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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

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Impression & Weyrling Guide

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Vice Captain

PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 3:18 pm

Impression is the single most important happening in a dragonriders life. This event is something that riders often can't begin to explain, and non-riders often look upon with envy. This is the moment when an individual finds their perfect missing piece, their best-friend, their unwavering support group, their lifemate, and it is a moment that will change them forever.

Impressing a dragon is not like Impressing a firelizard, a wher, or taking on a pet. It is something wholly unique to the dragon-rider experience, and is perhaps the most joyous moment in a man's life.

This moment isn't just a dragonet picking you out of the crowd, and suddenly talking to you. It's not like a sentient pet, someone who is nice to have around, and something to talk to when you're lonely or upset. No, Impression is something incredible.

In the books it's often written as "an indescribable feeling" or "having ones mind encased by another living, breathing, being". It is a mix of pleasure, joy, triumph, and relief all mixed in one. This little creature loves you. They accept your flaws, they know your secrets, they understand you in a way many likely never do. Suddenly, you no longer have to face the world alone. No matter how bad things get, you will always have your dragon, and this little creature will never, ever, abandon you. You have all the support you need, and will never, ever, have to be alone again. Often times, any Candidates break down in tears of joy -- or perhaps relief? -- when they are matched. The emotions in that initial Impression are absolutely beyond words. It's the highest high a person might ever experience, and nothing will ever compare.

The Impression bond is so strong that the dragon and rider will forever share each others thoughts and feelings. When the dragonet has an itch, the rider can 'feel' it through their connection; when the rider is upset or afraid, the dragon will instantly know. If a dragon is hungry, a rider might find himself ravenous as well. In those early stages, very little can be hid from one's dragon, and vice-versa -- but why would a rider need secrets fro their dragon anyway?

Dragons can send emotions to their rider -- praise, love, fondness, humor, bemusement, frustration, hurt -- just as the rider can send the same to their dragon.

It is a perfect match, a perfect bond, and the dragon will always find their perfect match. It's why the dragons choose, and not the riders -- the dragons know best.

The Impression bond is so great that many new weyrlings spend their first months and even turns absolutely besotted in nothing but their dragon. The entire world is new, because now there is a new life to share it with again. Many weyrlings seem to claim that everything about the world is new post-Impression, in part because they're also experiencing it for the first-time with their dragonet.

There are two downsides to such a unique and powerful bond. A dragon will always suicide when their rider dies. They will cry out in despair and simply push themself Between. A dragon cannot and will not ever live without his or her rider. The one exception is when a queen rider dies, and her gold is guarding a clutch. The gold will turn grey with grief, and only live long-enough for her clutch to Hatch. When it is time for the eggs to Hatch, she will throw herself between either before or after, or be taken there by sympathetic dragons if she is too weak.

When a dragon dies, in most cases, their rider will suicide as well. To lose ones soulmate, ones bonded, tends to leave a dragonless rider a mess. It's more than heartache -- they lose half of themselves and often just don't have the heart to carry on without their dragon. In some cases a person might go crazy, such as in Kylara's case, but there are a few scenarios where something kept the rider alive. Brekke and Lytol both survived when their dragons did not, and though it was difficult, made successful lives.

No person on Pern would ever deny a dragonless man or woman a fatal dose of fellis if they asked for it. The pain is too great, and is well understood on Pern.

The second downside to Impression is that often, other relationships play second-fiddle to the dragon-rider bond. This can cause complications. Children are often fostered in a Weyr because dragonrider parents are often so caught up in caring for their beast, they don't have as much time for their children. Non-rider lovers might feel that the dragon is loved more, and in many cases, likely is. Nobody can ever come between a rider or dragon pair, even the riders mate. This can cause jealousy or relationship drama, or at least misunderstandings.

Some riders refuse to get into long-term committed relationships because they know that their dragon will always come first. Some might only choose to be with other riders. And non-riders must always understand that the dragon will always be their lovers first and truest love. The affection they display for their dragon might never be found in their eyes when they look at you. It's just the fact of life.

