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[PRP] A New Beginning (Hodari and Mti)

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Aged Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 2:20 am
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Things were finally looking up for the young lioness. The rebellion was over, the tyrant king was dead (even if it was by Kimondo's paw and not her own) and she had recently made up with her sister. Even her children seemed to flourishing in their own lives. She managed to keep up with her work as a guard too, training the youth who were allowed to become guards and patrolling the borders.

It must've been habit that kept her close to the outskirts of the main camp grounds of the pride, she thought. During her adolescence, she often strode off to brood, once the aftermath of the rebellion had reached her ears. She surely had nothing to brood over now, since she had forgiven her sister and her sister her, yet she found herself sitting under the moonlight as she used to, looking up in wonder at the eye of the Great Lion.

"I've certainly come along way from when you first looked upon me, haven't I?" She said, partially to herself and partially to the Great Lion himself, if he heard her at all. "I'm far from the cub that wanted to protect her family, farther from the adolescent that cared only for glory and even passed the point of being an unprepared mother." She smiled and a soft laugh from her familiar reached her ears. She glanced at him, but found his eyes closed and his head ducked. He always sat a polite distance away from her, coming when she called him near. It used to bother her in her youth, but now, it was comforting. Turning her gaze to the Great Lion's watchful eye, she went on.

"I know this could hardly be called a prayer, but... I just feel like my entire life has passed me by. So much has happened to me, but there was so much I missed too.. Is it to much to ask to... let me begin my life again? Just so I could experience a normal lioness may have experienced, should the rebellion have not been needed?" Perhaps that was too foolish a request, perhaps the Great Lion wasn't even listening, or perhaps he was and he would send her a sign that he had heard. Whatever it may be, she felt as though the only thing she could do now, was wait.

I hope this is a good start! emotion_bigheart
PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 3:02 am
Mti had been spending more and more time hunting of late. What with the upset of the rebellion and his on unwanted part in it, he had decided that keeping a low profile would be the most prudent idea. Not that he had done anything that would have got him noticed. The best thing to happen had been the fact that his 'task' had been a failure, considering he had been forced to take the loyalist's side in the war.

But finally it was over. The Pretender was dead, and he hoped the new Queen would handle things better. She seemed to be doing a good job so far, as far as he could make out. He had snuck into the back of the latest gathering and listened to the news, watched those lions who had been more proactive than himself receive recognition for their good deeds and was pleased that two former slaves had moved up in the world. For himself though, he was just happy life was almost back to normal. He had wanted no part in the Rebellion, and desired no title or recognition himself. He wanted only to do his job, his real job, as a Hunter.

That was what he had been doing since the end of the war, working hard to feed the pride as it slowly got back onto it's feet. And he had heard a rumor that with Shangyue gone, there was going to be an explosion of new litters, with many a female walking about with a rounded belly.

It had made him think of his own single status. He had never truly considered finding a mate before, what with so many mouths to feed every day he had been literally married to his job. But there had been so much death and destruction, it had woken him up to the fact that he was alone. No mate, no cubs, no other family. At first the realization hadn't bothered him, but the harder he worked, the more his mind wandered. 'What if's' started floating about in his head and he would catch his mind wandering while in a stalk, or after a hunt as he was bringing the meal back to the pride.

He should be feeding his family.

Mti had never really felt loneliness before, as a naturally solitary male he had preferred to be alone. But lately... he had felt different, sad? He wasn't entirely sure what the emotion was, but he wished it would go away. Suddenly a sound near by caught his wandering attention and he lifted his head. A voice.. and close at that. Wondering just who would be this far from the pride he adjusted the carcass slung across his back -his latest kill- and set off towards the direction of the sound.

OMG. I've been trying to get a reply out for so long. I'm sorry I missed the ORP too. DX But I finally got here!


Allied Recalibrator


Aged Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 3:39 am
Maybe the moon wasn't full enough. Maybe she should have come with an offering for the Great Lion, maybe she should have planted some more flowers, like she had done with Kimondo. The watchful eye of the Great Lion was more than half way full and she had felt so restless before, but now... Now she was beginning to wonder if the Great Lion had even heard her at all.

She sighed. If the Great Lion was watching anyone at this moment, it was probably her sister, Kimondo. The new Queen was surely worth watching, Hodari thought and Kimondo deserved to have everyone watching her-supporting her. What was Hodari doing, trying to take the eyes of their deity away from her sister, if even for a prayer?

"N-Nevermind." She added, sounding uncertain. "Forget about it, I guess. You keep your watch over those who need it more." Like my sister. She thought. Please see that Kimondo lives a better life than her predecessor.

