xxxxD E L P H I N I AxxxL U C E R N ExxxM E A D O W S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Finny

              AGE 17

              BIRTHDAY 24 July 2026

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood

              WAND Holly, Unicorn Hair, Swishy, Spiraled Shaft, 12 and 1/7 inches

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Heterosexual

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English

              FACECLAIM Random Anime [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts

              HOUSE Ravenclaw

              YEAR GRADUATED

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS
                  Muggle Studies

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ O
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
                  Herbology ~ EE
                  History of Magic ~ O
                  Potions ~ P
                  Transfiguration ~ O
                  Alchemy ~ A
                  Art ~ EE
                  Healing ~ O
                  Muggle Studies ~ A
                  Music ~ EE
                  Mythology ~ O

              NEWT SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ O
                  Charms ~ O
                  Herbology ~ EE
                  History of Magic ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ EE
                  Art ~ EE
                  Healing ~ O
                  Music ~ A
                  Mythology ~ O

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Middle Child Extraordinaire

              DREAM JOB Wise Old Witch

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ IMAGINATIVE Finny has an extraordinarily detailed and vivid imagination, and is by nature a creative and inventive individual. She's fond of creating whole new worlds and adventures in her head, and is also always eager to try things a different way, even if they're far less likely to work. "What if" is a common refrain heard from her. She enjoys finding ways around problems, no matter how small, and tends to think outside of the box, with mixed results. When presented with a personal obstacle to overcome, or if the end result will benefit someone she cares about, Finny will stop at nothing to imagine a way there.
              ■ INSIGHTFUL Typically pegged as innocent to the point of gullibility and easy to mislead, Finny is quite the opposite. She possesses the gift of often being able to spot the heart of an issue, and thus cutting through all the unnecessary fibbing and bluffing. Perceptive and earnest, she can see the strings connecting people's motives to their mouths, and this can catch smooth talkers off guard. It's not to say that it's impossible to lie to or trick her, but she comes off as far more naive than she actually is.
              ■ KIND Finny has always taken 'treat others the way you want to be treated' very seriously. A warm and compassionate person, she genuinely wants to help other people in any way she can. She thinks of it as what you put out in the world coming back to you eventually, so doesn't it make sense to treat other people with gentleness and respect? She likes the idea of equality, and believes most people really do have a silver lining under their dark clouds, even if it's faded or very hard to find. While she rarely immediately opens up around others, Finny has a talent for cultivating lasting, meaningful connections.
              ■ SENSITIVE A "sensitive" soul, Finny feels things deeply. A sad movie can make her mopey and depressed for the rest of the day, and she'll still be giggling to herself over one joke all week. When what she believes to be true or agrees with is challenged to her face, she tends to completely clamp up. Finny takes criticism personally, and can beat herself up over a comment from someone else that wasn't even meant to offend for a long time afterwards. She despises conflict, and thus tends to bottle up her response to any negativity she encounters.
              ■ RETICENT Finny is very much an introvert. She likes her time spent alone, though she does love to be with her siblings and close friends. In an environment where she feels comfortable she can be rambunctious and even get herself into trouble, though she is very rarely mischievous on purpose. Extremely soft spoken and private, Finny generally keeps her thoughts and feelings to herself unless the situation is dire. Even so, she's far more likely to speak up the behalf of someone else than for her own benefit.
              ■ IMPULSIVE While certainly not wild and not very reckless, Finny does tend to jump into the deep end, so to speak. She often misjudges a situation and ends up in over her head, or realizes she really should have thought something through better after the precious vase is broken, etc. She often thinks she can help everything and everyone, and ends up getting herself into trouble that way, eschewing the routine for the irregular. Finny's habit of getting caught up in the moment doesn't always serve her well.

