Hey there! I'm Zach. I'll just go ahead and give you some facts about me.

I'm 19 years old.

Live in California.

I write song lyrics and have written about 43 or 44 of them.

I like to play video games, mostly rpg's.

I have two great passions in life, wrestling and music.

My dream is to become a professional wrestler.

My favorite books are the Alice in Wonderland books.

I like anime, my favorite is Pandora Hearts.

What I'm looking for in a girl: 18-20 years old. Loves music. Lives relatively close. Likes video games. Is willing to support me in the pursuit of my dream.

*Note: I'm not that great a looker, but if you want to see what I looked like at my senior prom from two years ago, I have a picture on my profile.

If you want to talk, post here or pm me.