She supposed she ought to go back to the camp now that she had finished. Maybe she would go find one of her children or maybe she would just go to sleep. She was feeling weary enough-praying wasn't her usual method for... well, for anything. She was no Priest, she never had been and the Great Lion sure didn't do anything to prevent Shangyue's terrible reign, but... It was nice, to think of some higher power watching their backs. Even if that higher power didn't do anything with his greatness and sat up in the clouds all day. She wondered if he looked peaceful or smug. Her tail twitched and she got to her paws. It was time to go.

When she turned, however, she found a lion looking at her. He was pale yellow-no, she would go so far as to call it gold. His mane was two-hued and there was a perfectly gold, almost shimmering band across one of his front paws. She took it in and then glanced to the moon above. The Great Lion had sent his sign. Hodari made a vow to start praying more often.

"Hello there." She said, approaching the other. She didn't recognize him, but the prey beast laying across his back dubbed him a Hunter for all to see. "I..." Oh Great Lion, what on earth should she say? "I'm Hodari, a Guard." Well, great, now he probably thought she was also Captain Obvious. Um... Um... "That's an impressive catch. How was the hunt?" Uuuuuugh, she must sound like the most dull lioness alive, but... She glanced back over to where she had been sitting previously. Had he overheard what she was saying?

Oh Great Lion. This certainly was embarrassing!

No worries, I'm just thrilled to see your reply now! heart
PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 4:05 am
He had thought that perhaps he was intruding. She looked sad, and was clearly talking to The Great Lion. Feeling as if he was probably an unwanted intrusion, he had started to turn away when she stood and faced him, apparently surprised but not angry to see him there, if her greeting and warm voice were anything to go by.

He recognized her, from the many pride gatherings he had been on the edge of. She was a guard. He had noticed her because of her pure white coat with the gorgeous wing markings on her flanks. He had thought her beautiful then, and he had to admit she was even more lovely up close. He felt that he vaguely recalled she had a litter of cubs, grown now. Did she have a mate too? The question surprised him even as it formed within his own mind. It was none of his business after all, she was far too good for the likes of a lowly hunter like himself. An antisocial hunter at that. She deserved someone... heroic. Like those newly knighted lions from the latest gathering.

Realising he hadn't answered her he cleared his throat. "Greetings Hodari." He offered, his voice was slightly rough and slightly husky, as if he didn't speak too often. Which was the exact truth. "I'm Hunter Mti." He paused, glancing back at the large buck slung over his back. It had been a good night, and a difficult hunt. But he suspected the difficulty had been in part due to his distraction. "Well enough." He offered, looking back at her. "Are you hungry?" He asked, surprising himself for the second time. He had meant to ask why she was so far out here, on the boarder of the pride. But then hadn't she just said she was a guard? Which was a perfectly good reason to be here, so maybe his distraction had just saved him from looking like a brainless fool.

Great Lion above, what is wrong with me? He mused silently, wondering when she would start laughing at his idiocy.

Thank you for being so patient with me!


Allied Recalibrator


Aged Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 4:21 am
She supposed there was the chance that he wasn't a Hunter and had just been a Lord or, goodness, a Slave out hunting that evening. But no, it was confirmed and his name was given to her. Mti. She smiled at him and formed the name.

"Mti, hm? I like it. It's a very sensible name." She declared, her ease slowly coming back to her. This all could be a coincidence, she thought. His presence didn't have to be a sign from the Great Lion, so she ought to just relax and enjoy his company. It was nice to interact with others; she had had such fun speaking with Liuhe and Hivyo at the latest meeting, how could this be any different?

When he asked if she was hungry she perked her ears in surprise. She hadn't thought about her stomach as of late. She ate for the purpose of energy these days, rarely for company. Though, now that she thought about it...

"I am, now that you mention it." She said, taking a step forward and eyeing the lion before her, rather than the buck on his back. "Though I must insist that you, having caught it, must eat as well, if I am to be partaking." It would be unthinkable otherwise, if she were to swallow down the meat and he were to just stand there, staring at her.

He was staring, wasn't he? She refrained from glancing down at herself to check for a phantom patch of dirt on her. Dirt happened. It wasn't the end of the world. Let the Lords and Ladies fuss over the conditions of their coats; Hodari was a Guard and she couldn't worry over such things... much.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 4:48 am
Her praise, even over something as silly as his name, brought a warmth to his face that he dearly hoped she didn't notice, forcing him to duck his head in an attempt to hide the blush while he regained control of himself. Why was she being nice to him? He was no one worthy of such a thing, and from one so lovely.

nevertheless, he had offered and, to his shock, she had accepted. Glancing back once more at his kill, he was very grateful that he had managed to bring down the beast, and had not settled for a far easier, and less impressive, specimen. Her next words, insisting that he join her, surprised him yet again. Distractedly, he wondered if there was some kind of quota of shock he was nearing, or if the Great Lion was just bored tonight and wanted some entertainment. As surely watching Mti fall over his tongue around a pretty Guard would be hilarious to the God.