This doesn't mean dragonriders can't have healthy and happy relationships with others. Many do! But nothing will ever compare to that bond.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 8:14 pm
It's a Weyrling Thing

Congratulations on becoming a Weyrling! Your next Turn is going to be all about your new lifemate, so you'd better be ready. While the Candidatemaster has attempted to get you into a solid routine, and teach you some dragon and dragonets basics, this next Turns is going to be jam-packed with information and hard work.

The Weyrlingmaster and his assistants are going to be there to help teach you, but remember, any trouble you get into can adversely effect your dragon. Everything you in learn in Weyrling Training is to help you become a successful dragonrider, and with no small amount of luck, you'll survive to see graduation.

But before we get into that, here are some things you'll need to know about Weyrling Training.

Weyrling Rules
  • Your dragon always comes first. It is imperative to keep your dragons well being in mind. This doesn't mean give them everything they ask for, but you need to think about what's best for them. If you're concerned about your dragonet or their health, talk to the Weyrlingmaster or their assistants.
  • The Weyrlingmaster and his assistants are here to help you succeed. Do not be afraid to come to them with questions or concerns.
  • Curfew is strictly enforced.
  • No drinking. Alcohol is no longer permitted until you graduate.
  • No intimacy of any kind. This rule goes away once the Weyrlingmaster moves you to your own weyr as a senior weyrling.
  • Junior Weyrlings cannot leave the Weyr for any reason. Senior Weyrlings might be allowed to leave the Weyr with permission and under supervision of a trusted Wingrider, Wingsecond, or Wingleader.
  • No timing it.
  • Chores and assigned duties must be completed daily.
  • Lessons and drills must be attended daily.
  • If you find yourself ill or hurt, inform the Weyrlingmaster or his assistants. If it is an emergency, go straight to the healers and they will inform the Weyrlingmaster for you.
  • Room assignments cannot be changed.
  • Firelizard care must be allotted into your own free time. When you should be oiling your dragon do not rush through to oil your fair of flits or feed them.
  • Female weyrlings will NOT get pregnant due to how often they are taken Between, even just to pop around the Weyrbowl. As sexual promiscuity is not allowed as a junior weyrling (and a character WOULD NOT risk their hatchling) these sorts of plots or stories are dead-on-arrival.

Weyrlings from a specific clutch are often given their own name and grouped together as a unit. The entire group will learn together, be assigned duties together, and be roomed together. Unlike the Candidate Barracks, it's not co-ed. Boys are on one side, girls on the other. Weyrlings are just a step above Candidates and Drudges, but are still the lowest ranking dragonrider, and thus, can be ordered around accordingly.

Junior weyrlings have dragons anywhere from hatchling stage to six months. By the end of it, junior weyrlings should be able to fly around the Weyr with little problem.

Senior weyrlings are from about month six to month twelve. They begin by learning more adanced flight routines and how to teleport Between. By the end of their graduation they are essentially fully-fledged dragonriders that can be tapped into any Wing.

Vice Captain

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 8:02 am
General Schedule

This schedule can change day-to-day depending on the length of the daily lesson, and what the Weyrlingmaster assigns. Junior Weyrlings spend more tie feeding and oiling their dragons than the Senior Weyrlings, as dragons eat less as they age. Upon graduation they should only be eating about every three to four days.

Typical Weyrling Schedule

0530: Dragon Care and Feeding -or- Or Extra Sleep / Free Time for Sr. Weyrlings
0630: Breakfast
0700: Morning Lecture
0900: Morning Training
1100: Dragon Care and Feeding -or- Morning Work Duties
1230: Lunch
1300: Afternoon Lecture
1500: Afternoon Training
1700: Dragon Care and Feeding -or- Afternoon Work Duties
1800: Evening Meal
1830: Evening Work Duties -or- Remedial Lessons
2100: Curfew – this is strictly enforced. All Weyrlings must be in the Barracks!

Every Weyrling is given a rest-day on the 7th Day of the week unless they are performing some punitive task for the Weyrlingmaster. Not every lecture, or work day is the same. Any Weyrling that completes their assigned tasks early can use the extra time for themselves, their studies, or their dragon.

