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[PRIDE I/T] The Pobl Coedwg Leopard Prowl - Join us!

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Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 7:31 pm
Pobl Coedwg

The Forest People

A Leopard Prowl

IC Owners: Kan-E-Senna
OOC Owner: NovaCracker
Defaut Rank train: Youth -> Student -> Sealgair
Familiars?: Yes! All kinds welcome!
Species: Leopard, Leopard Hybrids, others in rare cases.
PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 7:37 pm

Their ancestors were to a degree, homeless. They roamed the world at large seeking a home for generations, passing their history in stories and keepsakes. These tales spread and grew, until finally the prowl came upon a great wood. At first upon entering, the seers of the prowl This vision of death and disease, later seen as the Greenwrath, soon drove the powl to remain outside of the forest for weeks. Soon, as winter prepared to set in, and the prowl prepared to move on, the seers recieved a new vision - a vision of the prowl reclinging in the wood enjoying plenty and lush green. saw only death and hunger, the loss of their prowl. Entering the woods, the prowl soon sighted a blizzard within days that, had they tried moving on, would have wiped them out, and the prowl moved deeper in, finding springs of heat and ruins of stone. Here, the Seers, said, was the place prepared for them by the Wood. There, the prowl began to settle, knowing the wood had given them a home to rest in, to stay in, and in return, they would protect it, until the end.

For an untold amount of time, the prowl upheld the plan as best able, and in return even when the Greenwrath stuck for some slight, in their view, it was minor. Unfortunately, however, there was eventually many generations without the Greenwrath - the prowl grew quite large and they slowly began to forget. Finally, calamity came. It began with the forgetting of a Greentide, and folowed, perhaps, by a particularly poor Elder Padjali refusing to choose a new male to lead the healers by attempting to drive out the male Padjal, claiming it was the females whom could be padjal, or perhps it was order to overhunt. Regardless, the prowl was struck by a greenwrath so terrible, so vicious, that most of the prowl was wiped out, the padjal almost all but wiped out, and the prowl thinned and stricken low. However, the survivors soon gathered round a lone padjali, a young cub whom was witness to the folly of the decline of the class. As the lone padjali grewm she began to spread the old ways and to seek out the seer blood of the roguelands. She began to restore the old ways, and, in the long term -- balance.  

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 7:38 pm

The Pobl Coedwyg land is a large dense forest, the outher edges thicker than within. Within the wood it thins somewhat, with intermittant hot springs and ruins of old human buildings. These are usually the idea spaces for relaxing and healing, where outer areas are left for hunting and watchng for outsiders. Occasionally, one will come upon 'fairy rings'; circles of mushrooms or flowers growing naturally that are devoid of other plants. These places are left alone in fear of the faeries believed to haunt the woods.

The woods themself are a large forest of native trees -- incredibly dense, and, surprisingly, very green and lush. Prey is very abundant, especially antelope, while the area offers others as well, including various primates and insects and warthogs. Largely, the prowl iland encompasses the entirely. In several areas are pools of clear water, and a lake located west of the powl that is unintended for hunting. To the south lies the dense, lush lands that are reserved for familiars of the prowl, a safe haven to the creatures whom live among the prowl -- to this extent, these two places are rarely hunted in, bar times of dire need. The west offers significant amounts of prey as well and is almost emerald in mist and in fog -- this area is open to the pride and is believed to be home to the spirits of the forest, and as such many are brought to this region, the Emerald Thick, for trials, tests, and to seek permission to reside and visit and recieve the forest bounty. To the north lies more wood, perhaps not as dense as the Emerald Thick, with the most 'fairy rings' of the wood. Here, the prowl dances around rings to hunt, and often leave large stones to lure them away from the prowl young.  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 7:41 pm
Prowl Life

Most members of the Prowl are born in the forest tself, out of sight of outsiders, before being blessed by the Padjali. Being born in the forest, is sign a prowl member knows and is intrinsically tied to the woods and nature -- and as such the 'Forestborn' are viewed favorably, whereas outsiders are viewed suspiciously until proving they re as dedicated to forestborn. The prowl is predominantly leopards, leopard hybrids, and familiars, however, when an outsider is sighted expressing interest in the wood, the Padjali are expected to seek a vision - a message from the woods to determine if the outsider is welcome to visit, live, or must be turned aside to prevent the Greenwrath. Upon recieving this vision, the padjali share the 'decision' of the woods with the inquisitive outsider. Those welcomed by the forest are gifted with the right to share in the bounty of the forwst; however, those turned away whom become poachers and force their way in are often attacked by hunters in effort to drive them out.

