xxxxA L B YxxxP E A D E RxxxC A L L A G H A N xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Al or just Alby

              AGE 17

              BIRTHDAY 17 August 2022

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood

              WAND 10 1/2, Alder, Dittany Stalk, Pliable, Spiraled shaft

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Straight I suppose

              FACECLAIM Zaizen Hikaru [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              TATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Ravenclaw

              YEAR/CLASS OF Seventh

              BEST LESSONS
                  History of Magic

              WORST LESSONS

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ EE
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
                  Herbology ~ EE
                  History of Magic ~ EE
                  Potions ~ EE
                  Transfiguration ~ O
                  Arithmancy ~ EE
                  Muggle Studies ~ O
                  Music ~ EE
                  Mythology ~ A
                  Wandless Magic Practice ~ EE
                  Wizard Law ~ A

              NEWT SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ EE
                  Charms ~ O
                  History of Magic ~ O
                  Potions ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ O
                  Arithmancy ~ EE
                  Muggle Studies ~ O
                  Music ~ A

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Imaginatory lounge singer

              DREAM JOB Well an actual lounge singer would be swimming but I'd rather like to go into film

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ OPEN-MINDED Alby doesn't really see the point of staying in just one grey area when there's a whole colorful expanse waiting to be explored. He's willing to try just about anything once, some of them only once.
              ■ WILLFUL To go along with being open-minded, he has a lot of will for just about anything. Not to say he's brave, because he can assure you he's not braver than the average seventy year old, but that if there's something he wants to do or see or try then there's no point in ignoring it and hoping the desire goes away. Might as well try it and grab the bull by the horns.
              ■ IMAGINATIVE From a young age Alby's had quite the imagination and it's only grown since then. Now instead of trips into outer space in wagons and finding treasure in the back gardens he uses his creative nature to learn random skills and hobbies that he thinks or thought at the time are interesting.
              ■ NAIVE Being the youngest of four sons, its a rather huge thing that he's been sheltered as much as he had. Dirty jokes escape him and slightly appall him and since being so open-minded it's taught him to rather keep a clear mind about a lot of ideas. So he's just clear minded at all times.
              ■ CLUMSY Alby has literally never made it more than a week since learning to walk without some sort of falling or slipping action. Since discovering that muggles have designs on their stickies unlike the magic ones (he never liked those they tend to smell) he is now seen to sport multiple different colored and designed ones on random cuts and bruises much to his parents' consternation.
              ■ ASTUTE Despite his naivity, he's still quite intelligent and loves learning and reading in all shapes and forms. Hands on, through instruction, through non-instructed hands on, he loves it all!

                  The stickies with superheros on them

                  Magical stickies even though they work better
                  Hazelnuts, he's allergic. Plus they smell odd
                  Fart jokes. They're just not funny
                  The word "can't"


                  Strength of will


                  Getting stuck in a lift

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Alby is the youngest Callaghan son with three much older brothers. The eldest being nineteen at his birth with his own fiance at his side. The Callaghan's are a rather forgotten Irish pureblood family since they had been neutral during the time of the Dark Lord and since thought of as rather weak by the others. Despite the fact that they retained most of their wealth and status in the wake of the Dark Lord's defeat while the rest had to scramble to keep theirs. But that's neither here nor there. Alby was formed and born much to the surprise of his steadily aging parents and was mainly raised by his older brothers and their wives rather than his parents as they much preferred quiet retirement than an active toddler. But of course, as time will tell, one by one had their own families and couldn't quite make the time for their younger brother like they did so he was left alone to his own activities. And the house elves of course but really, they only partially counted. So he took to slowly examining and venturing out into the muggle town his family manor lived just outside of and one day he came across a truly wondrous thing: a cinema. He hadn't had any muggle money but that hadn't stopped the curious seven year old from finding a way in and watching his very first movie. It had been a musical and honestly he couldn't tell you a thing about it if you asked because he was much too enthralled with the fact that these pictures on the screen could move and sing and talk and dance and it was just way wayy too much for his small mind to handle. So he ventured to his home library and, much to his shock, it held little to nothing of muggle invention. Once again he traipsed to the muggle town and visited their library and learned all he could about the telly and musicals and movies and the like. It was actually there two years later he found a flier for a free children's chorus and eagerly signed up imagining all the singing he had heard and seen in the movies and the small library he had hidden away from his home (he learned after his first one broke rather spectacularly that magic and electricity didn't really like one another). However after joining he realized that they didn't sing the songs he had wanted or even particularly liked, but he got to sing so it wasn't completely worthless. His parents hadn't been too thrilled that their son had been taken in by the wiles of the muggle world but much like his early childhood had been too apathetic to really want to change his ways. Besides, he was the youngest, his eldest brother had already taken over the family seats and dealings and he already had a son of his own. So, really, he wasn't all that needed. Which was fine since it just gave him freer reign. At least until he attended Hogwarts.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR Alby's first step into Hogwarts was dripping wet as he had slipped and fallen into the lake after climbing out the boat. Thankfully only the waist down was sopping wet and professor had dried him before he was sorted. He was placed in Ravenclaw which wasn't bad seeing as his family was rather split between that and Slytherin and happily took his place in the house of learning. For all of two months he was happy learning his ways around the castle and all his classes until he contracted Spattergroit and had to be bedridden the remainder of his first year. Thankfully he was able to complete all his work and do his final exams from the hospital wing but still, completely horrid start of a educational series.
                  SECOND YEAR He actually made some good friendly acquaintances turned friends and one accidentally acquaintance turned best friend. He was sure this was the way his first year was supposed to have gone but didn't. Oh well.
                  THIRD YEAR He's no closer to actually telling Tiernan how he felt but on the bright side he wasn't any farther either? And she really liked the parasol he made her so that had to mean something. Also all his electives are pretty great.
                  FOURTH YEAR Good lord where to start. First off his completely horrid brat of a nephew started and he somehow got sorted into Ravenclaw and decided that his mission in life was to make his uncle's life as close to living in the inner circles of hell as possible. Alby was hellbent-pun unintended-on ignoring the little tit until he went after Tiernan on one of his halfbaked rants and...there's no two ways of saying this: he beat the snot out his nephew. And enjoyed every second. The results of this was being banished from his homestead as well as dating one beautifully talented Tiernan Yaxley. All in all a pretty terrific year.
                  FIFTH YEAR Alby spent a good part of the summer (that wasn't spent fixing up his new abode) studying for his OWL's as well as a decent part of the school year as well. Since passing them to his extreme satisfaction, he's looking forward to a relaxing summer before the start of next term. And of course enjoying watching his girlfriend continually charm the house elves.
                  SIXTH YEAR All the peace from the past years was finally burst when he heard news that his second oldest brother was expecting. One one hand he's sure this means nothing and on the other he's literally counting down the days until he's seventeen.
                  SEVENTH YEAR Was a ball of stress between the drama with her girlfriend's family and studying for NEWT's and trying not to fail as a leader for the music club. Thankfully he handled all of it with relative grace and no ease. Plus he proposed in a rather lovely way to Tiernan by the Whomping Willow so, of course, everything pales in comparison to that.

              POST GRADUATION Information

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              FAMILY Gilroy Callaghan - Father, Britta Callaghan - Mother, Cairbre, Marcas, and Domnall Callaghan - Brothers, Marie, and Colleen, Gayle Callaghan - Sisters-in-law, Adam and Colm Callaghan - Nephews
              FRIENDS Mercy Sanderson, Gavin Selwyn, Clara Bautista, Tiernan Yaxley, Roo Horne, Sara King
              BEST FRIEND Mercy Sanderson
              ROMANTIC INTEREST Tiernan Yaxley
              ENEMIES None thankfully
              PETS Mercutio the Spectacled Owl

Accepted By: ~ Dia (8/1/16)
Recent Updates Accepted By: Weasley 11/26/17