The schedule is fairly jam-packed for weyring, but as they get closer to graduation, it does begin to ease up. The oldest weyrlings will have completed most of their training and will likely spend less time in lessons and more time running errands or assigned tasks. It isn't uncommon for senior weyrlings to be assigned to local Holds for various tasks, to be used to pick up goods and wares, or to be invited by a Wing to participate in a morning or afternoon sweep.

Additionally, in High Reaches Weyr metallic riders schedules might vary from the day-to-day, too. As they get older they will get tapped into additional lessons due to the possibility of either one of them becoming part of the Weyrleadership.

In Western Weyr, it's common for weyrlings with leadership potential to be picked out for these lessons, regardless of what color dragon they ride.

Any time spent outside of the Weyr is almost always under the eye of an older, experienced rider. The adult riders will only be allowed to take out a weyrling under supervision provided they do not have a history for trouble or shirking their duties, either. Any blemish on the riders record would likely put the on the black list for taking the weyrlings out on day trip.

That said, any weyrling who is given clearance to go with a fellow rider understand it is a privelege--and if they act out, defy orders, or otherwise make a fool of themselves (or cause trouble), it will be revoked and go on their record.

Weyrlings must have clearance to go out and likely won't be taken or allowed to go super far when they do.

Morning, Afternoon, and Evening Chores:
If Weyrlings thought that they would be seeing less of these, they were mighty mistaken. Every sevenday the chore assignments are posted for senior and junior weyrlings. These assignments will also post individual chores, and which weyrlings are assigned to what. Often the chores will require a handful of weyrlings assigned to them, which will force the weyrlings to work with one another. This rotation allows weyrlings to better bond, or at least work out any issues they might have with one another. Dragonriders must be a cohesive group, and sometimes that means working with individuals you just don't like! Additionally, chores are a way to keep the weyrlings out of trouble, as well as weed out individuals who slack or shirk their duties. Anyone caught doing the latter will get in big trouble, as laziness will not be permitted.

These chores are required, unless the Weyrlingmaster says otherwise, or illness (of either rider or dragon) strikes.

Dragon Care & Feeding:

Junior Weyrlings will learn very early on how to cut their own meat for their dragonet. Anyone who is squeamish will have to get over it quickly, as every weyrling must feed their own dragon. Anybody trying to get around this will be in big trouble as weyrling dragons eat a lot. On top of learning how to cut various types of meat and what to feed the dragon, and what to avoid, junior weyrlings will learn how to keep their dragon from over-eating, and learn the signs of indigestion and constipation.

Dragons need to be bathed and oiled daily, if not multiple-times when they are very young. The oil keeps their skin from itching and cracking, especially since they grow so quickly. Cracked skin is risk of infection, or for adult dragons, death should they Between and have unknown deep wounds.

Weyrlings are also require to muck out their Barracks daily, and to tend to their baby dragons droppings. Yes, that's right. Adult dragons go Between to take care of themselves, so there's no mess -- unless they're flightless, grounded, or ill. But weyrlings who don't go Between don't have that luxury. It is up to the weyrling to take care of their dragon, and anyone caught shirking this duty will be severely punished. Folks might not like cleaning up the mess, but it's all part of dragonriding.

As the dragon gets older, their care changes. Older weyrlings don't need to eat daily and will eventually have to be taught how to hunt. Full oilings might lessen to every other day, and then every few days, down to a couple times a week during graduation, but certain areas might still require daily attention.

Common Ailments:
Weyrlings are especially prone to common ailments. Baby dragons often find themselves with stomach aches, constipation, muscle cramps, pulled muscles, scrapes, scratches, bruises, dry patches (from under oiling), rashes or sensitive skin (from over oiling), and even the occasional broken bone.

Senior weyrlings tend to find themselves with broken nails (from hunting), muscle cramps (from over-exherting themselves in flight), broken bones (from botched landings), burns, Threadscore, and cracked skin.

