I don't usually do much on Gaia, So even though I've been here for a while I actually know nobody. So here I go I'll advertise myself like fresh meat because why not. May lead to friendships or more who knows.

I don't beleive you need to know my proportions, but I'll say I am average, tall, nothing out of the ordinary really.
I love writing, reading, roleplaying and gaming. I'm a big fan of fantastic, medieval or sci-fi settings (everything that does not imply our modern time pretty much) and like a lot of others here I quite like anime, altough I slowed down on that front a while ago.
On the music side of things I like pretty much anything that is not rap. I just tend to enjoy.. anything.. really. Although I'll have to admit that I have a much bigger appreciation for rock those days. I'm not a big music nerd to be honest, I tend to not remember band names or song names and usually when I learn about new songs it's trough my friends. So if you feel like sharing on that side, go ahead, you can probably help me expand my horizon.