
The names Jeff! I've been waiting a couple years since my.most current relationship to, look for someone new... I joined the guild hoping it may help me in my search! As to anyone who may be reading this... A few things about myself first!

I'm 25 years old, male, divorced... If I was to describe myself, I would say that I'm taller then the average guy, about 6'7". Very attractive, with a sporty build... I'm usually pretty outgoing, I like to be spontaneous and fun while also being understanding and logical. I've been told I make the party, i usually come up with something to do or say when theres not much left to do. I've got brown eyes, dirty blonde hair... Lots of tattoos.

What I like:
In between being peaceful and doing something creative like drawing/ sketching, writing poetry/ songs... I also like to turn things up a bit and go out and have a blast whether I'm at the club or at a concert, I'm sure to have fun! I love going out on dates, or just simply spending time with the one I'm with! I'm a cheap date, meaning it doesn't take much to impress me as long as you were thinking of me. I like to go to the beach, and enjoy the rays! I also like anime/manga, I've been on a huge Sword Art Online kick as of late... I admire the love that Kirito and Asuna share...

Link to Kirito and Asunas first kiss... (Via. YouTube):
Kirito and Asunas first kiss (SAO)

Yeah, I know lame... But I love it! heart

So I'm looking for someone, particularly like me in a way... Well, youbkniw what I mean... ahah! I'm terrible at this... My love interest really doesn't have any standards, I like a woman who is independent, beautiful, sticks up for herself, will put me in my place if I step out of bounds, creative, funny, possibly a lil goofy, as in silly... Particularly if you have tattoos I'm already crushing...(Hard) But smart and interesting to talk to all the meanwhile!

I hope to get some replies, check my profile if you like I have a picture if me in there... And if your interested reply please... Or pm me?

Well, I pretty much suck at this lol... Oh one more thing! This is my first attempt at online dating soo... I look forward to it!

Thanks everybody later...!