xxxxxxV I N C E N T xxxD A L Exxx M A S T E R Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              NICKNAMES »» Vince
              AGE »» 18
              BIRTHDAY »» 21 January 2025
              GENDER »» Male
              FACE-CLAIM »» Rick Cosnett
              BLOOD STATUS »» Muggleborn
              WAND »» 12 inches, Pine with Unicorn Hair, rigid and smooth
              ACCENT »» Cheshire
              PET »» Cat Tesla

              xxx»» Textbooks
              xxx»» The internet
              xxx»» Computers
              xxx»» Science
              xxx»» Being left alone
              xxx»» His mother and most of his siblings
              xxx»» Sweets
              xxx»» Scary things
              xxx»» Crowds
              xxx»» Idiots
              xxx»» Reading
              xxx»» Gaming
              xxx»» Writing

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Vincent, being the middle child of his family and thus no one's favorite anything, is quite accustomed to being blamed for things to get others out of trouble. As such, it's a method of self-preservation that he is constantly watching everything and everyone. If his mother's favorite vase falls off a shelf, you can bet whoever's responsible will claim he did it, and so he's always on the lookout for such situations. He tends to see a lot of things people would prefer he didn't, and is just as likely as not to use the information to his advantage.

              xxx»» Being overlooked often tends to not be great for a child's self esteem. Constantly being assumed to be the cause of accidents isn't either. Given the curse of accidental, uncontrollable magic making him a magnet for such accidents, it was easy enough for his parents and siblings to assume and/or claim he was the cause of anything that went awry. As such, he tends to be quiet, unassuming, and try very very hard not to be noticed. Sometimes this works against him, though; once his eldest sister claimed he'd been the one to crush his father's petunias, when in fact he'd been in the kitchen with his father at the time. Unfortunately, his presence in the kitchen hadn't been noticed, and he ended up taking the blame anyway.

              xxx»» As expected, being constantly blamed for every little thing, and never having any real positive attention directed his way, Vince is by far the most angry of his siblings. He keeps it to himself, but he's frequently in a horrible mood, over everything. He wakes up in the morning waiting for all the ways the day will go wrong. He feels like his entire life is one big black hole of injustice. He's tried many times to simply run away, all unsuccessful. He keeps to himself as much as he can, to try and minimize the amount of time he's being treated unfairly, or actively ignored. He figures, if no one pays attention to him while he's in his room, at least it's because that's what he wants.

              xxx»» Vince has control over very few things in his life. As such, the few things he does have control over, he wants to be exact, perfect in every way. His closet is arranged quite specifically, his things are always put away neatly, he's an excessively picky eater, the list goes on and on. If things are out of place, he can't focus on anything else until he's fixed it. His parents, for the most part, are just happy they have a child who is so neat and orderly.

              xxx»» When your parents don't pay you much attention and your siblings always have someone else they'd rather play with, you tend to spend a lot of time alone. As such, Vincent spends most of his free time reading, surfing the internet, or watching the telly. Unlike many children his age, he finds most media directed at his age group boring, and instead enjoys the study of history, culture, physics, basically anything you're supposed to be learning at school... in a few years, not at age eleven. He's exceptionally well-read for his age, and it shows.

              xxx»» Competing with six other kids for everything tends to wear on a person after a while. It's not like his family isn't doing well money-wise, it's just that his parents have seven children and aren't filthy rich. As such, Vince has learned to get creative. He knows how to look in the cabinet and fridge and find an interesting way to combine what's inside after his siblings have looked at it all and said 'there's nothing to eat.' He taught himself how to sew so that he could repair old clothes instead of needing to ask for his next set of hand-me-downs. He even paid for his own computer, through saving every scrap of change he found tucked away in the house, every cent he got for his birthday or allowance, and convincing his siblings to pay him to do their chores. That laptop is the one thing in the world that is truly 'his', and it's his most prized possession.

              xxx»» Perceptive
              xxx»» Clever
              xxx»» Socially awkward
              xxx»» Bitter
              xxx»» Being invisible
              xxx»» Being lost

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Vincent was the fourth child born to Aaron and Holly Masters. He often laments that his parents, who'd both always wanted a large family, hadn't stopped at four. Unfortunately, the Masters clan is known for having more kids than sense, and his mother was an only child. The combination led to a desire to have what he refers to as 'an excessive number of children', with the couple stopping (reluctantly) after seven. Vince would call himself the black sheep of the family, but that would make him noticeable in the sea of white, and no one ever notices him, except when there's something to blame him for. When he was five years old, his grandparent's living room at Christmas, stuffed full of far too many people, was too loud for his taste. The child yelled 'shut up', and the room went silent. Not because anyone listened, but because they'd all lost their voices. The ability to speak returned to each member eventually, the longest being a younger cousin, three hours after the incident. After that, the family tended to blame him for anything 'odd' that happened, and eventually for anything that happened at all. Vincent has never felt like there was anything particularly special about him, and goes back and forth between being perfectly content with being normal, and wishing desperately that he were special enough to be noticed. Unfortunately, the decision was made for him when he received his Hogwarts letter and discovered he was a wizard. It took him a while to come to terms with this news, but in the end he convinced himself that it would be better to be away at a boarding school than trapped at home, stuck as his sibling's favorite scapegoat.

