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          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Mattie

              AGE Eighteen

              BIRTHDAY 31 March 2018

              BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

              WAND Eight inch rosewood with a fairy wing core, spiraled shaft

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Straight

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English

              FACECLAIM Saxon Sharbino x

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Hufflepuff

              YEAR Seventh

              BEST LESSONS
                  Care of Magical Creatures

              WORST LESSONS
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ D
                  Charms ~ EE
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
                  Herbology ~ O
                  History of Magic ~ P
                  Potions ~ A
                  Transfiguration ~ EE
                  Art ~ A
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ EE
                  Divination ~ D

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ A
                  Herbology ~ EE
                  Potions ~ A
                  Transfiguration ~ A
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ EE

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Student

              DREAM JOB Florist

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ FRIENDLY Always the people person, Matilda is incredibly friendly and can make friends with just about anyone. She fits in with all cliques and always has something to contribute.
              ■ ENERGETIC Whether it's in the conversation, outside or in class, Matilda is the energetic type. Mattie is enthusiastic about just about everything and always expresses it. Her mother often worries about her hyperactivity.
              ■ REBELLIOUS Like many teenagers, Mattie favors herself the rebellious type. Whereas she once relied heavily on her family for support, now she tries to ignore them. She has problems following orders from her elders and enjoys sneaking out, if only to wander around her neighborhood.
              ■ COMPASSIONATE She cares a lot about her friends, her family (though secretly) and animals, especially if they're small and fluffy. She'll go anywhere and do just about anything in order to make people happy.
              ■ EASILY AMUSED There is almost always a smile on Matilda's face. She enjoys all kinds of jokes, from cheap one liners to knock knock jokes. If you tell a joke, you can count on getting a laugh from Mattie.
              ■ JITTERY Though she likes to give off the air of bravery, Matilda is easily frightened by many things. She hates being in the dark and any animal that is close to her in size. Though not outwardly afraid of bugs, she despises spiders and the crawly bugs. In the dark, she gets really jumpy and clingy.

                  Fluffy animals
                  Making friends

                  Scary animals
                  Rain and snow
                  Spooky stories

                  Floral arranging


                  Following orders

                  Scary animals

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD The last child of Lena and Andrew Collins, Matilda was born only a few months before Andrew's death on the job. She grew up entirely in the magical world, living at her Grandfather's house. The only things she knows about her father, she learned from her elder sister. When Kyla went off to school, Mattie began having nightmares, to which she turned to Addison for help. And after Addy went to school, Mattie turned to her mother, often sleeping in her bed. After receiving her letter, Mattie began trying to deal with her nightmares herself.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR Matilda expected her first year to be lots of fun times with her brother, but he pushed her away to spend time with his friends. His rejection of her hurt her mentally. Instead, she latched onto her friends whom she had befriended on her first trip to the school. Matilda easily did well in Herbology, considering her background in the subject. The others, though, she didn't do so well in.
                  SECOND YEAR As the second school year started, Matilda had fully stopped relying on her brother for support. She had made her own friends and was becoming her own person. She continued to do exceptionally well in Herbology, but began falling behind in subjects like Potions and Defense.
                  THIRD YEAR On the cart ride to school, Matilda met and befriended Joel Powell, a fourth year boy from Gryffindor. She also started her electives, taking Care of Magical Creatures, Cooking with Magic and World Studies. She quickly grew to love Magical Creatures and Cooking. At the Valentine's Masquerade, she met up with Joel again and had fun, despite them not being on a date.
                  FOURTH YEAR Mattie spent most of fourth year dancing around her feelings for Joel and not focusing too much on her grades. That being said, they slipped a little bit. As the year ending, she came to terms with her feelings, deciding that she couldn't hide from them anymore. She needed to face them and so, over the summer, she and Joel began dating in earnest. She also found out she'd been selected as Prefect, meaning that she would need to act more mature now.
                  FIFTH YEAR Matilda took her appointment as Prefect seriously, reflecting on how her sister was still living at home and working part time. She got most of her grades together, focusing more on her studies. She also started attending more Gryffindor Quidditch games in support of her boyfriend, Joel.
                  SIXTH YEAR Matilda's sixth year was spent studying, maintaining her Prefect duties, cheering at her boyfriend's game and spending as much time as she could with her boyfriend. Worrying about the N.E.W.T.s made Matilda realize that she definitely wanted to run her own business... because she knew she probably wouldn't do too well on most of her exams.
                  SEVENTH YEAR Information

              POST GRADUATION Information

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              FAMILY Cornelius Belbybrook (Grandfather); Lena Collins (Mother); Andrew Collins (Father); Kyla Collins (Sister); Addison Collins (Brother)
              FRIENDS Levi Gamble; William Radcliffe; Zephryos Whitethorne; Rider Wilson; Victoria McClellan; Lyall Thompson
              BEST FRIEND Joel Powell
              ROMANTIC INTEREST Joel Powell
              ENEMIES Name
              PETS Mr Bunbun (Rabbit)

Skeleton coded by Cara MiaKitty

- Weasley 3/28/15
i approve of mr bunbun ~Utsuha [7/13/15]
~ Updates accepted by Dia 11/15/15
~ Updates accepted by Utsuha [2/7/16]
My account was locked, so this is SummerIsles reposting her characters. ~Summer 7/21/16
~ Updates accepted by Dia 8/9/16
~ Updates accepted by Dia 12/18/16