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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

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[Rider] Naressa and Blue Reciproth (Try 2)

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Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:12 pm
Name: Naressa
Age: 28
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Weyr: High Reaches Weyr
Rider Rank: Search Rider
Previous Rank/Craft: Healer Apprentice
Physical Description:
Naressa is slim, but don't let that fool you. She's got a grip that would shock anyone that just looked at her. She stands at about 5'7" and weighs 140lbs and is well muscled in a lithe sort of way from helping do just about any job she could get her hands on. She was always found helping the Wher and Runnerbeast handlers most of the time and that kept her actively engaged, giving her the physique she now holds. Her eyes are a light shade of green and her hair is a lovely shade of chestnut that is often tied back in a braid. Her skin is light, though not fair.
She is extremely hard working and believes that everything is earned by dedication and commitment. Her father was a and her mother was a Healer so she did her best to make them both proud by being the best child they could have, especially being the only child they had. Her mother had gone through some complications with her birth that left her infertile and the lack of siblings made Naressa want to make up for what she believed was her fault.

She might seem brutally truthful but she means it in a caring and helpful way. She always hated being lied to as a child and therefore deemed it her mission in life to tell the truth, even if it hurt to hear.

There are times when she speaks before she thinks and that has gotten her into a tight bind every now and again but she works through it. Most of the time it's harmless but sometimes people take it the wrong way until they get to know her.

One big thing about her is the fact that if she thinks she's right, she won't back down until you can either prove she's wrong or just go with it. She rarely second guesses herself and once she's made up her mind on something or about someone it usually sticks. She believes in first impressions, so if you come off the wrong way you might as well kiss any chance of being her friend (or more) goodbye.

When it comes to being in a group of people she has found it difficult to make friends at times, but when it comes down to it she will always tell you the truth and sometimes people can see that, or they get offended and that’s that. She does try to keep her bluntness down a notch because it can be a problem creator and she’s aware of this and is trying to get better at this. She’s a passive aggressive personality type in most cases. She can be very leading and she can sometimes let someone else take the stand. It really depends on what is going on. She likes to be around others, but tends to be a bit alone because not many can stand her honesty, but she is trying to work on this so she can have a wider group of friends, not that she has many right now.

If she knows she’s right she won’t let someone call her a lair and will prove her point at just about any cost within reason. She won’t humiliate anyone, but she will point out the hard facts and make sure she is heard. If there are a negative consequence, which is 90% likely, she will take them as they come. It’s part of the package when it comes to standing up for yourself in such a manner. She may be a bit disgruntled about the outcome, but overall she knows it is an expected result and just tries to find a different way to come about things. Live and learn is one of her mottos.

She wants to be the best she can in what she knows. She apprenticed with her mother and wants to help out as many people and dragons alike with the knowledge she has. More so, she just wants to be accepted for who she is. She knows she’s a bit rough around the edges, but down inside is just a young woman screaming to be loved. She just never really learned how to be social because there weren’t many kids for her to grow up with. She is concerned that she might not be searched and just might not impress when it comes to the hatchings, but she tries to not think about that and wants to just handle the situations as they come at her.

Positive Trait List Hardworking, Passionate, Trustworthy and Committed
Negative Trait List Naïve, Stubborn, Outspoken and Brutally Honest
The only child to Neylin and Alekan she grew up well off, in a hold near Trine weyr, but she resented herself at times because she always heard people talking about how it was her birth that made her mother unable to have more children. She always tried to find ways to compensate for being the only child and was often over working herself doing multiple chores and tasks. She learned at an early age certain herbs that were good for healing and that came in handy for when she was older and able to help the wher handlers.

In her youth years she was extremely sensitive and took everything personally but she finally grew out of it when she hit her early teens and started to realize that when people said things, it wasn't necessarily a bad thing what they were saying. She just always had this impression that she had done something wrong since the day she was born so it took her a long time to grow out of that mind set.

Being the only child she was blessed with learning from both parents in their particular crafts. Her father was a Beastcrafter and her mother was a Healer so the two combined themselves well for her. She apprenticed to her mother, but she still learned a few things about beast craft from her father from time to time.

The day came she never thought would come, a search dragon and his rider appeared and took her. She was almost near the end of the line for a candidate and it had seemed to her that she would have never impressed, especially at such an older age. Sure enough, upon those sands amid a mess of fangs and claws her Reciproth called to her.

Lanky Blue lifted his head high, staring straight through a tiny slip of a thing that seemed to be shielding him from his intended target. His eyes flashed pure red before he began to trudge forward with intent, his dark-edged wings flailing open and giving a powerful flap of irritation that cracked the air.

He wanted... he NEEDED..

There was a boy in the way, and the blue ROSE to his hind legs, looking the boy square in the eyes. The feminine male's horror reflected a thousand times over in the blue's ruby facets, and the blue growled low.

