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Terentia & Ouriel Plot Pages: Open for RP!

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Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2015 11:06 am

This is a specific plot page for two of my newer soquili. They're both looking for more extensive stories than some of the others in my lot, so I'm hoping these plot thead will be solely or the pair of them. Both of them have big dreams and aspirations, and both are going to need a lot of RP.

Interested? Keep on reading!

PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2015 11:07 am
User ImageName: Terentia
Gender: Female
Breed: 3rd Gen
Temper: Inspired
Mate: None
Breeding Slots Left: 3 to 4 (if I get her maxed which I intend to)
Children: by Wisp -- ex-Lifemate
1. Essence
2. Constantine
3. Samandriel

Personality: Terentia is a strong mare . . . and maybe that's her downfall. She is so focused on doing good in the world, on being a great warrior and an even better defender of others, that she forgets there is more to life than her work. It is her need to guard and protect that wound up driving away her last mate -- she was too busy, she wasn't home enough, she lost what she had thought was her great love, all in the name of doing good work.

Ah, but her good work is not for the weak of spirit or faint of heart. She is not afraid of getting her hooves dirty, and will fight kalona or skinwalker with equal passion. She is 0-tolerance to anyone with an evil or wicked nature, and sometimes her youth makes her quick to judge. She does not care for kalona and is doubly wary about those that sport pelts of any kind. Terentia is still learning that life is not black and white, but it will take time for her to grow out of such a belief.

To avoid dealing with the pain of losing her old mate, of having little to no relationship with her family or children, Terentia has thrown herself into her work with renewed vigor. . . even though she knows it was her drive to do good that made her lose everything. At least it keeps her busy. At least she can be someone's hero, even for just a little while.

Romance: Terentia is not actively looking for a new partner. After letting down her ex-mate, Wisp, and her three children from him, she doesn't feel it's right to settle down. Her goal is in doing good, in being a holy warrior, and ridding the Kawani of all those who might do it harm. It's a big order to fill, and she couldn't possibly ask anyone to wait for her, or follow her on such a path. After her relationship with Wisp fell apart, largely due to her constant absence, she has given up on the thought of love all together. It wouldn't be fair to break another's stallions heart.

She never meant to hurt Wisp, or her children, but . . . she found out too late that her work, doing good deeds, and being a great knight of good, didn't allow her to truly settle. She's a mare constantly on a move . . .and a mare like that couldn't possibly take on a mate.

But just because Terentia doesn't believe in love, doesn't mean that I don't want her to find a great romance. See her plots below!


Shy Mage


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2015 11:07 am
I'm looking for some long-term plots for Terentia, and that means finding some focused role-play. I'm happy to have her join up in any plots you might suggest, but ultimately there are some things I'm hoping for her to accomplish.

Black & White: Right now, Terentia sees the world in black and white. You are good, or you are evil, and that is that. She is very unforgiving towards those that lose her trust, or those that might do evil, or bad things. While she understands that others might change, at this stage she would never trust them fully, especially if they looked the part.

Surely, all kalona are evil, marauders. Skinwalkers need to be put down. And anything that even looks remotely dark or twisted should probably be approached with extreme prejudice.

While she knows that isn't always true, she is young and still tends to be a bit black and white. Everyone has choices, after all, and those that make wrong ones need to be put to justice.

Ultimately, I'm looking for her to find various sorts -- some that adhere to her ideas, and perhaps other interactions that are a bit complicated i.e. a kind kalona, a vicious unicorn, etc.

A Complicated Affair OR a Knight In Shining Armor This one is a bit of a romance plot. Terentia is the sort who is active. She isn't looking for romance, but it still might find her way. This plot could also tie in with the above Black & White RP -- I'd like for her to stat having feelings for someone who is either darker in nature, or at least darker in looks. Obviously not someone genuinely evil, but one that either looks the part but is good, or at least lives in an area of grey. This stallion would have to be on the lighter side of grey, since she wouldn't abide someone who did genuinely cruel and twisted things for pleasure, but . . .sometimes bad things happen, and soquili really can change.

I'd also be open to having her meet another holy warrior, or a healer sort, or a knight. Someone who just exudes good, and epicness, and would be a partner to help support her in her quest. :3 Someone who could go with her, so she wouldn't unknowingly abandon them.

The Great Arch-Nemesis This one is pretty straight forward. I'd like to find her someone that she bumps into a few times. Someone who is dark, vicious. . . or someone who is manipulative, cruel. Someone who is all the above? Either way, this someone and Terentia would not get along. I don't have any plan on how, or why, they might be one another's enemies. . . . but I'm definitely open to finding some dark characters that might haunt Terentia for years to come.

Savior This one is also fairly straight forward. Need some hired muscle? Need help in just about anything? Terentia is there to serve, and she is happy to help those in need. From daring rescues, to simply checking in on another, Terentia is here to offer hoof and wing to be of aid. She wants to save the world, so getting to play the hero appeals most to her, but she's also open to smaller deeds, too.

If you want to make things dramatic, I'm also open to letting Terentia try to play hero and fail. << Just let me know!

Mentor If anybody has a hopeful do-gooder out there, Terentia is happy to take them under her wing and teach them how to become an epic holy warrior.

Family RP: Terentia comes from a long line. . . and even one had a mate and children. If any owners of her immediate or extended family would like to develop their relationship with her, I'm more than game.
PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2015 11:08 am
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Name: Ouriel
Gender: Male
Breed: Mock Child
Temper: Forbidding

Personality: Ouriel is a very ambitious, very clever, and very cunning individual. He is extremely protective and possessive of his family and friends, and will not hesitate to do whatever he must to keep them safe. Ouriel seems to have inherited his father's intelligence, but along with that came his fierce and sometimes darker nature. There is a darkness within his heart, one that keeps him from becoming a great knight of legends, that stops him from being truly pure . . or truly good. From his mother he inherited an unabashed love and affection for those under his care, but also from her, a sort of twistedness.

Ouriel truly believes that those he comes to love need him, and why shouldn't they? He will be great, one day, and he will protect them, care for them, own them. They will be his, and he will ensure their happiness. In a way, Ouriel thinks so highly of himself that he genuinely believes that he knows best. He will do what he must to ensure that those in his care come to depend on him, to rely on him, to need him like they need no other. . .

Honestly, Ouriel wants to make a haven, a herd, for those who are damned, cursed, and broken. After growing up in the family he has, Ouriel believes he understands the pain, the torture, the darkness that other Fallen (as he calls them) possess. He knows they need a safe haven, where they can be themselves, where their needs can be met without judgment. Ouriel wants to make that haven, to possess those under his care, and to ensure them all the happiness he can grant them.

That is his mission, and he is certain he will succeed.

On a personal level, Ouriel himself can be incredibly loving, affectionate, and gentle with those he cares about. He can also be incredibly aloof, suspicious, and dismissive of those he writes off. If his loved ones are ever hurt, or scared, he will become a nightmare, a monster, and seek out their enemies as his own.



Shy Mage


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2015 11:08 am

Please note I'll likely start with foal plots, and then move on to adult plots . . .but feel free to offer for either!

One Herd to Rule Them All: Ultimately, if I can find enough interest, I would like to have Ouriel begin to make a herd. Right now it has no name, and not much detail, but the idea behind it would be sort of a . . . twisted sanctuary for the damned. His name means "Commander of Demons" and he'd like to live up to that namesake. Ouriel comes from a somewhat dark and fallen family, and he has a knight/hero complex. He himself is also twisted. Mix that all together and you get a Herd Alpha -- yes, he will take that name, thank you -- that wants to care for those that are like his brother, or other family members.

Soquili that are broken, different, damned by the world, imperfect . . . those are the ones he wants to care for, and in that caring, possess. Ouriel will see all of his herd members as family, but most of all, as his. Now, this doesn't have anything to do with possessing them as like a mate, or something along those lines, but more like . . . he truly believes they need him, that he can care for them, protect them, and keep those who might do them harm far away. They are all his, whether or not they believe it.

This would be a darker herd -- he'll take crazies, he'll take evil sorts, he'll take those afraid or those who live in hiding. As a fallen himself, he feels as if he understands them better than any other out there. On the one hand, his intentions are pure -- he is a knight at heart, he will save them, he will protect them - but . . . he is still kind of crazy in his own right.

