Greenie: The gentle silver lioness was out for the day, woken early and soon out on her paws heading towards the prides borders. She was out to do her job, a hunting party wasn't waiting this time, perhaps that was the only difference - that didn't mean she couldn't do what she set out to do, it just meant she'd be tracing down some small game.

Ukulwa had been pondering something since leaving her den though, she hadn't seen her brother, not in ages. Often times she had a spur of the moment desire to find him, but instead she was destracted - today she decided to change that and track him down before she went for her hunt. Worst case she thought about asking him to come along, maybe.

She hoped that the lion would be easy to find as she didn't intend to spend all day looking for him, not if she could help it. Once she was near where he had been rumored to be seen she narrowed her eyes (as if it would help) and sought out his dark pelt. "Umgiyo?" She asked thoughtfully, wondering if she simply couldn't see him.

nessiaing: Umigyo was settling into what his new life seemed to be. He had moved up in classes and now was able to hold the rank he had always dreamed of having a guard. The black lion had only been in the roll for a matter of days but he was over the moon. He had been shadowing another guard so to speak the last few nights and he was pretty sure he was falling into the roll nicely.

Now his shift was over though and he was just sitting on the edges of the pride. Looking out over the horizion soon he would head back home to Thula. His stomach did a flip at the thought of his new mate. He still had to introduce her to his family the time would come soon but for now he was enjoying have Thula all to himself.

Greenie: "Umgiyo, there you are." The lioness startled a few passerbys when she gave a shout perhaps a little to mighty for her petite frame. "I've been looking all over the darn pride for you, where have you been." She moved to face him and narrowed her usually tender eyes. Ukulwa wasn't known for a quick temper, but she had one and it seemed to especially rear it's ugly head when she was dealing with family - perhaps that was just where her comfort level lay.

"You haven't been looking at more women have you?" Her tone had changed drastically, she was teasing of course. The narrowed slits her eyes had become began to fade away into a much happier appearance - she didn't know of his new status yet, so she didn't realize just how much truth there was to what she had just said, although it could no longer be pluralized. Ukulwa smiled warmly. "Perhaps one day you'll find a mate, my dear dear brother."

"Could we sit and chat a while? I will be leaving for a hunt soon, but beyond that my day is free up." She admitted coolly.

nessiaing: Umgiyo couldn’t help but chuckle at his sisters comments. She couldn’t have been closer and further from the truth all at the same time. “I always have time for you my sister.” he told the silver female as he settled in next to her. Umgiyo really did love his sister, one of his family members that he was probably the closest too.

“You know its funny you should mention females.” Umgiyo said with a little bit of a laugh in his voice. He was intentially not coming right out and say it wanting to lead his sister along for a little, see if he could possibly get under her skin just a little. Umgiyo was feeling positively giddy and cub like now that he was in love.

Greenie: "Oh sure. You say that after it feels like years since seeing you last." She smirked and settled herself by sitting and wrapping that puffy tail of hers around her paws, doing so was a habit she'd picked up over time - it kept her toes toasty when she was out on the hunt and needing to spend more time out there then in the comfort of her den. "Wait.." She paused and turned a wide eyed stare towards her brother.

"Wait, wait, wait.." Her eyes then narrowed suspiciously. "You're just pulling my leg aren't you!" She demanded, becoming dramatically annoyed at his statement. Then she grew quiet briefly. "Who is it?" Ukulwa spouted the question so quickly that she barely even heard it. Then images of females swirled about in her head. "It is that purple one?" She asked, not an idea in mind of who she was talking about, but she just figured if she kept making things up she'd figure it out soon enough. "No.. its' the white one.." She giggled furiously at her own joke, no way was he with the Queen.