Fatality for a weyrling is common, particularly for senior weyrlings. Learning how to jump Between can often cut down on a weyrling groups numbers fast. It is actually uncommon for weyrlings to make it to graduation with no losses. Threadfall only makes those losses go up in number. Weyrlings who delivery firestone to riders, or who start fighting Thread in the Weyrling Wing often are blooded, and too often, fatally.

Weyrling death is the most common cause of Weyrlingmaster and Weyrlingmaster Assistant retirement. The toll is just too much to easily bear.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 9:25 am
Approximate Monthly Schedule

First Month:

  • Basic dragon care: proper feeding and hygiene
  • Understanding and strengthening pair bonding
  • Complete tour of the Weyr – identification of areas off-limits for Weyrlings
  • Be able to identify by name all members of particular Weyrling class
  • Skills assessment and learning how to perform daily tasks on tfhe work schedule
  • Basic first aid skills
  • Learning the basics of firestone selection, sizing and proper bagging
  • Weyr rules and regulations
  • Knowing when to ask for help
  • Every Weyrling must make his or her own shoulder knots
  • Every Weyrling must butcher for his or her dragon

    Additional Gold Lessons
  • Gold Weyrlings are introduced privately to the Weyrwoman, Weyrwoman Second, and other goldriders of the Weyr.
  • Gold Weyrlings are taught the duties as a gold rider to both Pern and their Weyr.

    Second Month
  • Geography/History of Pern – Northern Continent: Nabol, High Reaches, Tillek
  • History of dragonkind
  • Dragon health care and nutrition beyond the basics
  • Basic Ground drills
  • Advanced Bonding between rider and dragon
  • Mating Flight discussion

    Additional Gold Lessons
  • Gold Weyrlings are introduced to the Headwoman / Headman, Assistants, and are likely given tours of the storerooms and archives.
  • Knowledge of local suppliers, caravans, and tithes.
  • Local goldrider history.

    Third Month
  • Geography of Pern – Northern Continent: Telgar, Ista, Crom
  • Intermediate ground drills begin
  • Dragon Development and Growth
  • Intermediate ground drills continue, adding in group drills
  • Advanced Bonding between rider and dragon

    Additional Gold Lessons
  • General and worldwide goldrider history
  • Introduction to the Weyrleader, Weyrleader Second, Flight Leaders, Wingleaders, and Wingseconds.
  • Shadow the junior weyrwomen and given light administrative duties.

    Fourth Month
  • Geography of Pern – Northern Continent: Fort, Ruatha, Southern Boll, Keroon
  • Intermediate ground drills continue, adding in group drills
  • Advanced Bonding between rider and dragon
  • Advanced group ground drills
  • First dragonet solo flights!

    Additional Gold Lessons
  • Shadow the Weyrwoman Second and Headwoman
  • Continue light administrative duties.
  • Learn about local Hold politics and important heads of Major and Minor Holds, their Ladies, Stewards, and Heirs.

    Fifth Month
  • Geography of Pern – Northern Continent: Bendan, Bitra, Lemos, Nerat, Igen
  • Advanced Ground Drills continue – Crossover drills added!
  • Learning about fighting straps – construction, use, purpose, etc.
  • Construction of first set of fighting straps
  • Use and care of other flight equipment – eye goggles, wherhide, gloves, etc.
  • Introduction to and details about HNO3 sprayers
  • First Pair Flight!
  • Pair Flights Supervised

    Additional Gold Lessons
  • Basic HNO3 sprayer Lessons -- Basic Use on Ground
  • Basic Dragonhealing Lessons with Weyrwoman & Weyrwoman Second
  • Advanced Administrative duties under Junior Weyrwoman supervision

    Sixth Month
  • Geography of Pern – Southern Continent
  • Weather, air currents, safe flying and fighting heights and other flight concerns
  • Pair Flights Unsupervised
  • Assigned to Groups of 3 to practice flights about the Weyrbolw
  • Assist carrying Lower Caverns workers to and from weyrs and places around the Bowl
  • With Weyrlingmaster Approval, can move from the Barracks into their own weyr.

