Looking for: 3nodding
Cute Friends, Possibly a Girlfriend, even Friend with benefits. redface

Hi girls, my name is Jerry.
I live in Mexico, with a little kitty named Rukia. Other than that sadly, I live alone.
theres a small description on my profile about me, with my age and my skype if anyone wants to chat some more, or ask me questions here, my inbox is always open. heart

lets get some info about me so you can get to know me 3nodding
i want to get to know you wink

I love FOOD! i love chicken and cheese. in any variation.. i enjoy Chinese and Japanese food quite a lot. and im a good cook, of course Mexican food can be amazing too.

Sports. im not a very sporty person, i used to play baseball and soccer alot, but i get bored watching sport matches on tv. i really only watch the Superbowl and thats once a year LOL

TvShows, there are sooo many, lets see if i can get a good list 4laugh
"Lucifer, Supergirl, Gotham, The Flash, Suits, Agents of SHIELD, Arrow, Frequency, Blind-spot, Legends of Tomorrow, Grimm, Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Quantico, Once upon a Time, Game of Thrones." to name the current ones im watching i think mrgreen hahaha.... i also watch a lot of anime and hentai redface

Hobbie, would be the computer, since i can watch all my shows, movies and "other kind" of videos.
And i can socialize with people all over the world smile

Movies, im a Star Wars guy razz and i like all the super hero movies, Fast and Furious series is awesome indeed.

i fear of loneliness and death.

im embarrassed about being caught naked watching porn by my mom once when i was younger. <.< haha.

goal in life would be... to find someone to share my life with, and be successful with the business im planning with my brother soon. as long as im good with those 2. the rest will come as good as it gets.

Please, feel free to ask me any questions, PM me heart