[General Information]

Picture: PM me (really don't want to have to upload anywhere or link to anything personal first thing)

Name: Rhys (for now, not my IRL name, but I prefer to keep that to myself until I feel comfortable with someone)

Age: ugh.... must I? *sighs* fine.... 32, 33 in May of '17.... (now I feel old crying )

Ages: 18 - my age + 10 (flexible if the personality catches my attention)

Gender: Male (physically..... personally, I don't associate myself to the general male population as most give it a bad reputation)

Orientation: Heteroflexible (mostly straight, but I have been known to swing the other way on a blue moon or two)

Interest: Too many to mention, I will list a few: Anime, Nightcore, gaming (mostly PS3 and potato friendly PC games), fantasy (most anything, but highly fond of dragons, magic, paladins) RP (wanna guess what I rp? look at previous response to get most of the idea, lol), movies, music, cuddling.... not sure if yours is in there then just ask me

Hobbies: Mostly look at my interests..... otherwise, I love to cook and bake (sadly not great at it but what I do make everyone loves whee ), gardening, walking, making ringtones....

What Grade I'm In: Ha.... haha.... hahah..hah.... wait? Seriously? rolleyes Right.... not everyone is as old as I am. Yeah, graduated high school, currently not enrolled in college.

Favorite Music: I'll say it again... Nightcore! Also, techno/electronica/house, rock, R&B, most of the top hits that are on the radio, little bit of this and that. Not a fan of rap, music where they yell and scream the whole "song" and/or can't understand a word, most country (do like some songs though).

Favorite Shows: Another too many to list... (I blame my age sweatdrop ) Well, most anything anime, Steven Universe, whoever I follow on YouTube (if you count that), General Hospital..... used to watch more but just don't find it as enjoyable as I used to.

Favorite Books: Used to read more, probably should again. Twilight Saga, Harry Potter Saga, most anything by Anne McCaffery, Terry Brooks, Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series, the Wheel of Time series.... Dean Koontz..... most anything fantasy

[What Your Looking For]

Description: I guess whatever happens. Would like an IRL thing, but what are the odds of anyone on here being interested in someone like me AND living near Portland? lol..... Online is fine too, you never know, people do move for the right one. If not a relationship, new friends.... gamer friends, whatever I can find here is more than I came in with.

[Other Sites: Available upon request (based on how comfortable I feel about it and what is appropriate obviously).... Facebook, FetLife]

Other Sites To Contact: Various.... start here first please. Then we can branch out to whatever is most convenient. I have FB, KiK, cell, Skype, am open to installing another app in most cases.