Characters: Liuhe, Neema
Word Count: 1092

It was early in the evening and yet neither Liuhe nor Neema had been able to stay asleep for the day. Liuhe favoured the night as his father had, though he had no idea if it was habit or devotion. Neema, on the other paw, favoured the night because it had been when the bulk of the pride was active for so long, and so it was when she wanted to be out and about. Both were finding it harder the longer the pride went on without a proper monarch.

Neema was laying on the perch she had chosen for herself by the waterhole, watching the still water and the few early birds who also wandered as the sun set. Despite the accusations flung at her by Nyeusi, she had not given up her makeshift throne (or soapbox). She was content to watch from here. Liuhe was one of the few lions wandering around the waterhole but he went unnoticed by the white lioness-- but she didn’t go unnoticed by him.

“Neema?” he murmured, staring for a moment before approaching, “Hey! Uh.. nice rock.”

The Regent’s approach caught Neema’s attention and she put on a genuine smile. It was nice to see him out and about, he had been hiding away for sometime, more than he ought to as acting Regent in fact but she guessed he knew that and didn’t let it stop him. He’d been through a lot, she didn’t blame him one little bit.

“Thank you, Liuhe,” she said, perking up a bit, “It’s nice to see you.”

“Well, I’m not doing much good hiding away,” he said with a meek smile, “It’s taking longer than I expected for Lailah to pick a new monarch.”

He didn’t know what he was expecting but he knew he couldn’t have made the decision. He had withdrawn his own claim knowing that the pride would be better off not forced to decide if he was trustworthy and deserving, even if he could pick someone, asking them to trust that was about as problematic. He wasn’t sure how appreciated it was, though.

“It is,” Neema agreed, reacting less to the mention of her sister with Liuhe than she had with other random passersby, “It is a tough decision she has to make, any potential easy answer is closely tied to Shangyue. I’d guess it’s partly out of respect for your decision that they are not chosen without great consideration first.”

Liuhe nodded. He had asked Lailah not to make him or any of his siblings monarch, but if they were the conclusion she came to after such a long time then he would have to trust in her decision. He hadn’t spoken to any sibling except Yueyun much, he didn’t know how they felt about his decision or his suggestion to avoid them.

“I hear that you want to be Queen,” he said, taking a seat on the ground below Neema’s gaze.

“That.. is putting it strongly,” she answered, tilting her head but still smiling.

“You put yourself forward as a potential monarch and you don’t want to be Queen?” he asked, clearly confused.

“I’m a lioness in the High Class, that alone makes me a stable option,” she said, earning her a strange look from the Regent when she said nothing else to explain.

“Is that your entire platform?” he asked, not sure if he should laugh.

“No,” she said, smiling and pushing herself up into a seated position, looming well above the younger lion now, “I am willing to take on the responsibility for the pride. I can meet with new members, I am an excellent judge of character. I can coordinate with our Head Huntress and Hunt Leaders, I have been a huntress a long time. I can coordinate with our Head Guard and Patrol Leaders, though I have never been a Guard, I am a quick learner and know how to accept the guidance of those with more knowledge than me. I was born here, into a large family that has crossed with the traditional royal line many times.. I don’t want to be Queen but I would accept the responsibility if it was asked of me.”

Liuhe stared at her while she listed the characteristics that qualified her to be Queen. It seemed strange that she would end her speech with that she doesn’t want it, after giving many good reasons she should be a strong contender.

“But you don’t want it?” he asked dumbly.

Neema sighed and hopped down from her perch so she was level with the former prince.

“What I want is for the pride to be stable again, for us all to have peace,” she said, “The Shaman won’t pick me, whatever happens. She’d worry about nepotism if she could even get over how much she just simply doesn’t like me. I’m just trying to help, in my own way.”

Liuhe stared as she finally said something that really made it all make sense. He was surprised that she would so casually mention that the Shaman, her own sister, her twin, didn’t like her enough to give her eligibility some thought.. but favoritism would be a factor he hadn’t even thought about. Still..

“You’ve done a lot to help,” he said, “I doubt many realize how much. I would support you, Neema, if you wanted to seriously try. I could talk to Lailah.”

Neema shook her head, though touched by his offer.

“No, she’ll find a choice she is happy with, but I appreciate the gesture,” she said, “I didn’t help you to gain anything for myself but peace of mind. I think you would make a good King if you gave yourself the chance, but I respect that you choose not to.”

Liuhe smiled sheepishly.

“Thank you,” he murmured, “I’ll be glad when this is done. I hope you get to take a break soon, too.”

He was a social lion himself but he had nothing on Neema.. and he didn’t understand how she wasn’t utterly exhausted at this point. Though maybe that was why she was up and at ‘em so early. He wouldn’t press her. They were friends but not that close.

“Me too,” she agreed brightly, giving him a friendly nudge, “Wanna try out my rock? I moved it here myself, that was some hard work.”

With a chuckle, Liuhe hopped up onto her perch and looked down on her.

“Hmm,” he said, “It makes more of an impression from down there.”

Neema smiled at him, but said nothing else.
