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[I/T] Kaaoksen Hirviöitä

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Shy Prophet

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 6:08 pm
According to Google Translate the name roughly means "Chaos Monsters". Outsides know them as the Kaaoksen or more popularly as Monsters. They refer to themselves as both Monsters and Ghasia, which means uproar in Swahili. The "pride" if you want to really call them that is open to all species and coloration.

Pack/Pride Name: Kaaoksen Hirviöitä
Current IC Owner(s): Zephyra (CaliWolfe)
Current OOC Owner(s): CaliWolfe
Default ranks: Kaless (All Stages)
Current Pride/Pack Members, and Rankings of Each:
    Amuru Hadithi | Zephyra - ( CaliWolfe )
    Ghadhabu | Mot - ( CaliWolfe )
    Ghadhabu | Neha - ( CaliWolfe )
    Ghadhabu | Romano - ( CaliWolfe )
    Ghadhabu |Kaveh - ( Leasano )
    Ghadhabu | Faustus - ( Patji )

    Kukoa | Vellamo - ( CaliWolfe )
    Kukoa | Faolán - ( CaliWolfe )
    Kukoa | Deimos - ( CaliWolfe )
    Kukoa | Maji Kifo ( R4gn0r0k IV )
    Kukoa |Nyx - ( Leasano )
    Kukoa |Justus - ( Cajanic )
    Kukoa |Pello - ( Lady Kitania )

Links to at least five current RPs: (These RPs must have been done in the last month. At least one must have included the current ruler.)
Brief Description of your Pride/Pack: Firmly believing they are creatures that come right of storybooks and fairy tales the animals of Kaaoksen Hirviöitä refer to themselves as Monsters. Most even look the part, with big bulky frames and wild unkempt fur… The Kaaoksen are long lasting pride from years and years ago but in recent years they’ve dwindled down to startling low numbers. Despite half the group believing their leader-god Hanma fills them with hate towards outsiders they’ve opened their doors and are encouraging rogues to join them and boost their numbers back up to what they once used to be.
Familiar Rules: All familiars accepted.
Cert Background Large Image: User Image
Pride Symbol for Cert: User Image
Any Extra Information: n/a
Pride/Pack History: Once a long, long time ago existed two brother-gods continuously tied in endless combat. The first born of the two was named Kila. This brother looked upon the world and saw it's potential, he wished to fill it with life. The second brother was named Hanma, who looked upon the world with disappointment. He wanted turn the world to ash and start anew, form it from it's very beginning until it was something worthy of being proud of. The two brothers quarreled, neither willing to back down from what they wanted. Kila would create new animals to fill to the world and live in, Hanma would come along and destroy them. Angry with his brother for not seeing the world was worth saving, Kila cast a curse on Hanma that made him fall madly in love with one of his creations- a mortal.

With Hanma distracted by his new found love Kila was allowed a chance to fully create the world he envisioned. When finished with his work he named the mortals- the first beings, his children. Perfect beings who would maintain peace on the planet, only taking as much as they needed to survive and continue to flourish. For a time this peace did last. The mortals thrived and loved as they existed, bringing new life into the lands as they did. Kila was quite proud of these creations, but then he discovered a problem arose. Mortals were capable of dying.

When the time came that Hanma's lover did perish the angry God felt a stab of betrayal. How dare Kila create something capable of expiring! Something that could think, and breath and love only to turn around and die the following day! In fury over his brother's error Hanma cast his anger upon the land to create his own living beings. Only these creatures that Hanma created- they were imbued with his rage. They might have looked similar, acting like and even died just as Kila's mortals did, but make no mistake, they were far from such. These beings felt no guilt at what they did. They'd steal, they'd lie, they'd cheat their way to victory. They'd kill without a second thought. Worst of all Hanma relished in it. He felt glee as they took Kila's creations away from him, and in a twisted way of his own parental love Hanma dubbed his creations his own children, his Monsters.

