
It was on everyone's mind like a plague. It was necessary for them to have in order to survive but it was proving quite difficult to find unfortunately. It was causing quite a few lionesses to be hangry and snippy towards one another. While it wasn't uncommon, it wasn't exactly helpful either. It just elevated the amount of stress everyone had to deal with and that wasn't making anyone happy.

Chikomborero had decided to try and track some food down with Yimvelo. First she'd have to find her though. It shouldn't be that hard though, everyone was pretty much centrally located. It was just a mattered of figuring out where exactly she was. While she wasn't exactly close to her she knew her well enough from when she was a cub. She had recalled seeing her and her sisters heading out on one of the larger hunts they had earlier in the year. They had brought down a hippo! She vaguely remembered the taste of it.

Shaking her head she figured there was other things to think about besides the past. Taking in a breath and letting it out slowly she moved onward, her eyes searching for the brown female. It wasn't long before she finally located her and with a smile she moved over to greet her. “Hey Yimvelo!” She called out softly since it was still early in the morning. She wanted them to get a move on before it got to warm to do anything.

Yimvelo hadn't been doing too well as of late. Any food she had gotten she'd given away to some of the cubs and hadn't really been taking care of herself in return. She knew if she didn't change her ways soon she'd regret it deeply and she didn't want to have to deal with the consequences of her actions if her health went any more south. The thought made her frown because she knew what it would do to her sisters. Especially since they had lost their mother at a young age. They didn't need anymore tragedy in the family.

She was day dreaming, thinking of bountiful times within the lands. She knew she shouldn't day dream like that but it was early and she wasn't really doing anything at the moment anyway. As she allowed herself to get lost in her thoughts she was stolen away by the sound of a familiar voice. Shaking her head slightly she turned her gaze to look upon the young adult she had remembered once as a small cub. It's funny how quick everyone grows up.

“Hello Chiko! What brings you over here so early in the morning?” She asked her curiously. She seemed quite up beat and wondered what she had under paw.

She was pleased the other wasn't grumpy or upset to see her. She knew she could be a bit overbearing at times, she meant well though! “I was wondering if you'd like to go and try and hunt some game with me?” She hoped she'd say yes. It wouldn't be very fun going alone. Plus it was better odds if there was more than one of them.

At her words she heard her stomach growl and she knew that hunting meant food. Food meant no more hunger. No more hunger meant less stress and angry lions. It was just a matter of finding enough food for everyone. While it was possible the two of them could bring down a decent meal, it wouldn't really feed a whole lot. Though they could bring down a nice kill, eat some to gain their strength and continue hunting. There was a whole world of possibilities there. She wondered if perhaps Liyana had picked up the trail of a few herd beasts and that's why Chiko was there. “Have you heard anything?” She said getting up, a somewhat hopeful tune in her voice.

Chiko was glad she seemed eager to go with her. Though she shook her head at her question. “I haven't seen Liyana to ask her yet. I was hoping you and I could do that on the way out though.” She said with a nod of her head. It would be nice to get some input from her and Avani. It was always good to have a Cinga in your corner. Granted she was everyone's not just theirs, but she felt like they all knew each other pretty well so she could count on her to give some good information if they asked.

She was a little downhearted that she hadn't heard anything but she picked right back up when she suggested that they go talk to Liyana. “That would be a good idea.” She said stretching and shaking herself gently. She looked around and thought she had seen her and Avani going in that direction not too long ago. “I think she went that way. Unless you've seen her recently?” She hadn't meant like within the past few minutes obviously but she knew that Chiko knew what she had meant.

“Oh. I haven't seen her since yesterday. So if you have seen her more recent then that then we should go that way.” She said with a smile as she headed in the direction she had pointed in. She was excited. She couldn't remember the last time she'd hunted and actually brought something down. She was still young and new to the whole thing so this was a real treat for her. Even if they weren't able to find anything. It would get her more experience for when she was able to participate in a large group hunt. Taking a glance back towards Yimvelo to make sure she was coming she gave her a wide grin, to which Yimvelo returned with a smaller one of her own, and the pair of them headed west towards Liyana and Avani. They hoped that she had some decent news to share of some of the herd locations that were in this general area.