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Fashionable Genius

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 10:41 pm
A Search For Surrogates

And so the knight fell in love with the dragon. An unexpected fairy tale ending. Some may never understand it, but love does grow in strange places sometimes.
The two may be like oil and water: a supremacist half-kalona and a kind half-imp, but they manage to balance each other out despite the odds.
However, something tugs at this happy ending: the two cannot have children.

This is not to say all hope is lost, of course. There is after all the fabled wishing star, but they have no way of tracking its appearances, nor any way to know they will have its favor. It is no guarantee.
However, finding allies and friends who may assist them with a dream to be fathers... That may be just as possible, if not more so.

But who will help them on this mighty quest?
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 10:42 pm

I have a couple who are lovemates, unable to have kids together because for one, one is a mini and one is full-sized, and two, both are cis males. So they are unable to procreate the old-fashioned way.

Both are rather stubborn, though, and are united in the cause to have a shot and having foals of their very own. Both will be looking for a surrogate to enter breedings with, with their own IC agendas.

There is some red tape OOCly, too.
. First and foremost, surrogacies will count as flings, in a sense; I don't really intend for more than one round of children per lovemate. Your mare will not be tied down to more than one breeding from the get-go. However, if we discover that the horses really gel and it would be super fun and great to make the mare the continual surrogate for one boy or the other, I am open to that too!
. I would prefer these guys get to try with mares who aren't waiting on other planned breedings, and I will not set the guys up with anyone who has multiple breedings lined up already. Breedings can take years and I would like to get them foals sooner than later.
. So far I only have one LM pair I routinely enter in breedings; my secondary tends to rotate. If possible, I would like to try for one of the guys' pairs whenever it is appropriate. If they would only ever be able to be entered in five pair breedings, then I will be wary of making the match.
. I don't get to RP much these days so setting up the surrogacy would mostly be backplotting. I would LOVE to try to RP sometime but I have other obligations that keep me from responding to Soq RPs. Usually I only get to respond once every few months. However, if nothing else I will absolutely want foal RP if I am able.
. Any involved mare will be allowed to be in the foals' lives, but she will not automatically be a primary caretaker. The assumption is that the foals are for Nico and Sardonyx to raise. If I'm MIA, please don't assume the stallions just disappeared and the mare owner's foal was raised by her instead; ICly the boys will raise the kids as well as they can whether or not I can RP it in real time
. I have a tendency to disappear from Soq a lot. Long-term plots with me require patience, or at least Skype or poking me over PM every once in a while. I always respond to PMs and Skype messages, but I have a lot on my plate with another B/C + life. If you want someone who will constantly get back to you on plots for months on end with no breaks, I cannot be that person. Heck, I can't promise being in contact more than every few months if left to my own devices. Please be aware of that before responding to this thread. These sorts of issues have hurt plots with others in the past from lack of communication on both sides and the other side expecting more of me than I could give, and I would like to avoid accidentally hurting anyone else if possible, even if it's only over what's technically a fling.
. In the end, foals owned by others from these affairs are in charge of how they grow up. I will not require them to have Nicodemus's OR Sardonyx's views on life. I am happy to see how they grow on their own, and if they're not a jackass supremacist like Sardonyx would want them to be, I'm not going to be upset at all, believe me.
. If things work out exceptionally well between the horses involved in surrogacy + the other lovemate, I would be open to a poly relationship.
. Uhhhh if I have more, I'll add it later.  


Fashionable Genius

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Fashionable Genius

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 10:43 pm

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Personality: Sardonyx is everything you'd expect of a stereotypical kalona: mean, entitled, carnivorous, and believes that kalona traits are highly valued. Pure lineage means everything, and anyone who lacks kalona heritage is second-class.
Then, ironically, he is only half a kalona to begin with. He doesn't even have wings. Spirits help you if you mention it, though.

Underneath his prejudiced exterior, Sardonyx is very angry about his lot in life. He's not as pure as he should be, and he has to carry that burden. Of course, it doesn't even matter to most in the Kawani lands, but he doesn't seem to get that. All that anger makes him snappy, cold, and distrusting.

So, with all these negative traits, it's hard for most to like his company. They would have to have thick skin, be like him, or outright ignore most of his irksome personality. However, anyone who tolerates him long enough will see that he's not completely rotten to the core. He can be charitable, complimentary, loyal, and protective.
It just takes a lot to get there, and these positive aspects do not override his usual attitude for long. At best, it mixes in. At worst, it only pops up for a fleeting moment.

He's a difficult, difficult stallion, and I expect it'll be tough to find a surrogate for him.

Surrogate context: Sardonyx will have to have met this mare, and found her worth his time. She has to be a kalona, and she would have to be able to tolerate him to some degree. She can argue with him, sass him, whatever she needs if she doesn't agree with his views, but he will not want her to share them with the children if that's the case.
Above all, she has to be enough of a kalona to have wings. If she has wings and very few features that betray being half (like lacking sharp teeth or cloven hooves but has everything else for instance) he'll let it slide that she's not purer than he is. Kalona-'suti crosses can also slide as long as they don't have 'suti mouths. He has to be some degree of flexible considering he's not 100% pure himself.

OOC context: Besides being pretty darn kalona, I would like the mare to be natural colors, if possible. If not that, complementary. No greens or purples or rainbows, basically. I don't know how I feel about blues at this point, but definitely nothing primarily blue. Browns, grays, blacks, some yellows would be preferred. Anything else I'm not picky about, really.
No pawed offers, please.

