Joining Up!
SoA Link: Tanzeln - 'prance', German
Rank: Guard
Personality: Spirited doe who learned to stride before she learned to walk. Respectful and a little tongue-tied around those she considers her betters; peers and friends instead get a slightly goofy, confident doe who takes pride in herself, her accomplishments, and yours too if need be. She always tries to have an encouraging word for others since she knows what it's like to have none herself.
History: With her dark color, obvious horns and willingness to spar with the cadets, Tanzeln was something of a disappointment for her parents. They, imports from the rogue-lands, were perfectly happy to be grazers; to raise grazers; and to remain as under-the-radar as possible for the good of their family. One look at the elegant queen and the strident horns of her protectors, and Tan promptly bucked that notion. It has been drilled into her head all her life that she'll never be as lovely as the queen she admires. While that bothers her to some extent, Tan is determined not to let that scorn - or anyone else's - get in her way. She lives in order to pursue her own kind of greatness, even if she believes she'll be the only one to appreciate it.

I need one!
Name: Sethunya - 'bloom, flower', Tswana
Rank: Florist
Gender: Female
Species: Gazelle
Horns: None, please
Personality: Bold, curious, impish. Happy to be a voice of comic relief in hard times and a listening ear for anyone who needs it. Despite her small size, Sethunya is sturdy as a waterbuck when it comes to emotional burdens. She views her work with flowers as a vital extension of her duty to support the herd, all the more so because of her decision to focus on lillies. She loves cultivating the bright blue and violet blooms, and treasures adorning her herdmates with their twining blossoms even more.
History: Born inside the pride and has utter faith in its ability to keep her safe. Mildly afraid of the outside, having always remained safe behind the Honor Guard's horns; but it's the kind of fear that makes a doe powerfully curious. For the price of a lovely arranged bouquet or the best of her lilies she can offer to the weavers, Sethunya will request stories of the world beyond the Neck to anyone who cares to indulge her.