Fairy Rings, a rare sight in the forest, are feared by Forestborn as gateways to the otherworld of Annwn, occupied by the dead and by the supernatural faeries and other creatures, and are feared. Cubs are led well away, outsiders warned, and the rings are generally left alone. This does not mean they fear circular shapes however -- the prowl will often construct small stone circles to read the sky and seasons, or to mark the place the dead departed the realm for Annwn naturally.

Every prowl member is expected to attend to the forest as well. Dead plants and foilage is to be removed, carcasses returned, after eating, The forest is to be protected and cherished by all welcomed within, and all is done to prevent Greenwrath. The Greenwrath, according to the prowl, is the wrath of the forest should the prowl fail to honor the covenant made with it. When the Greenwrath comes, the Padjali see visions of death and illness, with a green 'tint' to the visions before prowl members begin falling ill, many perishing. After a number unknown to the pride perish, it is believed a blood price is paid, and the prowl will resume life as normal. During Greenwrath, prowl members are expected to supplicant the forest by hunting less, and chasing away outsiders until the forest is calm once more.  

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 7:43 pm

The prowl celebrates a small handful of events and holidays through the year, usually to supplicant the forest or celebrate. Breeding, while not complex, is still a rather silly affair surrounding the entire courtship ritual.


So let's begin with courting! When males seek to take a mate, they will usually bring small gifts to make their intentions known. However, if multiple males fancy the same partner? GET IN THE PIT. Courting males, if interested in the same partner, are expected to fight -- not to the death, but to first blood. The loser must turn tail, while the winner may claim mating or simple breeding rights before moving on, although the loser is allowed to rechallenge the winner. While breeding in-prowl is highly encouraged, females and males may slip out to fling with outside felines, be it to bring in fresh blood, disinterest in others in the prowl, or any other reason, although the prowl member is highly encouraged to bring the results into the forest to raise.

After a prowl member gives birth, they will bring their cubs before the Council to be shown to the Forest properly and introduce them to the Forest. These cubs will then be brought before and introduced to the prowl. After this, the family will settle back into routine, although families may bring gifts for the new cubs -- furs, kills, and things to play with. During this time, cubs are also watched for signs one was born a Padjal or seer. Any Padjal found will be raised to join these hallowed ranks. as the family will recieve gifts and a small celebration of the new Padjal child.

Greentide Celebration

Once a year, the crafters of the prowl will find fresh green woods and baubles to craft a mask in preperation for Greenstide, on top of orders for jewelry and other decorations. The fair folk will be welcomed into the prowl inner areas openly with offerings of food and the prowl will take communical washes in the hot springs before the actual Greenstide Ceremony. Finally, one prowl member will be chosen to serve as medium to represent the prowl. When all is ready, the prowl gathers in the clearing centermost to their territory. The Elder Padjali will place the mask on the chosen prowl member, and send them to the center of the wood, where they must leave the mask as offering, representing thanks and the return of the souls of the pride's deceased to the forest, before the prowl member collects the first item they see and return to the prowl. There, before all, the Padjali will decipher the object as the message of the forwst to determine if it is an omen or a tiding of blessings. Regardless of outcome, the pride will then celebrate the reaffirmation of the pact with stories, Things made for or borrowed from the forest will be ceremonially returned, and sometimes a formal ceremony for new mates will be performed by a Padjali if there is desire. Flowers will be gifted, and all will celebrate the reaffirmation and dedication of the prowl to the forest and it;s creatures.


While fgeared, the Greenwrath still exists. While not a holiday, when it occurs the pride has traditions to supplicant the forest when it strikes.

When Greenwrath strikes, the Padjal assemble to determine the cause of the forest's fury. Upon discovering the percieved why, it will be addressed -- be it handling it peacefully or by sending the unstricken to chase it out. If it is not a someone, then the wrong must be righted. Regardless, after, the prowl's healthy will begin to return as much as possible to the forest, bar bare essentials. After this, the prowl waits for illness to pass, taking only enough to survive day by day until the Greenwrath is over.