    Additional Gold Lessons
  • Advanced HN03 sprayer Lessons & Care
  • Burn Remedies
  • Meet local ground crews for Q&A
  • Continued administrative tasks as needed
  • Basic Dragonhealing Lessons with Weyrwoman & Weyrwoman Second Continued

    Seventh Month
  • Geography of Pern -- Western Continent
  • Basic Aerial Drills
  • Learning about Between
  • Between Coordinates: High Reaches and Fort Weyrs; High Reaches, Tillek, Ruatha, Fort and Southern Boll Holds
  • Dragon Toss
  • First Supervised Trip Between
  • Supervised Between Trips to Local Hotspots
  • Continued assistance carrying Lower Caverns workers to and from weyrs and places around the Bowl
  • One-on-Ones with Wingriders (Local Leisure Flights)
  • Assigned to Groups of 3 (weyrlings) to practice Basic Aerial Drills in Formation

    Additional Gold Lessons
  • Basic HN03 sprayer Training and maneuvers during Flight
  • Basic gold command lecture and lessons under Weyrwoman's supervision
  • Advanced Leadership Training with the Weyrwoman Second and Weyrleader Second
  • Advanced Dragonhealing Lessons with Weyrwoman & Weyrwoman Second

    Eighth Month
  • Between Coordinates: Igen, Ista, & Telgar Weyrs; Igen, Keroon, Nerat, Ista, and Telgar Holds
  • Intermediate Aerial Drills begin: including first rope drills
  • Night flying – including learning about star charts
  • Unsupervised Between Jumps at the Weyr
  • Unsupervised Between Jumps to Local Hotspots
  • Threadfighting lectures and discussions
  • Threadfall charts
  • Continued assistance carrying Lower Caverns workers to and from weyrs and places around the Bowl
  • Assigned to Groups of 3 (weyrlings) to practice Intermediate Aerial Drills in Formation
  • Assigned to Groups of 6 (weyrlings) to practice Basic Aerial Drills
  • Greens may begin to rise

    Additional Gold Lessons
  • Advanced HN03 Sprayer Training and maneuvers during Flight
  • Advanced gold commands under Weyrwoman's supervision
  • Gold Flight Duties and Responsibilities Q&A with Weyrwoman and Weyrwoman Second
  • Clutch charts and general dragon flight archives
  • Additional Dragonhealing Lessons with Weyrwoman & Weyrwoman Second Continued

    Ninth Month
  • Between Coordinates: Benden Weyr, Benden, Bitra and Lemos Holds
  • Going between in small group formations
  • Advanced Aerial Drills begin
  • Basic Defense and Dueling
  • Fear of Threadfall Q&A with Weyrleader and/or Riders
  • Continued assistance carrying Lower Caverns workers to and from weyrs and places around the Bowl
  • Assigned to Groups of 3 (weyrlings) to practice Advanced Aerial Drills
  • Assigned to Groups of 6 (weyrlings) to practice Intermediate Aerial Drills in Formation
  • Assigned to Groups of 12 (weyrlings) to practice Basic Aerial Drills
  • Continued assignments with trusted Wingriders for Leisure Flights and Recreational Outings to Holds
  • Blues may begin to chase

    Additional Gold Lessons
  • Hatching grounds and clutching Q&A
  • Queen's Wing responsibilities
  • Additional Dragonhealing Lessons with Weyrwoman & Weyrwoman Second -- Supervised Practice

    Tenth Month
  • Between Coordinates: Southern Continent including Southern Weyr and Monaco Bay Weyr
  • Going Between in wings and larger formations
  • Advanced Aerial Drills continue, including flaming during rope drills
  • Chewing Firestone and Flaming
  • Basic Defense and Dueling continues
  • Continued assistance carrying Lower Caverns workers to and from weyrs and places around the Bowl
  • Assigned to Groups of 6 (weyrlings) to practice Advanced Aerial Drills
  • Assigned to Groups of 12 (weyrlings) to practice Intermediate Aerial Drills in Formation
  • Full Weyrling Wing practice of Basic Aerial Drills
  • Continued assignments with trusted Wingriders and Wingseconds for Leisure Flights and Recreational Outings to Holds
  • First Threadfall!
  • Browns may begin to chase.

