User ImageName: Vesin
Age: 22
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Search Rider?
Previous Rank/Craft:
Physical Description: She has long, bright red hair that is held back in a braid; it usually rests over her right shoulder. Vesin as green eyes just a shade brighter than her sister. She is 5'5" with moderate curves. There's a light dusting of freckles across her cheeks and nose.

Personality: Vesin is her sister’s partner in crime…generally the one that makes the plans and will figure out an escape plan if things don’t go according to plan. She’s adventurous and will be right next to Vosin with anything the twins may get into their heads to do. She has a small curiosity about the things and world around her and she likes to know how things work. Sometimes people may think she’s sticking her nose where it doesn't belong but it’s all harmless. Vesin would never try to take anything over that she’s not an expert in; she just wants to know how it works!

That being said, she has a drive to learn more and do more and BE more. She has ambition and determination that fuel her fire and keep her going. She desires more for not only herself but also for her sister. She has her dreams but she knows that most of them can only be dreams. Vesin is very reasonable in all things. She sets reasonable goals for herself, ones she knows are achievable.

She knows that Vos is quite the opposite in that manner and will often be there to pick up the pieces. Vesin is completely reliable in every sense. If one of her siblings needs her, she’ll be there no matter what. This sometimes comes off as protective which is something she is. If one of her siblings is in trouble, she’ll try to take the fall for them, or do what she can to get them out of it. She does this with a very reasonable mind and thinks through every possible outcome to choose the one that will have the best outcome. The only problem is that it may not be the fastest and may not be great if in a time crunch. Vesin isn’t great with snap decisions and any she has to make will most likely not be the best.

Vesin’s family means the world to her. The only relationships she has are with her siblings. Ves is very romantically naïve when it comes to relationships outside her family. She doesn't realize when people are flirting with her and she honestly wouldn't know if she would want someone’s advances in the first place. Whether this has something to do with Kelilayth being a white we will never know.
History: WIP
Other: Anything else you want to add?

User Image
Name: Kelilayth
Age: 6 turns
Color: White
Size: 16' 8"
Physical Description:

Kelilayth is a good compliment to his rider. Unlike his rider, he’s good at thinking on his feet and making snap decisions. He’s more likely to choose the first decision that seems the best than try to figure out the absolute best. He has no worries and is sure that everything will work out in due time if he does make the wrong decision. He always has a cheery outlook on things and may not seem completely serious in his off time. A downside to Keli being carefree is he isn’t always mindful of the things he says. He often has a “matter of fact” tone and will always tell the truth if asked. He says what’s on his mind and doesn’t always understand why someone would be mad at him.

Kelilayth is very accepting of everyone and will welcome anyone’s presence. He gets along well with everyone, especially his rider’s twin and her dragon and the twins' siblings. You’ll never catch him speaking ill of them at all.

Below his carefree and whimsical demeanor, Kelilayth knows there are times to sober up and get things done. Sometimes this needs a little prodding from Vesin but he can be very perceptive at times and be able to ‘flip the switch’ and become serious and get down to business when necessary.