We could set the world on fire using only our minds
Pyrokinesis, we hurt each other without trying
When you say the things you say they start a little spark
Ignite this small but also highly flammable heart
I smell something burning; we're melting down tonight

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former slytherin │ unemployed │ pureblood

Callista rolled her eyes, sighing heavily. "For Merlin's sake, you're a grown man. If you're so worried about them spying on your sex life, move out." She'd certainly brought men back to her family home before. Granted, she tended to do this when she had the house to herself, but she wasn't going to be ashamed. Her stepmother had certainly had her share of one night stands before she hooked up with Lock. Who Callista still suspected was likely on some sort of Most Wanted international list, and using them as a cover. Pulling the sheets up around her chest, she managed to find a hair tie and pull back her tangled hair from her face while he took his sweet time in putting on his pants and closing the blinds. Then she glanced over to find him staring at her. Blushing.

For the first time in years, Callista was close to speechless. Several comments came to mind, but instead she just shook her head, which made it hurt even more. She groaned and nodded as he slunk off to go get them some hangover relief. Why was this so unbearably awkward? They weren't homely teenagers anymore. Surely they were capable of talking about casual sex without blushing like nuns. She'd managed to dress herself somewhat haphazardly by the time he returned, wishing she had a change of clothes. She was going to take a very, very long shower when she got home. "I know what aspirin is," she snapped when he held up for the bottle for her, but took two all the same, ignoring the fact that she'd maybe ingested muggle medication once or twice in her entire life.

Really? Was that all he had to say? 'That was different'? Unbelievable. Had she been a few years younger, she would have slapped him silly. Or at least jinxed him. As it was, she swallowed, took another sip of water, and grimaced at him. "Different how? You're going to have to be a bit more specific. I'll admit it wasn't an- unwelcome surprise- but honestly, Akira. I don't know how you can be timid when it comes to this. You never shut up about all your other interests." Pot, kettle, black. Still, she wasn't about to admit that to his face. They were in his bed, after all. Shouldn't he grow a pair? He could have properly asked her out years ago, and she would have said yes... if they weren't both stubborn fools.

Diamond Wales

Neither one of us could gain control over our powers
Over one another we could fight like this for hours
Words deep soaked in gasoline and it will never change
And even if you loved me now it'd just feel cold and strange
I can see the embers, they're glowing in your eyes