Death is a tragic time for any, when a prowl member feels their time coming for any reason, they will lspend one day bidding friends and loved ones farewell, giving to their their worldly treasures, and then turn at night, and depart the living spaces to journey to the burial mounds at the gates of Annwn, where they lie to pass, returning their flesh to the forest to nurture it. Although the living may visit the Gates of Annwn, they may not reside, as it is a place of rest for the deceased.  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 7:47 pm

Elder Padjali - 1/1
The Prowl matron. The pride is always led by a female, and this female is always a seer. The Elder Padjali is the oldest female of the Padjal at the time the previous elder passes on to Annwn, and will usually handle leadership and diplomacy both.

Padjali - Unlimited

Any seers, god-born or not. A Padjali works with the other Padjal to guide in tending the Forest, and individual padjal serve as a priest, counciller, and teacher. Padjal may be identified as the only prowl members allowed to wear anything with horns on it.

Padjali Leighiche - 0/1

The prowl is ruled by the eldest female padjal commonly, however, the eldest male is given an equally strong task of leading and training the healers. Male padjal are believed to have a very strong affinity for healing, leaving the task of keeping the lore and methods of it falls squarely on this padjali's shoulders. Often he assists the Elder Padjali as well, and it is not unknown for them to be a mated pair.

Helwyr - Unlimited

Helwyr are the Hunters and protectors of the pride. Most prowl members fall into this rank. Helwyr have, like Padjal, more than one duty -- those whom hunt are considered capable too of protecting the prowl -- as protection is considered a facet of providing for the prowl.

Leighiche - Unlimited
The Leighiche, or Healers, are those whom tend to the prowl. Leighiche have a close bond to the forest and learn their art at the paws of the eldest male padjali, to identify what they need for poultices and salves, and wraps. Leighiche are herbal healers whom must master knowledge of the forest's plants to mend their stricken and wounded. Often Leighiche are called upon to aid the Padjal in their work with the forest and it's creatures.

Ceardai - Unlimited
Crafters are skilled in working with bone, stone, fur, wood, and more to create things of beauty and to tend to the forest's plants.Caerdai create the majority of the prowl's jewelry and ornamentation. The Caerdai are a large, broad group that have many skills -- many make jewelry, or decorate, while some make tattoo art or even offer simple paints for prowl members, or for painting dens, and the like.

Amhranai - Unlimited

Equal to the Caerdai are the Amhranai, the singers and musicians of the pride. Instead f crafting with their paws to create jewels, they create music, sing, and keep the pride spirits high, and offer a musical sound. Many make instruments of stones and plants or bones, while others use old found objects rom the ruins.

Ceidiwr - Unlimited

While most ruins are above and visible, there are underground sections and areas in caves meant for hiding or living in. In these areas the Ceidiwr are hard at work seeking strange items from the previous two legged inhabitants for the prowl. Ceidiwr usually fish up baubles, scraps of fabric, and stones in strange shapes with sharp edges for use in various tasks -- however, it is dangerous work, hence the existence of the rank is intended for the benefit of all, and is considered as heroic as the Helwr.

Student - Unlimited

All learning adolescents in-pride are students. Expected to take on a job as adults, students are taught be the eldest of their job of choice, and by willing padjal with expertise in the area. Once students prove adept, they are considered adults and may take on the rank of their choice.

Youth - Unlimited

CUBS. Youth are expected to learn prowl ways and to explore and learn, to find their future calling.

Ddieithryn - Unlimited

Rogues whom join the prowl are given the rank of Ddieithryn until they find a suitable rank within ithe prowl. They are treated as students and youth both, learning the forest ways. Many Forestborn prowl members look down on Ddieithryn until they find a rank, and consider them second class, although this is not so. Even still, Ddieithryn are usually eager to find their rank, as Ddieithryn has taken on a stigma since the recent Greenwrath.  

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 7:59 pm
Members // Joining

Elder Padjali // Kan-E-Senna // Novacracker

Padjali Leighiche // None // None

Padjali // None // None

Leighiche // None // None

Helwyr // None // None

Ceardai // None // None

Amhranal // None // None

Ceidiwr // None // None

Student // None // None

Youth // None // None

Ddieithryn // None // None

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