her. As well as when those certain things happen to her.
              ■ RESOURCEFUL It's not to say that she can create invent something from nothing but she's rather good using stuff to suit her own wands and needs. People too but she doesn't like to do so often without their approval first.
              ■ MODEST Even though Elvira knows she is very smart rarely doubts herself and her abilities, she's still humble about it. She doesn't randomly sprout her knowledge where it isn't wanted but neither will she horde it from others.
              ■ STUBBORN Elvira doesn't exactly know the true meaning of "enough" when it comes to certain things. Mainly knowledge and trying to acquire more of it. Or staying up past her regularly scheduled bedtimes. Or having a tree fort.

                  Reading any and everything
                  Trees, they're very peaceful
                  Video games are fun..in moderation

                  Loud noises
                  Sticky hands
                  Loud sticky children
                  When my glasses break

                  Climbing trees
                  Training Eoin

                  I'm also very organized

                  Tend to sometimes nitpick
                  Sometimes can be too serious

                  Under the bed
                  Haunted porcelain dolls

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Elvira was born to two Spanish born English parents who had left their homeland before her birth to find better work. Her mother worked at a small aquarium while her father worked part time at as a librarian and custodian. She was born in a small town outside of Sussex and was the light of her parent's life the moment she came into the world. For the first few years she bounced between both parent's jobs as they could only afford daycare a few times out the week and because of her father's job quickly picked up reading and would spend hours sitting in a chair more than three times her size reading whatever her tiny arms could reach. She and her small family were happy for many years until tragedy struck them. A burglar broke into their home and in an effort to fight them off, her father and mother placed Elvira underneath their larger bed while they went to take care of the home invader. Both her parents were shot and died either in transit to the hospital or on the operating table leaving small five year old Elvira an orphan. Both parents had been only children and while one set of grandparent was alive, they were too far gone in their age to truly take care of a small child. She was placed at Wool's orphanage and took up residence for only a few months. A young man came in who she had seen walking past every so often for the past week or so asking to look at the children and surprisingly he seemed drawn to her out of all of them. Elvira hadn't known what to think of him, he looked a whole lot younger than her first daddy, but he was nice and whenever he visited after he brought her books and asked about what she was learning in school...it had been nice. Finally she asked when she could go home and she hadn't known grownups could actually cry until then. Now she's been adopted and living in a new home with a new daddy and a very odd uncle. She's made a few friends already and readily enjoys her time with her numerous aunts, uncles and cousins.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR Her first year went better than expected. There was a bit of a hiccup regarding Desi being separated from Zach but it seemed to smooth over. It was also nice to see Drew a lot more and despite misgivings, her friend seems alright.
                  SECOND YEAR This year was thankfully smooth sailing. Her only hiccup was choosing which electives to take next year.
                  THIRD YEAR Having more classes was definitely difficult in terms of homework and time management, but she genuinely enjoyed the new information and skills she was learning. Plus it just meant she could finally break out her color changing ink.
                  FOURTH YEAR This year was a storm of extra credit longer assignments in preparation for her OWL year. She was already constructing a study schedule and gathering recipes for bribing treats for her brood friend group.
                  FIFTH YEAR Was basically a haze of studying for her OWL's and really not much else. She still went with making a tentative study schedule and for the most part she stuck to it and even managed to get a friend or two to keep with it as well. She just couldn't understand why she felt like she was forgetting something...?
                  SIXTH YEAR NEWT classes were just as difficult as she'd heard so she spent the better part of the year with her nose in the books when not cheering on her friends in Quidditch and participating in theater club.
                  SEVENTH YEAR Studying for NEWT's took a larger portion of her time than she realized. She barely had time to enjoy theater club or watch her friend's games while making herself a permanent hidey-hole in the library. Sometimes her friends managed to pull her away but the one who managed long enough was Detch with his elaborate plan to ask her out. Which she of course accepted.

              POST GRADUATION Once Vira got her grades in, she immediately went to the ministry to apply as a child advocate having decided upon this career path her sixth year. She remembered her own before ultimately being placed at Wool's and the woman had been her only pillar of strength through the funerals and the awkward packing and moving. She wanted to be the same for any child who needed that. Vira was still indecisive about whether or not to move out but thought to wait a few until she did.

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              FAMILY Niall Hughes ~Adoptive father, Javier Del Bosque ~Deceased father, Anina Del Bosque ~Deceased mother, Emmett Hughes ~Uncle, Malachy Hughes ~Second cousin
              FRIENDS Drew Eide, Gideon Edgeworth, Desiree and Zachary Whitethorne, Detch Horne, Laili Abrams, Daniel Shepphard, Leah League
              BEST FRIEND Desiree Whitethorne
              ROMANTIC INTEREST Detch Horne
              ENEMIES Works Cited page
              PETS Eoin a French Bulldog
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