Name: T'nav

Age: 29

Sex: Male

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Weyr: Western Weyr

Rider Rank: Weyrsinger / Searchrider

Previous Rank/Craft: Journeyman harper

Physical Description: T'nav is a decently sized man, standing at 6'4" with a decent amount of muscular bulk to him. He isn't shredded by any stretch of the imagination, but he has a distinctive tone matched with broad shoulders and a thin waist that give him a moderately impressive figure. He has pitch-black, shoulder length hair, typically worn pulled back into a short ponytail or braid, and while he doesn't keep a beard he does tend to forget to shave it off for days, sometimes weeks at a time, meaning his facial hair can vary quite a bit depending on how distracted he's been. He has wide, pale-blue eyes, fairly striking against dark-tanned skin and thick, shapely brows. His lips are thin, his face is diamond-shaped, and his nose is somewhat crooked from being broken in more than one fight.

T'nav has a writhing threadscore scar from the mid-bridge of his nose over the left side of his cheek/face; he has a larger scar of the same sort (from the same few strands) on his left shoulder and collar area.


Positive Trait List: Confident Friendly Empathic

Negative Trait List: Short-Tempered Gossip Greedy


Other: Anything else you want to add?

Name: Malzath

Age: 5

Color: White, male

Size: 18'

Physical Description:
