Hey Chobi! I was wondering if Van'Kal would be interested in meeting Tafari, the God of Petrification. Tafari is a seasoned traveler and is a loner until it suits him to be otherwise (in which I mean whenever he decides to make some cubbins with a pretty lioness xD )

Suffice to say, he's less than innocent, but I think it might be a good experience for him to meet someone who's so naive. In turn, maybe Van'Kal would learn something from Tafari too, or at the very least be in the company of other gods/goddesses again, which may help him feel less lonely in regards to his family who he left behind in the gods' realm.

Let me know if you're interested. heart
Alpaca Chobi

I want Bell RP <3 ! Yest please : )

I'm not going to be around much today (date night after work) but I should be around over the weekend : ) Van needs all the rp <3 And god friends.