"Is she pink?" She asked, curiously. Finally able to picture a lioness. "She better be nice, whoever she is. I'll beat her up if she does something to you."The eccentric lioness rose up to her back paws and raised her fore-legs up into a mock boxer pose before dishing out a couple of wimpy punches. "I've got your back." She smiled over at him then finally silenced so he could answer.

nessiaing: Umgiyo seemed to develop uncontrolable giggles the more his sister talked. He should have known that she would react like this. It was amussing as all hell. WHen her guess finally landed on pink it made Umgiyo’s stomach drop. He hadn’t thought she woudl be able to guess his mate, though there was a chance she was still just shouting out random colours.

“She is pink, and I have to say if you beat her up I might beat you up.” Umgiyo told his sister quickly becoming super defencive for the sake of his mate. It wasn’t easy, getting use to all the feelings Thula brought out in him.

“Her name is Thula, she is a Lady.” he told his sister. He waited to see her response before he told her that he too was a member of the high class and now a guard like he had always wanted to be instead of a hunter.

Greenie: Ukulwa admired the reactions she was bringing from her brother, clearly her previous color guesses were false however when she landed on pink it seemed she had hit the jackpot! "So, pink.. eh?" She asked slyly, expecting to have to fight the answer out of him. Chances were he'd not tell her at all, but if she was lucky she might be able to break it free from him.

"Oh.. she has grabbed your heart?" The silver lioness brought herself back down to her seated arrangement and pulled herself back from him. "I'm not so surprised, it isn't unlike you to jump in, all paws." She teased lightly to take the edge off of his defensive move of react first - she felt lucky not to have been struck by him.

"Thula?" Her eyes looked away and paw rose to her chin as she thought about the name. "Thula, Thula.. a lady you say?" Ukulwa thought harder and still couldn't place a face to the name. "Is she a popular lady? Does she come out and see plenty of lions?" Her questions felt valid, but perhaps she was the only lioness not to have met her. "What is she like, she's treating you well?" This certainly explained his disappearances.

nessiaing: “She is a very kind lioness. You would approve. She is a bit shy sometimes perhaps but she does get out. She does not see herself above others like some of the lords and ladies.” Umgiyo said with a knowing smile. They all knew the lords and ladies that were snobs for a lack of a better word.

“I also got to change ranks.” Umgiyo said quietly. He was excited for his rank change and hoped his sister would be excited for him too. “You are looking at one of the newest guards for the pride.” the dark male absolutely beamed with pride.

Greenie: "Well I'd hope you wouldn't choose someone knowing I'd disapprove of." An unbecoming snort sounded from the lioness. "Shy is fine, we can work with that. That makes one of them." She smirked slightly at her offhanded comment. She'd seen her handful of high class individuals and most of them had their noses up in the air for the most part, but that could also have been due to her smaller stature.

She'd been so focused on her own thoughts that she had almost missed what he said. "A change of ranks?" So he hadn't just found a lady, no no.. he had covinced someone to become life long partners. "This is cause for celebration Umgiyo!" She proclaimed, eyes widening at his sudden boat of news. "Oh my goodness, congratulations!" She leaped up from her seat and swung both arms around the neck of her brother, this was extremely exciting news.

"Well, well, well.. this means I should throw a small party. Get my best meats, drinks and pelts together for a gathering of you me and your mate." The lioness had leaned back and begun to count her toes as she made a list. "If I'm going to have this happen I need to hop to it!" She bounced up to her paws and began to scoot away. "See you soon Umgiyo~" She called out over her shoulder at him as she disappeared into the pride, forgetting entirely that she needed to be out on a hunt.

nessiaing: Umgiyo knew better than to try and stop his sister once she got the idea in her head. He was pleased that she was so excited about his union. He let out a soft chuckle as he watched her go off to collect all the supplies. He rose to his feet giving his fur a light shake before he set off to find his Thula. He needed to prepare his mate for his sister beofre the celebration happened. He had no doubt that the two most importnant females in his life would get along just fine. The black male was humming as he walked away back into the pride, towards the den he shared with his mate.