Breeding slots:
1. Open
2. [Locked]
3. [Locked]
4. [Locked]
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 10:45 pm

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Personality: Nicodemus grew up in a large herd full of imps and half-imps, with many cousins. From a young age he's been responsible and wanting to keep others safe and happy. It's gotten to a point where is life is all about helping others. He wants to assist anyone he meets, and will defend the defenseless from harm.

Sometimes he gets worried and afraid; who can blame him? He's an usdia, and most threats are huge in comparison to him. Often he will use archaic language in a war cry to steel his nerves, then off to battle! Chaaaarge!

When not putting his life on the line, he is happy to escort others from place to place if they need, or just keep company if they like. In short, he's a good kid who just wants to make friendly acquaintances and make people's lives better.

He'll even overlook some pretty bad stuff in some just to get along, as long as they're not hurting anyone. He would be happy to help curb that violence, though. By force, if necessary. He just wants to help.

Surrogate context: Nico isn't particular about looks or breed traits; he'd just like someone who would be willing to assist his problem with a smile, and is fun to chat with in the meantime. Likely someone he met on the road who left a solid impression on him, but also someone he figures can tolerate the idea of Sardonyx...and some of his presence. Nico downplays it a little, forgive him.
As far as he's concerned, an agreeable sort is all that's necessary. .....Who hopefully will see as much good in Sardonyx as he does.

OOC context: All I'm looking for are colors that complement Nico's own. Blues would work wonderfully. I don't want anything rainbow, however. Usdia breed can be whatever, or a mix of whatever.

Breeding slots:
1. Open
2. [Locked]
3. [Locked]
4. [Locked]


Fashionable Genius

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Fashionable Genius

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 10:51 pm
PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 12:50 am
I guess this is good to go :0  


Fashionable Genius

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Wasteland Wyvern

Dangerous Demigod

PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 10:18 am

-Tosses things at you- XD For Nico!

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Lissianna is.... Strange. One moment as calm as a placid sea, the next a raging sea tornado of energy. She has a bit of a sharp tongue and isn't afraid to put someone in their place if she feels they've disrespected her.
She does have a kind sweet side and despite not loving the idea of kids of her own would likely help if asked.
Though she'd also not be a huge part of their lives... She is a pirate queen after all and does have that next big shipwreck to plunder. XD


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Berry is as sweet as sweet can be. She is a surrogate aunt to three lovely children and would be happy to help a couple unable to have kids to have some of their own, so long as the couple doesn't mind her popping by on occasion to see them.
She'd probably play the aunt and let the kids think they are true kids of the couple she surrogates for.

She'll still kinda a blank slate but its a work in progress. XD

If either interest you let me know. Lissi needs a fling to even up her breedings with her future lifemate and is available immediately, and Berry though a blank slate is also available immediately.
PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 10:14 pm
Aww man, Berry sounds cute as heck and is super pretty, but
Pirate queen?
Pirate queen

I LOVE THE IDEA OF A KNIGHT AND A "DRAGON" AND A PIRATE QUEEN. IT'S ALMOST DRAGON AGE IT'S GREAT. That would be so fun and could lead to such interesting kids! :0 Aaaaa

Wasteland Wyvern
I responded to something within 24hrs for once it's like a holiday miracle :'D


Fashionable Genius

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Wasteland Wyvern

Dangerous Demigod

PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 10:56 pm
Aww man, Berry sounds cute as heck and is super pretty, but
Pirate queen?
Pirate queen

I LOVE THE IDEA OF A KNIGHT AND A "DRAGON" AND A PIRATE QUEEN. IT'S ALMOST DRAGON AGE IT'S GREAT. That would be so fun and could lead to such interesting kids! :0 Aaaaa

Wasteland Wyvern
I responded to something within 24hrs for once it's like a holiday miracle :'D

-Whistles innocently- I was totally not borrowing from Isabella when I wrote her personality. Nope, not at all. XD

Since you like her that much I'd say we might have ourselves a pairing.

Cause I can just imagine her arguing back and forth with Sardonyx and then all the glares and finally she just busts out laughing and says she likes his attitude, then agrees to be a surrogate for the two. ^_~

((-Gasps- It is an x-mas miracle! All the immediate contact. XD -Hugs the Gl!tch-))
PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 8:54 pm
A good character to borrow from >o> Coincidentally, on my first full playthrough I played a gay M!Hawke and just had to go "Hahaha here's the thing....." when she tried to flirt :y

Aww yiss, I am super down! And I am glad she would deal with Sardonyx's nonsense but not, y'know, lightly. :y

Wasteland Wyvern


Fashionable Genius

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Wasteland Wyvern

Dangerous Demigod

PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 9:14 pm

Yeah I bet she wasn't too happy about that.... Flirty Isa is flirty.
I wish they made Sebastian fully romance-able... -Sighs-

Sweet! Do you want to post the breeding permission or should I?
She loves people with loud mouths. Gives her a chance to scream right back. XD
I am glad that Lissi is getting a chance to be a part of this awesome family.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 7:14 pm
Wasteland Wyvern

I should probably do the post since I can access the link to the original lovemate post easier :0a
Thanks for volunteering :3
This week is hectic but I'll try to get things rolling by the weekend >A>; Aaaa  


Fashionable Genius

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Wasteland Wyvern

Dangerous Demigod

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 7:34 pm
I should probably do the post since I can access the link to the original lovemate post easier :0a
Thanks for volunteering :3
This week is hectic but I'll try to get things rolling by the weekend >A>; Aaaa

No worries Gl!tch hun. Take your time.

Just pop me a quote notice to agree to the... Agreement. XD
Then I will add them as my 2nd pair for unedited breedings. That way they can enter frequently and rack up the LL points. ^_~
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