The boy was not quick enough to move for the blue, whose wing reached out and roughly tossed the boy aside into the wet sand. Only Naressa stood before him now, and his wings splayed wide, flapping gently to steady him. As awkward and gangly a creature as he was, he stood on his overlong hind legs and looked intently into her eyes, sizing her up and searching her gaze for something... perhaps acceptance. Was he good enough for her? Would she be honest, forthright, and never trick and deceive him? These questions seemed to loom heavy in the air, like the aura of emotions that they had exuded while in their shells.

One of his hind legs came up and tucked into his body, and for a long moment he stood there suspended, standing so very similar to wherries when they roosted, resting upon one leg. Except he was much more graceful.. at least for a moment before he bodily slumped against the candidate, his wings closing to caress her tightly and hold her to him. They were both wet and slippery and he clung with all of his might, the thumbspars on his wings tangling in her wet hair and there was pain, and he creeled his apology emphatically.

Please, be honest. Be just. Be Mine.. Naressa.


In those moments it was to be and they two catapulted through their training. He very much wanted to be a search dragon and so it was to be, for one never questioned what a dragon wanted, especially not her dragon. It was crazy to think that the two of them had only been bonded for a mere three years, it seemed like they had been together for a lifetime for she couldn't imagine her life without him now.

She stayed out of the gossip and stuck to herself because she honestly didn't understand what most of everyone was talking about since she had been living outside of Trine the past 21 years. Her healing skills came in handy for when people were injured during the raiding and many of their chores dealt with getting supplies ready and making sure things were well prepared. Beyond that, she didn't involve herself too much.

As time went on they wanted to do something more, something worthwhile. They applied and were approved to become a Search Dragon and Rider. Which pleased both of them. She wanted to be the one to bring in candidates who never thought that this was a possibility for them. She recalled all that long time ago, how a blue and his rider had brought the two of them to Trine when she was almost too old to even impress. She wanted to return the favor to others and continue to do just that.

Other: Anything else you want to add?

Approval Thread
PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:13 pm
Name: Reciproth
Age: 7 turns
Color: Blue
Size: 31
Physical Description: As a hatchling, he seems to be all neck, his slender head being a snippy extension of it that blends into a powerful and well formed barrel. His legs are slender and almost comically long, but solid enough to hold his angular body up. Even as a hatchling, the sheer expanse of his wingspan will be rather awe inspiring, longer even than what would be expected for his body proportions. He's, quite frankly… huge. But not in mass. He probably weighs no more than an average sized blue, but his slender frame just keeps going and going.

As he grows, his neck will stay slender, but gain a look of masculinity and power. His head is still slender, but his buggy eyes now convey a look of wisdom and regality. Long legs are powerful and so carefully toned that even in their slenderness, they do not look weak or lacking. He's long with lean muscle everywhere, especially where all his flight muscles meet his barrel. Not as stocky as some in that respect, his muscles are perfect for sustained, gliding flight, with his powerful flaps with his oversized, yet narrow wings carrying him long distances with little effort. This makes for an excellent dragon for search riding and general patrolling, but in the agility department, he has to improvise. Tight turns are not his strong point, needing to use momentum and air currents deftly to keep up with flying greens.
Personality: The epitome of cunning and wit, he is keen at picking up the little details in life. The color of a person's hair, names… faces. Admittedly he is still a dragon with a very select memory, but it is still a rather good one for a blue. However, if something or someone displeases him, his memory seems to become just a touch more select toward his bias. There is a sense about him that he knows much more than he lets on, but when questioned merely gives the dragon version of a sly little smile and says nothing at all. Subtle is another word that would suit this blue quite well. He knows what to say and when to say it, and when he speaks… there is meaning behind it. One thing that he puts particular emphasis on is treating everyone well, and to not wish ill will upon anyone. This will carry over into his life with his rider, becoming quite bothered if his bonded is of a mind to do something malicious,. He will whisper warnings that what one does to others, it may very well come back and be done unto themselves. Sometimes he will even plea that they not do it at all, acting as something of a conscious to a rider if they are of a sort to think mean spirited things. Now, what of ill will when it is directed toward the blue or his rider? There is a reason that he says maliciousness has a way of coming back to bite you; because he's very willing of doing it himself once he has been wronged. He doles out justice most fairly, generally making sure the 'punishment' is reciprocal, meaning similar to the wrongdoing done to him. One could call him vengeful.. but once the scales have been balanced back out he is quick to give others a second chance. Also for some reason he is quite then picky eater when he's allowed to be, not liking to eat anything that is awkward to disassemble or otherwise devour.