              SCHOOL YEARS
              xxx»» Vince's school years were excellent, at least while he was at school. Time spent at home became increasingly not so, particularly when it was discovered that his youngest sister, Andi, was also magic. He'd become accustomed over the years to the way his family treated him, and was able to (mostly) ignore the hostility and uncomfortable tension that developed once his magic was discovered. What he couldn't deal with, however, was that same treatment being directed at Andi, who had always been the spoiled (if neglected) baby of the family. Apparently, his mother wasn't taking her kid's magic very well at all, and eventually his parents decided to separate. Which would've been fine with him, but when they saw fit to inform their children, a fight broke out, centered around their mother referring to him and Andi as freaks. They, along with Linda and Duane, ended up moving out of the family home with their father.
              xxx»» The new living situation didn't last long, however, as not long after they'd moved house, Linda overheard Vince discussing his sexuality with Duane. Specifically, discussing the realization that he was gay. Duane was accepting, and Linda was more or less apathetic about the reality of it, but she felt the need to inform their father, who informed his son that his being gay 'on top of' being magic was too much for him to handle. Vince left the home, choosing to move in with James and his family. Andi followed suit, and Duane wasn't far behind. The three found themselves much happier after that, and haven't had contact with any of the rest of the family since.
              xxx»» Things at school were more stable. He made a couple of friends, both boys in Hufflepuff who weren't bothered in the slightest by his acidic demeanor. The discovery of his sexuality was tied directly to the realization that he'd developed a small crush on not one, but both of his friends. The attraction to his best friend Daniel faded some over time; with Ji, not so much, but he never said anything or acted on it for fear of making their friendship awkward. For the most part, Vince tried to focus on his studies and keep his head down, something he was very good at.

              xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                  ATTENDED »» Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
                  HOUSE »» Ravenclaw
                  GRADUATED »» 2043
                  BEST LESSONS
                  xxx»» History of Magic
                  xxx»» Arithmancy
                  xxx»» Study of Ancient Runes
                  WORST LESSONS
                  xxx»» Herbology
                  xxx»» Healing
                  xxx»» Alchemy
                  OWL SCORES
                  xxxASTRONOMY »» O
                  xxxCHARMS »» O
                  xxxDEFENSE AGAINST THE DARK ARTS »» EE
                  xxxHERBOLOGY »» A
                  xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» O
                  xxxPOTIONS »» EE
                  xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» O
                  xxxALCHEMY »» EE
                  xxxARITHMANCY »» A
                  xxxCURSEBREAKING »» EE
                  xxxHEALING »» EE
                  xxxSTUDY OF ANCIENT RUNES »» A
                  xxxWIZARD LAW »» EE

                  NEWT SCORES
                  xxxASTRONOMY »» EE
                  xxxCHARMS »» EE
                  xxxDEFENSE AGAINST THE DARK ARTS »» A
                  xxxHERBOLOGY »» A
                  xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» O
                  xxxPOTIONS »» EE
                  xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» O
                  xxxALCHEMY »» A
                  xxxARITHMANCY »» O
                  xxxCURSEBREAKING »» A
                  xxxHEALING »» EE
                  xxxSTUDY OF ANCIENT RUNES »» O
                  xxxWIZARD LAW »» EE

                  DREAM JOB »» Librarian

              xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                  SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION »» Gay
                  RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Single
                  SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» - - -

                  xxx»» Parents Aaron and Holly Masters
                  xxx»» Brothers Robert, Duane, and Anthony
                  xxx»» Sisters Linda, Janet, and Sissy
                  xxx»» Second cousin James Masters Lyre Maya, Austen
                  xxx»» Best friend Daniel Jacobs
                  xxx»» Ji-Yeong Cho
                  xxx»» - - -
                  xxx»» Various Ravenclaw house alumni
                  xxx»» Class of 2043

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxU P D A T E Sxxx

23 Oct 2018 ««
Updates Madexxx
Updated to graduate ««

Pended Byxxx
Weasley 1/3/17 ««
Accepted Byxxx
~ Dia 3/28/17 ««
Updates Accepted Byxxx
❝Yukitty❞ 5/16/18 ««