nessiaing: It had been a little while since Umgiyo and Thula had begun hanging out and the darkly coloured lion was still just as head over heels for the female as he had been on day one. He couldn’t believe his lucky stars having had met her. Though he still worried what others might think him pursuing a lady of a higher class, a much higher class at that.

Shaking his head free of his worries Umgiyo moved towards their agreed upon meeting place. He always found himself thinking and looking forward to their next meeting. Today he was nervous though, he was going to do it, ask her what he had been wanting to ask her since the day they met. He was going to try and make it official, his stomach was doing nervous summersaults just at the mear though of it all.

Davy: She felt jittery as her paws took her to the location that she was supposed to meet Umgiyo. The pink lady felt as if something was going to change. Maybe the Great Lion was going to do something amazing with them today. Or maybe she was just reading into this too much. Regardless she was happy to just meet with the large male. The dark male had a huge soft spot in her heart that made her feel so giddy when in his presence. Love. That was what love did and she knew she was in love.

As she started to get closer her heart felt as if it was going to burst from her chest. Thula could see the male and although her feet her carrying her towards him, it felt like there were miles between them. About as far of a gap between him and her as there was between their ranks. However the Lady managed to come up to him.

"Umgiyo." Thula grinned at the other and immediately nuzzled him. Feeling his warmth against her own.

nessiaing: Umgiyo looked up at the sound if his name to see the pink female that filled his every thought both awake and asleep. The smile that filled his face could have litten the night sky.

“Good evening Thula” he greeted her moving towards here. He wanted so badly to nuzzle her but felt his actions might be to foward.

“I trust that you slept well.” he told her his words obviously filled with nerves. He needed to ask her before he lost any and all nerve that he had to do this.

Davy: The dark male was lovely and made the pink lioness chuckle. "I mean not as well as I would if I were closer to you." The words coming out matter-of-factly. Her green orbs filled with a sense of curiosity. "How did you sleep?" He maybe, at least to her, looked a bit tired. As if something were worrying him. Was it a similar worry? Or maybe she was getting ahead of herself and reading into something that wasn't there. It happened from time to time. "Maybe I am seeing things but you look a bit tired."

nessiaing: Umgiyo smiled, she was so atuned to him already. Unable to control the urge anymore Umgiyo moved close to Thula and gave her a kind nuzzle. “I agree, I think I would have slept much better if you are at my side. Which actually kind of leads me to what I wanted to talk to you about.” he said his voice had a nervous hint to it but he decided to push forward anyways.

“I want you to seep with me… or I mean nbeside me.. in my den. I want us to be a couple, mated.”…. well he had botched that. He smiled at her hopng he hadn’t scared her off.

Davy: Thula gave a musical laugh, "I would be happy to stay with you. However, maybe my den might be better?" She had a pretty nice den herself but she would still need to see his too. Maybe it would be better to give up her den? "I'm yours Umgiyo." Giving him a warm nuzzle back and licking the side of his face. "Does that mean we are doing a family meet and greet then too?" Curious to see his family.

nessiaing: Umgiyo felt the breath leave his lungs, he had been so nervous about asking Thula, he had never fully thought she would say yes and even be excited about it. His somach was still doing flips but this time it was flipping with excitiment.

“Yes we should check both den’s we can decide which we like the best together.” he told her excited about the first activity they would be doing as a couple. Umgiyo felt like a young giddy cub a smile plastered from ear to ear.

“And of course we will do family meet and greet I know my sister is excited to see you.” Umigyo had told his sister and brother in law about Thula but had yet to introduce her. “Who’s den should we check out first?” he asked her.

Davy: "Let's see your first." Giving a nod to the larger male. It was going to be an adventure to see his den and then for him to see hers. Though a pit formed in her stomach was her place going to be ok for visitors? Of course it was in all truths she was very meticulous when it came to making the place look good a hundred percent of the time it. "Unless you'd rather see my den?" His giddy smile was contagious as she also gave a ear to ear grin.

Then the mention of family. "I am also excited to meet her. As well as your brother in law." She thought about her family. Her mother and father and then blinked the memories away of their untimely passing. "How many stories of me have you told them my love?"

nessiaing: If it were possible to see Umgiyo blush under is dark pelt his cheeks would be flaming. “Only a few and only good things” he promised the pink female. He leaned in to give her a nuzzle, excited to be able to show her affection openly now.

“Come lets go see mt den first.” he told her turning in the direction of the small den he called home. He was fairly certain they would end up calling her den home but it was fun to make the decision together. “Let’s go my love.” he said in a low soft voice.

Davy: She needed to get more friends so she could gossip -- of course all good gossip -- about her mate. Thula was ready to see just how Umgiyo spent his long nights -- in this case days -- away from her. Was his den close to his family? Would they run into his family along the way? The pink lioness walked close to him, nearly bumping shoulders with him every so often on their way to see his den. Tail sometimes even touching him almost like a comfort to know he was actually there.

"I love you Umgiyo. You honestly don't know how much and I could not explain it or express it enough." A gentle touch against him as they walked. Decisions, decisions.