Name: R'var (Ragnvard)
Age: 31
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Anything with a pulse
Weyr: Originally Impressed at High Reaches Weyr
Rider Rank: Raider
Previous Rank/Craft: If applicable.
Physical Description:

Personality: Ragnvard is a sharp-minded male, cunning and sly. A master tactician and skilled both as a straight up fighter and as a Captain. Charasmatic and charming when it suits him but capable of acts of incredible violence and destruction. To those loyal to him he is Master and Provider both, assuring his reavers never want for anything, be it food, thralls or fights. In return he demands obediance and dedication to his goals. He is heavily involved in the education of younger members, believing the strength of the pride lives in the future generations. He is a true Stormborn, living and adhering to the very heart of the Myrsky Syntynyt philosophy. Strength is all, weakness will not be tolerated.

Those that loathed him spoke of his vile ways and vicious temper. But those that revered him talked of his dedication, drive and determination. He was Stormborn, and he made sure everyone knew it.

Positive Trait List Hard working, dedicated,
Negative Trait List Selfish, prideful, conniving

History: Ragnvard wasn't always evil, he felt betrayed by his brother when he thought Ronan would take his side when they were young, but Ronan didn't side with his less than honest younger sibling and often left Ragnvard to stand by himself. Ronan is the elder brother and Ragnvard used to look up to him. But Ran was always more ambitious and violent than Ronan felt comfortable with. Ran couldn't understand why his brother abandoned him, not realising it was his own behaviour that drive Ronan away.

He won his place as Captain through the death of the previous Captain Arnljótr, having slyly plotted the former's death through his own reavers. Causing the best fighters to abandon him for richer prospects and filling the ranks with less skilled warriors and his own spies, before letting the band wander into an ambush, having heard of a group of Nguvu Tamaa warriors prowling the area from his own reavers and simply not passing the information along. As soon as he took control he brought in lions loyal to him and hand picked the best and most savage fighters from around the pride. Giving those lions most others wouldn't touch a spot in his group. They quickly came to be known as one of the most blood-thirsty bands in the pride.

Arch rival of his brother Ronan. Ronan and Aksel were the only two lions to threaten him when he was planning the murder of their old Captain. As the pair refused to leave the grizzled old warrior and very nearly saved him during the attack. But three lions were not enough against the attackers and his plan succeeded. But ever since he has been plotting to take his brother down. As yet no suitable opportunity has presented itself.

He owns the Thrall Aoife, having captured her out in the roguelands and forced her back to the pride.

Physical Description:
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment:


Name: R'nan (Ronan)
Age: 31
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Weyr: Originally Impressed at High Reaches Weyr
Rider Rank: Raider
Previous Rank/Craft: If applicable.
Physical Description:
Personality: He is a hard lion and rather cold hearted, one who embodies the warrior spirit. Tough and determined he lives for reaving. He is not wholly without emotion though and does sometimes take time out to unwind and relax about the pride, but during those periods he will often be found alone, disliking rowdy company.

Positive Trait List
Negative Trait List

History: Born to a Reaver and his freeborn mate as part of a legitimate litter, he has spent his whole life training, and once old enough, became a Reaver and joined his father's band. On reaching his adulthood he moved into another band in order to avoid fighting with his father. (As both males were hard headed and stubborn). He wants to move into the warlord's Viking band, if only to see if it's any different, and for extra challenge.

Part of an effective fighting pair with Aksel. Used to viking under the old Captain Arnljótr until the elder lion died in battle.

Arch rival of his brother Ragnvard. Ronan and Aksel were the only two lions to threaten his brother when the darker male was planning the murder of their old Captain. The pair refused to leave the grizzled old warrior when Ragnvard started trying to entice them away though didn't realise the full extent of his depravity until after the murder. Still they and very nearly saved him during the attack, but three lions were not enough against the Sith attackers and the plan succeeded. Ever since Arnljótr's death, Ragnvard has been plotting to take Ronan down in revenge. Though so far Ronan has proved the stronger against every enemy Ragnvard has put against him.

Physical Description:
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: