Batu was adjusting to seeing Meshach in the pride. It was a little strange seeing the purple male walking through the pride when he had been going out to meet him in secret for so long. The mood had lifted in the pride slightly now tha tthe imposter king had been killed. Though the tension was still there as no one would knew who would be the next king would be.

As Batu strolled through the pride he noticed the purple lioness he had only seen in passing before. He had learned of course tha tthe lioness was the mate of the lion who he had been helping in secret. Changing course the black and white lion headed towards her. He wanted to see how the lioness was adjusting with being back within the prides borders.

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The tension in Runa's spine had yet to lift, and even she had begun to wonder if something was wrong with her. Surely after all that had happened some of her stress should have lifted. Still, she felt unsure and uneasy. At any moment any of Shangyue's brats could choose to take up where he left off, and then where would they be? She didn't trust them; not a single one of them. If it were up to her they would have all been run out, even the ones who had delivered the killing blow.

Great Lion, when did I become so cynical?

She didn't even trust her son-in-law and he had proven his loyalties. "What's wrong with me?" The lioness murmured.

Batu only heard the tail ends of her words as he approached he paused mid step wondering perhaps if it was better to leave the lioness be. But he decided to move forward. It seemed like everyone needed a friend these days.

"Good evening." he greeted her and warm smile on his face. "I don't believe we have ever formally met. My name is Batu I am a friend of your mates." he said as he took a seat next to here. He studied her face and body language. It appeared that the lioness was carrying a great deal of stress within her.

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The greeting startled her, and on instinct Runa turned towards the sound with a little snarl, tense muscles ready for a fight. When she saw the smile she paused, the fierce look slipping from her face into something more reserved, though no less embarrassed. "Sorry; old habits." She shrugged, hoping he wouldn't make a big deal about it.

Looking at him, really looking at him, jolted a few memories that Meshach had shared with her. "You're...Batu, right? One of our informants on the inside?" She couldn't remember seeing him outside of the pride so that was the only thing that made sense. Realizing her phrasing, Runa sighed, "Sorry - I'm having trouble adjusting to the changes."

Batu offered the lioness a warm smile. Given what she had been through and delt with it was 100% understandable that she would react in such ways. Batu felt a little bad for sneaking up on her, it wasn't what he had intended to do. He didn't draw attention to her behaviour though instead he decided to move forwards with the conversation.

"Yes that is right, I joined the pride to help Meshach. I leaked information back when I could. I am glad it all worked out." he told her his smile warm and true, "The pride is very different now." he said looking around. "How are you and your family adjusting?" he asked her, worry in his eyes.

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Aren't we all? If they hadn't had any information then the whole rebellion might have failed, but thankfully there had been enough in the pride to turn the tide. It was reassuring to know that they hadn't been fighting a completely useless cause. She had worried for so long that they were only delaying the inevitable and that her cubs might be caught at any moment...

"We're...adjusting, some better than others." Runa shrugged. "My mate seems happy to be back, my sister is adjusting to the changes and my offspring are learning what it means to live in a pride. We may have raised them on the Mwezi beliefs, but actually living here is something entirely new." Her daughter, Yue-shi, being at the forefront of her mind. Having a mate was helpful in her adjustments, but at times she would see the girl do things that had to be corrected and it always left a sour taste in Runa's mouth.

"I'm...not quite sure where I fall in. I want to be happy to be back, but I'm still waiting for the next stone to fall."

Batu offered a gentle nod. "I didn't know you had a sister." he told her softly. Meshach had kept information about hsi family very close to the chest and Batu could understand why. It was easy to understand why. Even though Batu was an allie there was no saying what would happen of the false king had tried someof his more evil methods of interrogation.

"I am sure things will get easier with time, and it will get even easier once we know who will lead the pride." As of right now the leadership of the pride was up in the air. It was a scary fact that they had no clue who would be their next King or Queen would be, all they could hope for was that it wasn't another evil lion. Though Batu was confident there were enough members of the pride that they would never allow for it to happen again.

"I think you need to make friends, you are too busy worring to be happy. Batu didn't mean it as an insult more an observation, he hoped the lioness would take it that way.

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"A twin, actually. My sister and I were found as orphans in the desert. The pride took us in." Only to have the Great Lion separate them. As soon as the juvenile lioness' had been brought in they had been separated by class. At the very least their 'exile' had kept them close and allowed them to bond after years of being kept apart.

At the mention of friends Runa's eyes widened and for once in her life she laughed. It was such a surprising reaction to her that her cheeks colored, and her heart felt a little lighter. "Sorry, I just...I've never had someone say that to me before." She'd spent so long fighting and keeping up barriers that the thought of making a friend, such a simple act, was laughable.

"I'm not the 'friend making' type, Batu. I doubt I even could."

Batu couldn't help but chuckle, "But don't you see you have already made a freind. You have me. Us sitting here chatting thats what friends do. And now that I know you are in need of a friend I shall seek you out more often." He leaned over and gave the purple female a light nudge with his shoulder.

He eyed the female for a minute before he rose to his feet. "It was nice hanging out with you Runa, I will see you around." he said before giving her an exagerated wink before he sauntered off.

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Runa canted her head, raising one eyebrow as she did so. He considered her a friend? It was...strange, to have someone like that in her life; someone who was neither a mate, nor family, who actually WANTED to be around her. It felt..pretty nice, actually.

When he nudged her shoulder she found herself bumping back against him before rising as well. "Have a nice day, Batu." She smiled a little, watching him walk off before turning to go on her own way. Would her mate be as surprised as she was to find out she had a friend? Maybe he would, maybe not, Runa didn't care. For the first time in months she actually felt a little lighter and that's what mattered.