this sounds weird but hey, i'm a 17 year old chick named Liz who has never had any female friends and is not interested in females anyway. im used to hanging out with guys and all and i like to keep it that way. im born in the netherlands but roots are in russia and im also very into anything russian if that doesnt sound weird.

im into art, music (actual weird taste, not the 'im not like the other girls' kind), freaky (cult) movies, im someone who is really into drugs (not specifically taking but research, documentaries, films, its just fascinating to me). im also into space s**t and i am interested in anything underground/illegal such as the illegal raves i visit every weekend. i'd like to find someone who is actually as ******** up as me but i dont think thats possible on this cutesie website full of anime addicted people. on that note, i dont like anime.

am currently waiting on trainspotting 2, rick and morty and adventure time to continue. im looking to buy a tattoo machine and all the other stuff you need because ive spent a few years looking for apprenticeship and it hasnt worked so im gonna go ******** it. my favourite tattoo artists are sad amish and littleswastika. i dont know what im supposed to tell about myself. i barely make selfies so i guess if you want to see me ill fix a decent picture? idk