                  Theater; plays and musicals
                  Rainy days
                  Chocolate (excluding white)

                  Cold weather
                  White chocolate

                  Writing plays and poems

                  Is very perceptive for her age and good at seeing straight to the heart of an issue
                  Tries her best to be kind to everyone, regardless of the circumstances

                  Is extremely soft spoken; will stand up for others but not herself
                  Not a very good planner and tends to immediately get in over her head

                  Growing apart from her siblings

      xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          CHILDHOOD Finny is the second child and second daughter of Hyacinth and Abigail Meadows. Her parents were arranged to be married from the time of their second year at Hogwarts, and while they didn't dislike one another, never 'fell in love', either. However, they bonded over the birth and raising of their first child, Finny's older sister Chrysanthemum, or Chrys. By the time Finny, the middle Meadows child, was born, they were friends. Finny has one younger brother, Sherwood, or Sher, who as the only son is entitled to inheriting everything the family has to offer. While Finny and her siblings were always exceptionally close, it was obvious that the majority of the attention was always going to be heaped upon Sher, as he was the only boy. Although as a child this led Finny to have something of an inferiority complex, as she grew older she understood that this was not something her brother could control, and just part of the circumstances of their births. Similarly, she understood that she and her sister were expected to grow into proper young ladies, who would be married off for the betterment of the family, regardless of any personal feelings on the matter. This never seemed to bother Finny overly much, feeling as though she needed to fulfill the peace-keeping younger daughter role, in contrast to her more brash and reckless elder sister, who was sorted into Gryffindor, to no one's surprise. Finny eagerly awaited joining her sister at Hogwarts, although she was in no particular rush to grow up and assume all the burdens of adulthood.

          SCHOOL YEARS
              FIRST YEAR Finny was sorted into Ravenclaw, which didn't really come as a surprise, but she quickly grew to love her new house and Hogwarts. She made friends with the Kinsley twins, and enjoyed spending time with Chrys now that they were both in school together.
              SECOND YEAR Finny's second year was essentially rocked by the knowledge that she was betrothed to Sorin. While she considered his twin her closest friend, she never felt quite as comfortable with Celeste's brother, and was hurt that her parents had sprung the betrothal on her without even asking what she would like in a future husband. Still, she felt like she had to grin and bear it, although after a year in Ravenclaw she found herself a bit more willing to speak up.
              THIRD YEAR Finny had a very quiet third year, mostly due to coping with all the new homework from her electives and whatnot.
              FOURTH YEAR Finny spent her fourth year bracing for the coming OWLs she'd face in her fifth year, and wishing her older sister would just get on with it and admit her feelings for her best friend. Oh, and break off her engagement, as well.
              FIFTH YEAR Finny focused on studying for her exams her fifth year and not much else, although she was blindsided with the news at the end of the year that Celeste was being expelled and Sorin held back due to Celeste using her meta powers unethically. While she felt terribly for her friends, she had no idea how to even react to it. To make matters worse, her beloved rabbit Blanchefleur had also passed away.
              SIXTH YEAR Finny had a quiet sixth year, and was relieved that she didn't have to worry about an exams, although it'd be short-lived. She also got a new pet, a cat she named Galahad, and chopped off (most) of her hair, in her own rebellion against her family, now that her betrothal had been officially called off.
              SEVENTH YEAR Finny spent most of the year intensively studying for her NEWTs. She also met a rather charming classmate, Galen, after he caught her wandering the halls after hours. Ever the gentleman, he walked her back to the Ravenclaw Tower rather than taking points after Finny pleaded her case.

        POST GRADUATION Information

    xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
        FAMILY Hyacinth Meadows (father), Abigail Meadows (mother), Chrysanthemum Meadows (older sister), Sherwood Meadows (younger brother), Chrysanthos Meadows (paternal grandfather), Jillian Meadows (paternal grandmother), Anthea Harden (paternal aunt), Blodwyn Lockwood (paternal aunt), Chandler Lockwood (paternal uncle), Blair Lockwood (paternal cousin), Byron Lockwood (paternal cousin)
        FRIENDS Celeste and Sorin Kinsley, Elvira Hughes, Galen Hall
        BEST FRIEND Celeste Kinsley
        ENEMIES n/a
        PETS Cat named Galahad

PENDED BY ~ murrue ❤ 04/10/17
ACCEPTED BY ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [05/17/2017]