In desperation to save the world before Hanma's creations could annihilate it Kila announced war on his brother. This war spanned many generations, death and decay becoming commonplace as it waned. Kila's mortals grew tired of fighting an enemy twice as power as they were, and devised a plan to eliminate Hanma once and for all! Cornering the monster at one of his very touches to Kila's landscape, a volcano- they worked hard to shove him in. Expected to be received with praise for destroying the destroyer the mortals were shocked to learn that Kila was upset with their actions.

Heartbroken over the loss of his brother Kila disowned the mortals as his children, his "perfect beings" and he took flight, heading to the sky never to return. The monsters, without their god to lead them ceased fighting almost instantly. The mortals, hurt from the words of their father left the battlefield to return to their homes in silence.

A new era had risen, the beginning of a Godless world...
Recent History:
Presently many generations have past since the beginning tale was told. The monsters have developed into a strong nation albeit one that's on the smaller side at the moment. Many clans have formed and fallen as time has come to pass, but four clans in particular, Hadithi, Ghadhabu, Kukoa and Mwenzi still are active and strong. Two clans, Ishara and Tafauti have fallen off the grid, many have speculated they've relocated their main base to a new area, but why do such without informing the rest of the pride? Either way, these classes have all but seemingly disappeared for the time being, with all their members having been absorbed into the Ghadhabu and Kukoa ranks or simply vanishing along with those clans.

Towards mortals monsters have almost instinctively held some degree of hatred towards them, in part due to competing with them for resources and in part simply because of their founding story. But in recent years the newest Amuru Hadithi Zephyra has decided it is time to give mortals a chance. Opening the gates of the pride so to speak, she's allowed mortal rogues to enter the valley in hopes that they'll eventually turn into a monster by spending enough time around them.
PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 6:09 pm
General Info

Name + Appearance Explanation

The pride earns it's name from the rough, mangled sort of appearance that pride members boast. Though some might term them "ugly" the monsters prefer to think of themselves as powerful. Nobody is sure how it started, perhaps it was something in the water, the food, or if your a creative individual perhaps it was a generation of partly-evolved animals that continued to spread their genes as they reproduced. Regardless, at some point in the pride's history all creatures within the group began being born larger, bulkier, growing to have additional, sharper teeth in their mouths compared to a typical amount. Their fur started becoming more wild no matter how many times it was groomed, and was rough, lacking a smooth texture or silky sheen. The pride even began to be born with darker coats more suited for stealth and surprise attacks when they needed it, and perhaps most ferocious of all they possessed deadly claws capable of ripping effortlessly through a lion's skin, so they say.

The pride now recognizes it's members based on the appearance traits listed above. That and the average member is roughly the size of a Barbary lion. Anyone with "Monster Blood" will share a similar look with their fellow monsters, with "half-bloods" being easy to spot from the rogue-blood influence making them smaller and less beastly looking. Certain clans are more "mortal-looking" then others. For example the Kukoa has a reputation for luring mortals close to them for the sake of robbing them blind. Nothing says the thief can't enjoy themselves a little bit before fleeing from their victim. As a result the Kukoa have higher rates of "mortal-blood" among them, and tend to be smaller, and more agile then a bulky "pure-bred" monster like a Ghadhabu.

Bringing cubs into the world is thought of as private business. Along with that mindset raising cubs is a job solely for the parents of the cubs who brought them to life. Outside of direct relatives no other monsters are expected to aid in raising the cubs, though they can if they wish. That said, the clan as a whole will go out of their way to protect a cub if they feel its life is being put at risk.

Breeding with Rogues is fine. Monsters born from a rogue breeding will take their monster-parent's class. As a whole the pride could care less about whether somebody is "half-blooded" or not but certain families might frown upon them from a distance.

Breeding with other classes is also fine. Babies can be divided up to go into whichever class of their parents they choose.

Mortal Servants are NOT permitted to breed with other mortals while serving the monsters. They CAN however breed with a monster to produce halfling children.