Yet his insecurity and nerves were hidden from his expression as he looked back at her, giving a small nod. "Certainly, if you insist." He looked around briefly before spotting an area that was protected by a few overhanging trees but was otherwise clear. Perfect.

"Shall we?" He asked, nodding to the little spot not too far away. At her agreement, he led the way, walking over and to the far side before dipping a shoulder and letting the beast slide from his back to the ground. Sitting back he watched her, waiting for her to start before he himself would join in. For some reason, somehow, having her here, eating his kill, warmed something inside his chest.

Mti really likes her already. X3


Allied Recalibrator


Aged Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 9:25 pm
Hodari smiled back at him and went happily with him as they walked the pace to the small covered area. When Mti lay down the buck before her, she unsheathed her claws and sliced into the beast neatly, blood burbling out from under the skin of the deceased beast, exposing the flesh underneath.

"I really do insist." She said, nodding her head towards the prey before her, indication that Mti was welcome to join in whenever he chose, before she went in for it herself. Any feeling of awkwardness she may have had was replaced now with the relief of eating and she tore into the animal before her. She had gotten several bites in before she pulled back and purred in relief.

"That was exactly what I needed." She rumbled, eyes gleaming as she looked across at her at the golden lion before her. "Thank you, Mti." She smiled and then ran her tongue over her maw, realizing what a mess it must be. She was not a messy eater, keeping most of the grime to her muzzle, but the red of blood was always a stark contrast to her pale coat.

"So, Mti," She began casually, not wanting to steer the conversation into any particularly flirty direction just yet-she didn't want to scare him. "Were you at the recent meeting? These new orders for Knights and things should be an interesting addition to the pride, I suspect. What do you think?"

Likewise! Hodari's just trying her best not to go into awkward flirting mode. Tryin' to keep it casual n' all.
PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 3:05 am
The golden male was content to sit back and watch as she ate. Being a Hunter, he probably should have been well fed, and indeed he was a fit, muscular lion. But that was because he was good at what he did. He would hunt for the pride first, and only once his duties were done, would he go back out and hunt for himself. He liked the solitary life that being a Hunter provided for him, he could be useful to his pride without needing to spend too much time surrounded by them. However, having Hodari here was.... nice. Surprisingly so. Mti had never wanted to please another before but he caught himself wanting Hodari to enjoy the meal that he had provided.

Rolling his eyes mentally at himself, he startled when she finally spoke. "Ahh. thank you." He replied a little hesitantly. Not over eating with her, but at eating at all. However he settled down beside her and took a large bite. Lifting his head as she thanked him he chewed, swallowed and then licked his muzzle. His mother had always been particular about his table manners.

"You are welcome, Hodari." He replied once he was able. Watching as she tidied herself. "I was. I am pleased for Orion and Meshach. And for the mother and widow of Uchanjaa and Umepatwa." He dropped his gaze to the meat before them. "It is a shame so many had to die to bring peace back to our homeland." Mti had never been invested in the war, being a loner by nature and always on the very fringe of society, but that didn't mean he didn't appreciate the sacrifice many of the pride had made.



Allied Recalibrator


Aged Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 3:20 am
Hodari had noticed the slow replies on his part. Was it because he was uncomfortable? Was she making him uncomfortable? Oh Great Lion, she wasn't even good at casual conversation anymore, was she? Maybe she ought to ask Kimondo to tutor her in conversation skills. Kimondo was Queen now, so she must know something like that!

But then the topic of the deaths of those that came to pass in the rebellion was brought up and she lowered her eyes and sighed.
"It is a shame indeed." She replied softly and then let out a shallow laugh. "And it's more shameful, I think, to think that I was so willing to be one of those deaths when the rebellion was just beginning." She couldn't look up, just kept staring at the blood on the wound she had made on the buck. "My mother trained me for battle, but I didn't end up fighting for the entire rebellion. I planted flowers with my sister, I spent time recruiting others for the cause, but I didn't live out my purpose that I had been 'born for', according to dear ol' Mother." Another sigh and a shake of her head. "I wanted so badly to be the one to bring my family-my pride, honor, even if it meant my death... I guess that was selfish and foolish both, for me to think that."

She raised her eyes, looking sheepish.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... to talk about grim things. I am happy I didn't die now, of course. I have too much to live for that I didn't even know about earlier. My children and my sister... And..." She smiled at the golden lion, "And I wouldn't have met you and shared with you this meal, Mti. That, I think, would be a true tragedy." She said with a soft purr.

"I hope you don't think me crazy or foolish, talking so much about the past. I would hate for you to have a bad impression of me so soon in the conversation... Or ever, for that matter." She remarked with a hesitant smile.

[IC] Mwezi'Johari Lands

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