Even with her loving litter of three, sometimes, the bad was so strong, so clear, that Miira woke in a cold sweat. Sometimes it was just poor luck she couldn't place, sometimes just haze. Tonight and for the past few nights it was a darkness, burning and taking, taking and burning. If Miira hadn't investigated when she spied lions as those from her visions, she would've ignored them, but now she didn't know what to do. The visions insisted, a black cloud hanging over them, and finally she decided she had to go out, and share.

Primitus was curled, watching stars contentedsly on the border of the Aegnor'hini, admiring the sky silently. It had been far too long since he had been calm, or quiet, and golden eyes flicked from star to star, wondering at their placement as he relaxed.

Hid tail flopped lazily, his eyes were half lidded, and a sigh came from him when he noticed the approach of Miira, and his large head rose to look at the female.

"Miira?" He said softly. "What's troubling you?"

He didn't need to be a Seer to See her worry. Her fear. It was clear on the lioness' face, how she came without Shido. Something bothered her, and he knew it might be a vision. Until her second litter was born after the disaster of her first, she was constantly haunted...

"Great Grandpa?" Miira spoke quietly, ears low with worry. "I.. Saw something. With one of my half-aunts."

Primitus was up in a flash as Miira flinched, moving and grooming his past-life descendant worriedly, a concerned rumble in his chest.

"What's wrong?" He asked softly. "What happened?"

Miira swallowed, closing her eyes. The black and darkness hung thick like a heavy winter pelt and she quivered, shaking terribly.

"There were... Lions.... I couldn't see how or why but... She was among them... Lesser than them... All I could see was teeth and claws...."

Miira trembled, and Primitus blinked.

The cloud set lower.

"Claws and teeth?"

"Thick fur as well. It was storming... All I could guess was... Was she was a slave...."

She. A daughter. Primitus swallowed, visions of a dead cub before his eyes. The body of his son....

"What did she look like."

"I... Saw stars. Wings? I'm not clear..."

That told him enough. Few of his litters bore his wings, fewer away from here at present. One of Saoirse's children. His daughter -- his child.

The blood of a past memory taunted his nose as every muscle went stoney and Miira looksed to the god frozen in position, eyes wide in shock. His paw trembled and he quivered, swallowing. He appreciated Miira's word, he did, and the female was watching, beginning to pin her ears back before a hushed grass-rustle crossed his mind, tired and worn, battlefatigued and concerned.

You would let them get away with this?

It was fleeting, a feeling of another. Tears began to come from his eyes, Primitus still frozen as he merely stayed, reliving.

His bnrother and he fighting over the body of his son and grandson. The fury, the hatred. He thought not of himself fighting tyranny, but of those lose. Of who he thought je might never see again. A grass-ryustle.

They took one you raiseed by paw friend." The voice was slowly gathering volume, male for sure. "They have not proven worthy of mercy. Is it not your duty to lead?

Primitus shook his head, looking around before looking to Miira, the lioness huddling. The voice was quiet, humming fondly, and Primitus sighed.

"Thank... You Miira." He breathed. "I see I'l need to see to this."

"Are you going to do something stupid?" Miira asked. Primitus blinked, and looked to Miira, one brow raising in surprise at the question.

"Am I what?"

"I just have this... feeling. Like things are going to tgo to hell." Miira murmured. Primitus sighed, thinking on his anwer a moment, before nodding.

"I can't promise to not, Miira. Before you were born, I died for a cub and your uncle."

He shivered, the voice in his mind murmuring incoherantly. The god shivered, shaking his head before he offered Miira a weak smile, one that trembled.

He didn't feel right. He didn't feel okay. Everything was wrong. Miira frowned, the black settling as it spread, and the seer nosed the god tentatively. Primitus rumbled, sighing as he let her nuzzle close, and almost involuntarily, his paw wrapped around her protectively, the god sighing.

No harm to our own. But they will pay. the voice spoke again, and Primitus internally trembled as he resisted mouthing the words, instead turning to groom Miira fondly.

"Is Shido nearby?" He finally asked. Miira blinjed, and nodded her head in the direction of her den.

"Sleeping nearby."

"You may wish to go to rest soon." Primitus explained. "And your children do help your nightmares and dark visions."

"What of you?" Miira looked up, conern on her face as she blinked, and Primitus chuckled, grooming her again.

"I'll be fine sweetheart." Primitus crooned.

And they will suffer an eye for an eye, blood for blood.... The soft voice murmured softly. It bore no ill will to Miira, nore any but those whom lay paw on his cub, and Primitus blinked, Miira studying him before he shook himself out, grooming a paw. Miira didn't look convinced, earning a pause from Primitus before she pawed him, sighing.

"Not alone, great grandpa." She scolded. He stared, blinking before she pawed him again, the god pausing.


"Please?" Miira frowned. "I'm worried about you."

There was silence, before he rose silently, moving to follow before Miira trot behind him, almost pushing him forward as he squeaked, blinking before beginning to walk. Only then did Miira begin moving herself, but regardless, she couldn't help worrying this was the tip of the ice burg, and the female sighed, and followed and half herded Primitus to her den.

Hopefully, they could all get some sleep.