On coloring, your aunt could be obnoxiously bright and eye-killing and we'd still let her in. Some Monster families individually might strive for certain colors but as whole Ghasia doesn't give a crap what your pelt looks like color-wise.

On species, Ghasia chooses to believe that a cheetah could be adopted by a wild dog and brought up to believe they are actually a lion, and that this is fine. To them all monsters are decadents of their creator god Hanma and that monsters were modeled to look similar to the mortals they were bred to annihilate. They have no set 'form' in a sense. Granted, they understand that a Leopard and a Hyena couple would be incapable of reproducing, they were not modeled the same way, which is why it's impossible. However some families will raise their 'children' to believe they are all the same species even if said family consists of is a fox, a chicken and snake. Anyone who says otherwise is inclined to get their butts whooped.

This mindset really is only possible because the monsters have no true restrictions on where monsters have to live.

Territory: Certain areas are known to house more members of a particular clan then others but overall a monster can live wherever they choose. Up a snowy mountain, in a lagoon, heck, even near a human encampment! Anywhere at all!

The pride has three distinct "territories" all situated roughly in the same valley where the bigger clans spend their lives together, though again, nobody is required in live in these areas.

Mraba: A small collection of abandon human-houses. This market serves as the great trading area for the monsters as it is situated near the center of all clan territories. With the southernmost point of this market facing the roguelands Mortal traders also wander here to sell their goods, and are generally welcomed as Mraba is known as being the "Kaless area" where those of the Kaless class find they can make their homes in peace.

Volcano: The monsters adore their fiery mountain- believing it to house the corpse of their great god Hanma. Well lava that spills from the top of this mountain never quite reaches the ground living near it is considered dangerous. Yet at the foot of this structure, most Ghadhabu monsters reside, and refuse to leave stubbornly. Some claim the lava eruptions is Hanma trying to rise from his grave. Located slightly higher up on the side of the Volcano then the Ghadhabu the Hadithi Class reigns; overlooking all of the lower classes below them.

Beach: Any place in the valley near the sea is regarded as a Kukoa den. This isn't necessarily true, but caves, although dark and cold, are where they stay in huddled masses to keep warm during the night. Kukoa also have a famous waterfall where all Kukoa go to get their fur combed out and sweet-smelling scents applied. This waterfall is located roughly a mile or two away from the Ghadhabu border.

Sky Mountain: This mountainside overlooks most of the Monster known territories, and is the house of the Hadithi and Dragon classes.

The Monster Code:
The monsters don't exactly have laws or rules, but a code by which they live. Most of the rules of their "Code" are general common sense to a Monster.

Abuse of Servants will result in the servant being relocated to a new owner to continue serving out the remainder of their debt.

Cubnapping Some monsters who want families but don't have any cubs are inclined to just.. take some. It isn't unheard of for Jimmy down the street to have been born to a mortal mother but "rescued" by a monster and raised as one of their own. (please make sure you have permission from pride owners and cub owners if you plan from having your monster steal from another pride.) However cubsnatching from a fellow monster is risky business. Monsters who share the same Class tend to take cubnapping very personally, even if they aren't related whatsoever. Monsters will waste no time in hunting down someone they believed to have stolen their cub, even going so far as to kill them for their crime. In short, stealing from a rogue or other pride outside of the Kaaoksen = okay. Stealing from another monster = not okay.

Stealing is a pretty common thing in the Monster lifestyle. The Kukoa are infamous for it. This said, like cubnapping, stealing from ones own class is rather discouraged. Certain classes like the Ghadhabu will punish it's members by forcing them to fast for a week if caught doing it. However stealing from rogues is perfectly fine and if your a Kukoa is encouraged behavior.

