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Umigyo had spent his life as a hunter, pretty well the only rank his class in the pride was able to hold. But he had always dreamed of being more, of being a guard. Now that he was officially mated to his love Thula his dream career was becoming a reality. The black male was actually giddy with excitement at the new prospect. He had woken before sunset and stayed laying in his den curled against his mate. It was nice to have her warm body close by and although he was pretty sure he was getting ahead of himself he couldn’t wait to have cubs with her.

It was with thoughts of his blossoming family that Umigyo made his way towards the border of the pride. The sun had just set and he could see the stars blinking into existence for the night. The large lion was on his way to meet another guard in the pride. He was excited to be apart of his first patrol. It was like a dream come true.

Zah sat at the border the dark male staring out into the horizon. He had made his way out here before the sun had fully set. Zah had grown up in the rogue lands and even till this day had problems keeping the nocturnal schedule. He had been a day walker for too long. His ears turned to listen to behind him. He heard the approach of soft feet. He had to give credit to however was coming his way, they had a very light step the experienced guard could only barely hear them coming his way. He assumed it was the new guard coming out to join him. He didn’t bother turning though he waited till the other made his way to him.

Umigiyo saw the other male ahead and smiled. “Hello there.” he greeted him when he made it to his side. He took a seat beside the other male, and looked out onto the horizons as well. “My name is Umigyo, the new guard.” he told the other male. He was sure that the other male already likely knew his name but it just seemed polite to introduce himself in a proper way.

Zah turned his head slightly, “Hello Umigyo, my name is Zah.” he told the other male. Zah’s voice was a low one and really almost sounded like a growl he was always careful to keep a smile on his face though to make sure others knew he was friendly. “It’s a good night to start, clear no clouds no god we can see for miles.” Zah mused.

Umigyo listened to every word the male had to say. He knew he was lucky to have this rank now and it was all thanks the Thula. He had been mildly afraid that other lions in the pride would think that he had mated the female just because of her class in the pride but anyone who saw the duo together would never be able to think that. They were an embarrassing mushy couple with each other. Even just thinking of Thula made the black feel a little mushy and he kinda wanted to go back to the den to see her. With his new class he didn’t even need to take a rank with a job he could just be a Lord but Umigyo had always dreamed of being a guard and now he was able to.

“I am glad its such a perfect night out.” Umigyo finally replied when he pulled his thoughts away from his mate. He turned to look at Zah wondering if he had noticed how long it took him to respond. He hoped not it would be kind of embarrassing if so.

“So do you have any tips for a newbie?” he asked hoping to keep the conversation going.
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Zah had turned back to look at the horizon. It really was a perfect night. “Well to be honest ever since the leadership of this pride has settled down and become stable, being a guard is a pretty easy job.” he told them a small smirk on his face. Zah had joined the pride when it was in the middle of its political upheaval, it had been an intense and turbulent time for everyone. No one had really known who to trust or what to expect. It was rough to say the least.

“Now we mostly just patrol the borders.” new members weren’t currently being admitted to the pride right now well they tried to get things more settled so it wasn’t even like they had new lions to escort in instead they just had those to turn away. “The most we should have to deal with right now is lost creatures that we need to redirect onto the right path.” he said with a chuckle. There were always a few that needed to be redirected, who were looking for someone or something.

Umigyo was still super excited to be a guard even if there wasn’t as much to do now days as there may have been when the old King had been in power, soon enough the pride would open its borders to new comers again and then there would be all of those new lions to escort into the pride. A job that honestly Umigyo couldn’t be looking more forward to.

“So for now we just enjoy the horizons.” Umigyo mused with a chuckle in his voice, he hadn’t been looking for a cushy job but right now this was exactly what he seemed to land himself, for now anyways. Umigyo let the conversation drop and focused back on the horizon, his eyes scanning to see any movement in the dark. There wasn’t anything out there but Umigyo was still absolutely giddy with the excitement of the night. His first night as a guard. It was a good feeling.

Zah could tell that the other male had drifted off into his own thoughts. Zah felt a smile cross his lips. He was happy to just let him have his moment. The male was clearly excited to be a guard in his pride and it was nice to see him have this moment.