    Additional Gold Lessons
  • Advanced Dragonhealing Lessons with Weyrwoman & Weyrwoman Second - Supervised handling of real cases
  • Thread evasion maneuvers
  • Mid-air rescues lecture and Q&A

    Eleventh Month
  • Between Coordinates: Western Continent including Western Weyr & Western Hold
  • Advanced Aerial Drills continue
  • Threadfall lectures: Fighting Wings at different altitudes
  • Threadfighting continues and grows in complexity
  • Defense and Dueling: Advanced Techniques
  • Assigned to Groups of 12 (weyrlings) to practice Advanced Aerial Drills
  • Full Weyrling Wing practice of Intermediate Aerial Drills in Formation
  • Continued assistance carrying Lower Caverns workers to and from weyrs and places around the Bowl
  • Continued Weyrling Wing practice of Basic Aerial Drills
  • Continued assignments with trusted Wingriders, Wingseconds, and Wingleaders for Leisure Flights and Recreational Outings to Holds
  • Bronzes may begin to chase

    Additional Gold Lessons
  • Advanced Dragonhealing Lessons with Weyrwoman & Weyrwoman Second - Supervised handling of real cases
  • Mid-air rescues practice

    Twelfth Month
  • Advanced Aerial Drills continue (and will continue until graduation)
  • Threadfighting continues
  • Search Dragons and Search procedures
  • Defense and Dueling: Advanced Techniques
  • Mid-Air Rescues
  • Full Weyrling Wing Practice of Advanced Aerial Drills
  • Continued assistance carrying Lower Caverns workers to and from weyrs and places around the Bowl
  • Continued Weyrling Wing practice of Intermediate Aerial Drills in Formation
  • Continued Weyrling Wing practice of Basic Aerial Drills
  • Continued assignments with trusted Wingriders, Wingseconds, and Wingleaders for Leisure Flights and Recreational Outings to Holds
  • Golds may have their first flight. [Staff will approach you when your dragon is due to rise. It's possible, depending on timing, she may be a late bloomer or wait until after graduation!]

    Additional Gold Lessons
  • Advanced Dragonhealing Lessons with Weyrwoman & Weyrwoman Second - Unsupervised handling of real cases
  • Mid-Air rescues continued

Please keep in mind depending on the Weyr and the Weyrlingmaster, you might get more training in one place than the other. Additionally, the Holds/Halls/Weyrs that you learn Between coordinates for might vary, or be changed around. Obviously individuals in Western Weyr would learn about the Western Continent first, before moving onto the Northern and Southern Continent Holds, Halls, and Weyr.

Approximate Monthly Sizes

In the books, it usually takes 18 months for a baby dragon to reach full growth. In Echoes of Pern, we pretend they grow much faster, and will reach their full size after 12 Months.

Smaller dragons might reach their full size sooner, but every dragon is a bit unique.

Here are approximate average weyrling sizes. Dragons do most of their growing in the first six months. This means as they start slowing down, their itching and need for daily oiling subsides.

One thing to keep in mind is that these sizes are for length, not height. Most of the dragons length is made up of neck and tail. Don't be fooled though! They can still cause a bit of damage.

Hatchling Sizes
Please note that Hatchling sizes can be variable! Most hatchlings start off around the same size, give or take. Some are larger, some are smaller, and whites are almost always the smallest. Egg size could also determine whether or not the hatchling starts out smaller than list.