Mortals: The best way to describe a mortal is it's anyone who doesn't claim to be a member of the monsters. Rogues, rival prides, etc. The monsters generally don't get along with Mortals. They are in constant conflict over land and resources with them and years of such has lead to a deep-rooted hatred. Monster see no error in robbing mortals blind, they have no qualms over cubnapping from them and murdering them on the spot for simply looking the wrong way. To a monster, mortals are simply tools to be used and taken from, really no different then prey. This said, the pride has begun an active movement towards making friendly relations with their long-hated counterparts. Traditionalists see this movement as a joke, mortals are just stupid non-monsters that cannot be trusted. New age thinkers see this as a step in the right direction, mortals have resources that the monsters do not, being friendly to them allows the monsters access to these precious resources.

The argument is generally made to make sense of whether or not Hanma is still alive. Those who believe he is choose to think that he's fueling them with hatred towards the perfect mortal-kind. Those who think he's dead don't feel this desire, they don't feel aggressive towards mortals outside of just a general annoyance.

Regardless of who sees it as what Monsters sometimes can be convinced that strong warrior-prides are offshoot groups of their own.


Shy Prophet


Shy Prophet

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 6:10 pm

The monsters divide themselves into different clans which they call Classifications or Classes, for short.

A newly formed class under Zephyra's rule. These are not monsters, they are 'half-mortals'. A rogue who expresses interest in joining the pride will first be considered a Kaless until they find their Calling to a specific Class.

Standard Rank: Dragon

Royalty Rank: Hadithi (Female) | Hekaya (Male)
Royalty Promotion Rank: Amuru Hadithi (Queen) | Amuru Hekaya (King)

Although they used to be hunters a long time ago, this clan has evolved far beyond such. Claiming to trace their roots directly to Hanma and his mortal-queen the Amuru Hadithi who leads this clan claims ownership over all the monsters. This clan is basically the "leader clan" of all the monster Classes in the world. This class itself consists of three sub-groups the first of which being a Dragon. Dragons are heroes, monsters who do great deeds for Ghasia as a whole and are as such permitted to join the Hadithi household. They are generally stars, favored individuals whom the pride as a whole enjoys the company of. The second sub-class is Hadithi and Hekaya, female and male roles respectively. Think of these as nobles or prince/sses. While there isn't much distinction between what either role does it's important to note that any Hadithi related to the female Amuru will be treated with more respect then any Hekaya ever would. This is due to a popular belief that the final sub-group's female, Amuru Hadithi is the reincarnation of Hanma's mortal-queen. Amuru Hekaya is a Amuru Hadithi's favored male, a king to go with the queen. Well there have been Amuru Hekaya ruling in the past before without a Amuru Hadithi in front of him, this has been rare and only due to no female heirs existing.

Rank: Ghadhabu
Promotion Rank: Chimera (Captain)

Warriors of the finest degree, the Ghadhabu Class prides itself on strength. While most members are heavily traditionally minded some are more laid back on their opinions towards mortals and other classes. Ghadhabu train themselves to be tougher at even the youngest of ages by quarreling. This may seem unusual and disorganized to the standard eye, but it is a method that works. Any arguments are usually ended with physical fights by one of the parties involved, the winner of the fight is considered winner of the argument and their opinion just. Because of this members seem to merely go around issuing challenges to all who disagree with them but in reality they restrict themselves to dueling over only minor bickering that can be quickly forgiven, even without a tussle. If the fighting to the parties involved is more serious, Ghadhabu are expected to issue a Duel of Sahihi-Hekima (Correct Wisdom). This is a match overseen by a Chimera on a set date to determine the winner of the serious dispute. However it is a matter of life and death in a Sahihi-Hekima duel- there are no rules or restrictions on what either party can do once the match has begun, save for leaving the dueling area. Therefore Sahihi-Hekima duels can be fatal, or critically wounding, and although most Ghadhabu might threaten to invoke one it is usually an empty threat meant to act as a scare-tactic.

Ghadhabu believe in a strange philosophy that by taking part in small spats but trying to avoid Sahihi-Hekima duels at the same time members of the class will grow closer and stronger as a whole. As a result fights are common, and usually result from tiny insults or can be spawned from just staring the wrong way at another Ghadhabu; but these scuffles are almost never taken seriously. They are more like strange sparring practice sessions then a true fight and monsters are quick to forgive one another after the end of their brawling session.