Aside from his picky table manners and moral code, he's in general just a very introspective blue, existing within the delicate enigma that is dragon society, but not actively making any waves. He makes friends rather easily, or rather, is easy to approach. A friendly demeanor and non-aggressive standpoint of dealing with inter-dragon disputes makes him very likable to gentler minded dragons. However, some may find him frustrating with his big words and backwards talking. Not everything has to be said as if it were elegant enough to be scribed down into some tome, you know! To those who have issues with him, he is vaguely concerned and is generally more than willing to reconcile, but will not push the issue for the most part unless other factors such as overall peace of the Weyr is at stake.

His perception makes him a particularly sensitive search dragon, and it's something that he's very fond of doing. Seeking to the intricacies of what makes a candidate 'Impressable' is fascinating to him, but he cannot explain in words just what it is that he is looking for. He merely 'knows it when he sees it'. Being as such, he's a sensitive dragon, very in tune with his rider and 'listening' whenever he has the free time. One quick little fact. He loves his rider. He will follow his rider's will when the rider pushes their will against his. However, he has a fun little habit of lying by omission, and going around his rider if he feels it is in his rider's best interests.

Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment:
User Image
Dragon Colour: Blue Speech Code: #7299C2
Dragon Inspiration: The Fox and the Stork:
At one time the Fox and the Stork were on visiting terms and seemed very good friends. So the Fox invited the Stork to dinner, and for a joke put nothing before her but some soup in a very shallow dish. This the Fox could easily lap up, but the Stork could only wet the end of her long bill in it, and left the meal as hungry as when she began. "I am sorry," said the Fox, "the soup is not to your liking."

"Pray do not apologise," said the Stork. "I hope you will return this visit, and come and dine with me soon." So a day was appointed when the Fox should visit the Stork; but when they were seated at table all that was for their dinner was contained in a very long-necked jar with a narrow mouth, in which the Fox could not insert his snout, so all he could manage to do was to lick the outside of the jar.

"I will not apologise for the dinner," said the Stork:
Moral of Aesops Fable: "One bad turn deserves another."

On Dragons: He believes that Dragons are a necessity to the way of life and that they must be protected to an extent. Even the rouges. Though he doesn't often share that aloud except to his rider. Dragonfire is dragonfire and when thread comes they need it.

On Whers: He likes them and finds them necessary.

On the War: Still trying to decide how he feels about it.

On Threadfall: He's very quick so he finds fighting thread to be a bit of a breeze, though he isn't too agile so he always has to be wary.

On Flights: If it rises, he will pursue. He's not picky and dragon eggs are a necessity.

Straight and narrow, the path we've chose. For honesty has it's weight in gold.
Through threadfall, fire and a dragons demise. We shall endure through all and soar through the skies.
You are my Moon and I am your Sun. May our adventures and trials forever go on.
A path straight and narrow isn't the easiest way, but it's our way all the same and the way it shall stay.  



Winter Wolf



Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:13 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 7:51 pm



Winter Wolf

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 9:44 am
Hey Astoria,

Right now I feel like you're missing some of the things our application had asked for such as current rider location. In our character sheet we ask for you to fill it out so we know where the rider is located. Since they could wind up in either Weyr, or somewhere else. gaia_star And that might change/affect how we approve the character, since dragons in the Weyr have different duties than dragons outside the Weyrs. In this case I can't actually tell you if she can be a Search rider without knowing where she's living.

You also state right away in her history that she grew up near Trine Weyr. We don't have a Trine Weyr in this shop, so you need to change it to one of our actual Weyrs -- keeping in mind that in Echoes of Pern most of the Weyrs were abandoned after Thread was destroyed. We'll need information on which Weyr Searched her and where she actually Impressed.

Additionally, Thread didn't return to Echoes of Pern until about 8 months ago. So Thread couldn't hit her hold at Turn 15 if she's 28 Turns now. yum_cupcake

One thing Reciproth is missing that we ask for in our approval thread rider character sheet is a size from our size chart.

Sorry to be a pain. If you need to see what we're asking for you can find the Rider Character Sheet here.

Furthermore, if you could please link your flit and dragon to their official transfer applications, that would help immensely. We like to make sure that you have officially put in transfer requests, and linking in the proof of obtainment portion of our application helps immensely.

They look pretty good we jut need them to fit the Echoes of Pern story. Let me know if you need any help in that. yum_cupcake
PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 8:19 pm
I think I had most of it updated and just hadn't finished the dragon portion. If anything looks out of place let me know!



Winter Wolf

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2017 7:18 pm
I think I had most of it updated and just hadn't finished the dragon portion. If anything looks out of place let me know!

Well, I'm still seeing something mentioning a war on the dragon portion, so I assume it's stil not done, haha. Let me know when the entire profile -- including the dragon stuff -- is ironed out and then I'll give it a look over for sure!  
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