Hatching Sizes (Averages in parenthesis)
White: 2'-3' (2.5')
Green: 3'-5' (4')
Blue: 4'-6' (5')
Brown: 5'-7' (6')
Bronze: 6'-8' (7')
Gold: 7'-9' (8')

1 Month
White: 4'-6' (5')
Green: 6'-10' (8')
Blue: 8'-14' (11')
Brown: 11-16' (13.5')
Bronze: 12'-19' (15.5')
Gold: 13'-20' (16.5')

2 Month
White: 6'-10' (8')
Green: 10'-14' (12')
Blue: 14'-20' (17')
Brown: 20'-25' (22.5')
Bronze: 23'-28' (25.5)
Gold: 24'-30' (27')

3 Months
White: 12'-14' (13')
Green: 18'-24' (21')
Blue: 24-28' (26')
Brown: 28'-30' (29')
Bronze: 30'-34' (32')
Gold: 32'-38' (35')

4 Months
White: 16'-20' (18')
Green: 24'-30' (27')
Blue: 30'-36' (33')
Brown: 36'-42' (39')
Bronze: 42'-44' (43')
Gold: 44'-48' (46')

6 Months - Senior Weyrlings
White: 22'-26' (24')
Green: 30'-38' (34')
Blue: 38'-46' (42')
Brown: 46'-54' (50')
Bronze: 54'-60' (57')
Gold: 58'-66' (62')

8 Months
White: 28'-30' (29')
Green: 36'-46' (41')
Blue: 46'-56' (51')
Brown: 56'-66' (61')
Bronze: 66'-70' (68')
Gold: 72'-80' (76')

10 Months
White: 32'-33' (32.5')
Green: 44'-52' (48')
Blue: 50'-60' (55')
Brown: 66'-76' (71')
Bronze: 76'-84' (80')
Gold: 82'-90' (86')

12 Months
White: 36' (36')
Green: 50'-56' (53')
Blue: 60-66' (63')
Brown: 80'-84' (82')
Bronze: 88'-92' (90')
Gold: 96'-102' (99')

It's possible some of the smaller dragons will reach their full-size around month 8, but not always! If nothing else, the dragons will all be full size by the time they Graduate in the 13th Month. The above are simply general averages for how quickly dragons grow.

Vice Captain

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 10:13 am

Graduation is a historic moment for a weyrling pair. It's the moment that every weyrling pair looks forward to, because it means that they not only survived the rigors of Weyrling Training, but are now a fully-fledged dragonrider.

The Graduation Ceremony usually happens at the end of the twelfth month of training. This is a day for celebration, and is where the Weyrlingmaster officially releases his weyrlings into the care of their new Wings. For the past couple of months -- if not during their entire course of trianing -- the Weyrlings will have been watched and studied. Wingleaders, Wingseconds, and the Weyrleadership will have taken keen interest in the group, because these men and women will be their future wingriders.

Wingleaders will make bids for the brightest and best, but it is ultimately up to the Weyrlingmaster (who knows his students best) as well as the Weyrleader to make final assignments.

The day of the Graduation (or a few days before) the Wingleaders are given a list of their new wingriders. By this point rumors have speculated on which weyrling will be tapped into what Wing, but it isn't officially known until Graduation.

During the Ceremony, after the Weyrlingmaster has officially released the riders from his care, and everyone has toasted the memory of the weyrlings lost from the group, the Wingleaders and their seconds will officially invite their newest riders into their wing. In some cases this is done as an official announcement, with the Wingleaders reading the names of their newest riders and asking them all to join; in other cases the Wingleaders will seek out the riders individually and tap them in one-by-one. It just depends on the pageantry and the size of the weyrling group.

No matter how it's done, the weyrlings who are tapped into Wings that day will spend the rest of it getting welcomed into the group. Usually this is done during the Graduation Feast,where they are given a seat at the Wings table, introduced to their Wingleader and Wingsecond, and generally welcomed with cheers, alcohol, and good humor. Depending on the Wing and the temperament of their Wingleader, though, it might be a more somber affair.

In rare cases, a weyrling might not be allowed to graduate. This is usually done as a punitive measurement, but in rare cases, depending on how the dragon-rider pair is fairing, they might be held back. A rider who is still terrified of flying or going Between might be held back until they break through their fear. A rider who is wounded an ill might not be allowed to graduate until they are fully recuperated. It is entirely up to the Weyrlingmaster on who he holds back, and for whatever reason.

Holding back weyrlings is rare though, and unless someone requests their weyrling be held back, or does something insanely stupid during their end of weyrling training, we'll likely advance all weyrlings to graduate.
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