Simply put, the inner workings of Ghadhabu society might revolve around going and punching one another to make each other stronger but they're still friends at the end of the day.

Well Ghadhabu do not outright hate individual Kaless but they are skeptical of how much of a monster Kaless are considered. Even Kaless who found their calling among the Ghadhabu are looked at with a watchful eye. Ghadhabu might name call or pick on Kaless found a little too close for comfort to Hanma's Volcano where they roam and are often chased away from the area unless they complete their initiation/calling challenge.

Rank: Kukoa
Promotion Rank: Oracle (Seer)
Promotion Rank: Mermaid (Female) | Merman (Male)

Kukoa are mer-folk and beauty is their primary weapon. Well the Hadithi boast political power and the Ghadhabu physical strength it is silver tongues and thievery that the Kukoa base their society around. Well some are deadly and feared by most of the pride it is more often common to see a witty Kukoa tricking a mortal due to their mischievous natures. All Kukoa are believed to have a curse that will lure mortals and often other monsters near them. It is then said that they will charm the unsuspected wanderer before turning savage and feasting on their flesh. In truth they just rob them. But flesh-eating is more sinister and myth worthy.

Heavy believers in the power of their beloved Oracles any seers who join the Kukoa are regarded as strong magical beings and usually can make a living quite well by 'selling' their visions for luxury.

Outside of stealing or fortune-telling Kukoa society also invests itself into bartering sea shells. The more well-looked after the shell the more 'important' it appears to be valued to the person selling it and therefore the more valuable it is to everyone. Shell exchanges are generally done at Mermaid/Merman dens, the leaders of the Kukoa who gather a large collection of trading goods such as food, pelts and jewelry by operating their shell-exchange businesses.

Rank: Mwenzi
Promotion Rank: Alpha (Leader)

Mwenzi are are familiar-exclusive group who take residence in the monster lands. Their small size but generally bad hunting skills makes them an easy target for bigger creatures. By creating all these myths and lore about their magical abilities these familiars have been able to survive very long without interruption. In short they are thought to be magical fairy creatures who can grant wishes and create curses. Monsters try to catch them all the time for good luck and fortune, as a common recent trend is to keep a Mwenzi as a pet! Mwenzi also take to stealing from bigger creatures to survive, and have only survived doing such for so long as its thought to be bad luck to kill a Mwenzi fairy. They are a travelling group who rotate staying in each of the bigger monster clan areas for a week before going on the move again. They'll accept any predator species among them without question though prey species will be required to prove their worth to the Alpha's in some way.

These are Servants. Servants/Slaves are generally only captured are forced into their servitude because a monster did them a favor and they need to pay off this debt. Monsters take doing favors for a mortal very seriously, as mortals are viewed as being below them and doing a request for one of them is best thought of as a lion taking advice from a sheep. Doing a favor for a mortal comes with a price, a monster will always demand some sort of payment or a mortal will be forced into becoming a Mtu-Tunza to 'be even' with the monster. Some monsters though might make a career out of doing favors for mortals, thus racking up a heck of a lot of repaid debt in the long run. After a set amount of time working for a monster a Servant is relieved of their duties and permitted to leave, or join the pride as a Kaless if they wish.The time period decided on is between owner and servant though generally three to six months is thought of as a the usual.

Outpost Clans
While most monsters are raised in the same valley where the bulk of the tribe exists, other groups existing outside their borders are not unheard of. These camps generally have their own rules and chain of command but are still considered apart of the Monsters classifications. Similarly while they may have their own special rituals or way of handling things they are expected to follow the Monster Code and bow to the Hadithi uniting the clans.