. . . anyway. As this herd concept isn't up officially, right now, if you're interested , just ping me here. :3 Ouriel would love to start making a collection, even if it never becomes an official herd. Hit me up if you're interested or want to talk!

Family RP Would love any RP with his family -- immediate or distant. He comes from a very extensive line, so I'd love him to get to know others, and have some solid connections. This can be either as a foal or an adult.

Calling All Fallen: This goes a little bit hand-in-hand with his future herd concept, but as a foal (and an adult), he'd love to run into other broken individuals. They can be dark, twisted, broken, young, old. I'm up for positive encounters, and bad ones. . . He'd love to meet others out there who just aren't entirely right, to either possess or fight. Friends or enemies would be great!

Let Me Help: Ouriel truly does mean well, and he doesn't take to bullying of any kind. Be it bullying of his family, or bullying of strangers -- especially those that are different. I'd love for him to come to their defense, to learn that he can protect others, that he does have something to offer them. He might try to possess them, though, if he thinks they could be in dire need of him. He could also try to convince them that they need him . . . long after his help is no longer needed. :3 Sorry, he's crazy, delusional, and very convinced of his awesome.

Commander of Demons: This is what Ouriel's name means. As such, he knows he is only one stallion . . . and if he wants to make a sanctuary for other dark heats out there, he knows he's going to need some muscle to help, some demons of the night. For as awesome as he believes he is, he hopes this herd becomes larger than just a few here and there. As such, he needs to make a few trusted possessions that will work with him, believe in his cause, believe in him, and join up to help to keep those that might try to harm those in most need. He's looking for friends, good friends, trusted friends to help be hired muscle, as well as help in keeping things together. He wants some demons he can command to take out risks or threats, and make sure their sanctuary stays safe.

Possessions: Yeah. . . Ouriel wants some fallen to possess. He wants to meet others that need what he can offer, that need his sanctuary, and that he can call his own. This can happen when he's a foal or adult. Either way, he would like to begin meeting, and gathering a small collection :3 Just because he dubs someone as his does not mean that they have to join his future herd. He just sees something in them that he wants to own.

Enemies: I'd like for him to make some enemies -- be it dark sorts that wind up trying to harm him or his possessions, or good sorts that just want Ouriel snuffed out. Ouriel is a dark creature, and as he grows, he will be a bit Machiavellian in his nature. . . He will do what he has to do, no matter what. He is dark, and those that are too good might find him a threat. He also might just cross the wrong evil or darker sorts that just want him dead purely for the fun of it. Either way, give me some enemies . . . :3 Who knows? Maybe they'll one day win.

Anything Goes! I'm also open to any other sort of development so . . . let me know! If you think Ouriel will make for an interesting plot partner, or you just want to write with him, let me know.
PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 8:29 am
Ok! I think this is open! Let me have your plots. . . <3 Would love to get their stories going.  


Shy Mage


Swashbuckling Fairy

PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 10:47 am
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I think that for when Ouriel is older, I have someone that he can rescue and then have as part of his herd. Afanasy is being forced to be a bully by Tritone. I am thinking that it would be interesting for Ouriel to see Afanasy bully someone only to discover that Afanasy is being manipulated and used as well. Then maybe Ouriel can rescue him and Afanasy will try to be on his own only to realize he doesn’t really know how and come back to the one that saved him for guidance and joining the herd.  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:00 pm

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Hello there Uta!
I couldn't help but think that Lafiel could be good in a plot for Terentia. He is very special to me so extended plots and stories are always welcomed!

Lafiel is the angeni of optimism, though he was not born with a domain. He was only given the domain after being the subject of cruel experiments by over zealous humans. It was only after this experience that he was able to find optimism and have it become his domain. He is most definitely a good guy, but his looks may give her pause so her black and white views may be even further challenged in that.

I would be open for romance if we see them going that way in plots/rp. Maybe for now we could start with the black and white and see how things go from there? I love coming up with multiple stories and plots so even if they never get past friendship, I will gladly craft plots toward that end. ^^ Lemme know what you think!  

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