Primitus - NovaCracker
Harsul - Das Tor

It was... Hard. Primitus couldn't clear his mind since learning of his child's kidnapping, and with the angry voice in his mind, he struggled to think. To even focus - so the God had fled to try hiding, the voice trying to coax him out.

He wasn't an ukind voice, but he was terrifying. The voice spoke, and spoke often, trying to soothe and trying to not terrify him in the same blow, but it wasn't easy, and Primitus was a ball of fur and wings, the voice, calling itself Gaius, allowing him the hiding place to breathe. But he seemed present.

Harsul was just on his way out to hunt when he noticed the scent out of the ordinary. It wasn't an unfamiliar one, after all anyone who had grown up in the pride knew of the god who judged those of the royal lines. But it was still out of place considering they hadn't heard anything about him visiting. The red lion frowned, moving for the scent. "Primitus? Is all right?" What could have brought the god to their lands unannounced? Harsul was...arrogant, sure. But he wasn't heartless, and the god was as much a part of the pride's lives as their resident goddess was.

"No." Primitus whispered, before his voice seemed to change, lowering, almost smoothing out to a tone that was inexplicably soft, even for him.

"We are afraid." 'Gaius' spoke, a low, calm tone. 'We are afraid of me. Which is hardly fair--"

Primitus clamped his paws over his muzzle, and looked miserable, and frustrated at the same time, trembling. What was WRONG with him?!

The far blinked, surprised. Wait. Had Primitus just...Harsul looked at the god oddly a moment, calculating, the demon in his own mind processing what was going on as Harsul himself did. And they came to the same conclusion. "You've a demon, Primitus? An honest, true demon?" It wouldn't be the first time a god not Sparda or Morifaer had one, of course. His ancestress bore one, after all, though she'd been mortal at first. "Huh. Well give me horns and call me a gazelle. Now why in the hells are you scared of your own demon?"

"...I...." Primitus shook. "Is that... What he is!?" Primitus asked, almost squeaking. "He... Just... When I learned something bad he just... Popped out... Like..." Like when he last died, or other major catastrophes in past lives.

"Certainly sounds like it!" Harsul couldn't help the chuckle that came from him. "We all find our demons in different ways! Some of us early on because of something that happens, some of us not until we're pushed in the caverns. Those born outside the pride sometimes find them in...hard ways. Like Set and Taswira. Everyone knows what they'd originally joined to do at this point. And through hardship and hard lessons, they found their demons and found we aren't near as bad as they thought."

"He hasn't quieted again." Primitus whined, peering from between sharp feathers timidly. "He's always quieted. I don't know what to do."

"For one, we really ought teach those heathens a lesson." Gaius suddenly drawled in Prim's throat, tone agitated. "One does not claim to follow the gods then take a god's mortal child. It simply is not done."

"Not all demons are quiet. Mine gets rather agitated with me because I've no designs to be anything more than I am." Harsul couldn't help but chuckle again. "You just go with it." The words from Primitus' demon made him snap to attention, though, eyes narrowing. "What? Who stole a god's child? That's beyond foolish. Even we've known better at our worst." He paused. "Well. Most of us. I think there was one exception, and he met his end properly." Harsul had been born long after Iartuupe's death, and hadn't cared much for the stories about the first on Morifaer's throne, back when the pride was the Aikanaro'hini. "But truly, who was so foolish?"

"Outsiders." Primitus spoke, Gaius seeming to recede to comfort him again as Primitus winced. "My - my daughter. I wasn't there."

He was rarely where he was needed.... The god winced, looking down to his paws.

"I learned from a seer. I wasn't there for her when I was most needed..."

"My condolences." Even Harsul could be compassionate. Even if he was a little s**t. "Unfortunately, not even you gods can be everywhere at once. Have you spoken to anyone else about the matter? Maybe you can get aid in rescuing her. In bringing her back?" He did feel sorry for the god, in all truth. It had to be hard to have one's cub taken forcefully. To become a sador was one thing. Similar ranks in other prides? Well...he'd noticed they didn't have near the freedom the sador had in the Aegnor.

"I just...don’t know what to do... Gaius wants to slaughter them all... I... Do... And do not...."

He hadn't fought in so long -- not since dying, likely -- or at least nearly being murdered by Neltharion.

"Well...perhaps you could speak with those whom you normally go to for counsel? Mayhaps one of your mates? Or a friend? Surely, with all the experience between them all, they'll have the heads and wisdom to help you find what path to take. I know I go to my grandparents when I need wisdom." Between them, Tuli and Aisling and Tavar had wisdom aplenty when he needed it. Not that it was often that he needed it. But it was a comfort, nonetheless.

"Perhaps." Primitus sighed. Dare he ask his father? Was he on a 'good' cycle? Primitus didn't know. The god shut his eyes, thinking. Kipofu -- she may, or Atefeh, or Hakuna, but, even then....

He worried so.

"You'll do fine. But definitely speak with Hakuna'jina. You've got a demon now. You'll need help learning what that means, and who better to teach than another god with a demon!" Harsul's concern became a grin, the sort that only he seemed capable of. "Things will be fine. You just need to get your paws on the right path. Your demon and those you get advice from will help with that."

"I hope so... I've never felt more lost." Primitus sighed.