If you have an SoA interested in running an Outpost Clan please PM CaliWolfe to sort out the details.
PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 6:10 pm

Like the Kaless class, Callings are a relatively new thing to the monsters. Before the Kaless Class monsters rarely changed what clan they belonged to. They generally stayed as part of their birth-clan but now they have the opportunity to switch without much social drama attached. Callings literally are named to refer to a monster being "Called" to a specific group. They feel they belong in that group and approach them with the intent to join. Most clans have a small test that a potential candidate must pass, but once they do they're allowed to join that clan without much fuss.

The Kaless do not have a calling. Joining rogues or mortals-turned-monster will receive the title of Kaless automatically. They are thought to be half mortals until such a time arrives when they can prove they are not.

Bonus Promotion: Kaless have no "bonus promotion" per say, but they do (eventually) find their calling in another class.

The Calling of a Ghadhabu usually means a monster who challenges another to a duel. A Kaless wishing to join this clan is excepted to challenge a Ghadhabu to prove their worth. Should they win, they will be accepted among the group and allowed access to the clan territory.

Bonus Promotion: Ghadhabu Chimera are war leading captains who take charge of the rest of the Ghadhabu society. They tend to be well respected and few will challenge the decisions they make. The Chimera may also take it upon themselves to serve as Ambassadors, travelling to other prides in order to gain allies or recruit new Ghadhabu from the rogueland's wandering kaless or in mortal tongue- Rogues.

The calling of a Kukoa usually means refers to SoA drawn to the sea. If they present the Kukoa residing there with a fantastic treasure such as gold, a jewel or a sea shell; and able to prove themselves in a test they give (usually such a test is finding a particular type of sea shell) they are granted the rights to become a Kukoa themselves.

Bonus Promotion: Mermaid/Merman. These leaders are in charge of distributing and judging appropriate value of different sea shells found on beaches across Africa. Things stolen by the Kukoa are all given to the mermaid leaders, who in turn will use them as prizes or currency in exchange for shells. It is a very important job for the Kukoa, as it keeps them busy and lively throughout the day without becoming bored. Details of shell types and value will be available when the pride is official.
Seer Promotion: Oracle. Seers are special to the Kukoa in that they are believed to foretell prophecies. Any harm, for whatever reason, that comes to a Oracle will result in punishment for the assailant. This may range from forced fasting to banishment to even death depending on the severity of the attack.

A rogue wishing to join the leading class must be called to it by doing something extraordinary. Their calling is defined by doing something unthinkably brave and earning the favor of the queen by doing so. They may bring the head of a mortal king to her majesty or even all the gold he/she may find. Maybe they saved the queen from danger, or invented a medicine to cure an ongoing plague of some kind. There are lots of ways for a hero to be made! Upon joining they will receive the title of "Dragon", a position that all monsters generally strive to obtain.
Bonus Promotion: Amuru Hadithi/Hekaya. These are leading roles for the whole pride, only obtained during special events.


Shy Prophet


Shy Prophet

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 6:10 pm
Member List

Amuru Hadithi | Zephyra - ( CaliWolfe )
Ghadhabu | Mot - ( CaliWolfe )
Ghadhabu | Neha - ( CaliWolfe )
Ghadhabu | Romano - ( CaliWolfe )
Ghadhabu |Kaveh - ( Leasano )
Ghadhabu | Faustus - ( Patji )

Kukoa | Vellamo - ( CaliWolfe )
Kukoa | Faolán - ( CaliWolfe )
Kukoa | Deimos - ( CaliWolfe )
Kukoa | Maji Kifo ( R4gn0r0k IV )
Kukoa |Nyx - ( Leasano )
Kukoa |Justus - ( Cajanic )
Kukoa |Pello - ( Lady Kitania )
PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 6:10 pm
Until this thing becomes official ALL classes are open for joining, including the Dragon class in the Hadithi Clan.

[color=blue][size=14][b]Sign Me Up![/b][/size][/color]
[size=10][b]SoA:[/b] img
[b]Extra:[/b] anything else you want me to know? Or questions you want to ask me? [/size]


Shy Prophet


Shy Prophet

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 6:10 pm
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