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Elaxi had grown to be quiet the healer. For most of her childhood her mother had been the Patron of the pride but now it was her sister that held the rank. Regardless of who held the title Elaxi had always had a great role model to follow and learn from.

Elaxi was still a young wild dog and confused as to what she wanted in life. She had enjoyed her sister's pups and watching them learn but she wasn't so sure she was ready for them herself. First thing first though she would ahve to find a male she liked.. or a female she wasn't completely shut off to all the possibilities.

Kaffe was exhausted.

Ada’s pups were growing every day, and now that they were in their adolescence he should have had a break, right? Wrong. Adolescence seemed to have only given the boys free reign to do whatever they wanted, and while most were disciplined the vast majority still tried to run over him. It was hard raising all six boys on his own. They were a loving bunch, but he wished that he wasn’t in this alone. Ada couldn’t have raised them; there would have been no way. So, Kaffe had stepped in. Surely her brother would have done it, but he was newly mated and Kaffe was already close enough to Ada so that she wouldn’t throw a fuss with him around her pups.

It was like taking care of seven pups, and some days he just wanted a nap that wouldn’t be interrupted by someone trying to blow a raspberry in his ear.
The bi-colored dog curled up on a shaded rock and yawned. One of his sons had suggested he get out and date, which was laughable. When would he have the time?

Moving along through the pride Elaxi was enjoying the quiet of the pride. She had nevver known any other home but she couldn't imagine being happy anywhere other than here. The mountains just had a way to make her feel at peace.

As she strolled she spotted a male on some rocks in the shade. Being the social wild dog that she was Elaxi made her way towards him. She wasn't sure yet that she would speak to him but she was happy enough just to get closer see what he was all about. If he was truely sleeping she would simply move along.

Kaffe’s eyes weren’t closed in the least, so he saw the healer making her way closer to him. He knew of her, just not on a personal level. It was hard not to become acquainted with the pack’s healers when taking care of six rambunctious boys who liked to get into trouble. Sitting up a little, he watched her approach and gave her a tired little smile. “Hello there…. let me guess, one of my boys is hurt again? Another scuffle?” Which one would it be this time? Or did they anger another pack member? Maybe they tried out a stupid stunt?

Elaxi couldn't help but chuckle when Kaffe asked after his pups. She knew that she recoginzed the tired looking male and as soon as he mentioned the boys it all came flooding back to her. Six nearly identical boys who had managed to get into everything and in everyones way.

"No no I haven't seen your boys today." she told him. She settled herself into a seated position before him. "I do hope that I am not intruding." She said cocking her head to the side. She had known the pains her sister had gone through raising just a litter of four on her own. She had no idea how someone would handle six!

Oh thank goodness. At least they were staying safe, and hopefully productive. Those boys were almost adults now so they’d better start acting like it!

“No, no, you’re fine. Actually, I’m a little glad that you stopped. It’s rare that I get to talk to anyone these days that isn’t a girl crazy boy.” Kaffe wasn’t honestly sure how to talk to anyone else at this point. It had been so long since he’d spoken about anything other than his boys or to his boys that conversation escaped him. “So…your sister is Patron now? Is that right?” Or was he mistaken?

Elaxi beamed pride at the mention of her sister. "Yes she has become Patron. I must confess I don't know how she has done it all. She raised a litter of four on her own then she raised up to take over my mom's role in the pride."

"That being said I don't know how you handle your roudy bunch either. My sister only had two boys and whenever I was left in charge with them I felt like the drained the life of me." She chuckled a little at the memories of pup sitting her nephews and nieces. "Excellent birth control though."

“I’m sure she had it rough, but it’s a labor of love.” Kaffe could only smile thinking about it. She was a strong female for taking on a higher role after raising a litter on her own, but then again, how many leaders did they have in the pack that had been solo parents?
He laughed at her words. “Swore you off pups, huh? They definitely make you think twice about them, but I don’t think I’d know what to do with my life if they weren’t there. One day I might have some of my own, but…I hope that all of this has taught Ada not to try again. She isn’t ready to be a parent yet, and I’m not ready for another round of six boys.” He chuckled.