Davy: Speaking of dens... It was needed to be decided which one of their lovely homes would be the area in which they would be staying. The pink lioness really wanted to see how her lovely mate spent his days and well she knew that her place was going to be amazingly perfect. There was something else to that she wanted to do but that would be much later after they settled, also kind of scary. Meeting his family. "I still think my den might be suited better for us. Its really big." Though with his size maybe there was more of a chance his would. Guess it wouldn't really be too terribly different.

"Do I need to close my eyes at all?" The female asked. The dark lion might have a mess in his den that he wouldn't want her to see. She chuckled a little. They passed a few lions and lioness, she didn't even care that they looked at her funny with her giddy walk and her tail tapping her mate every so often.

nessiaing: Umgiyo couldn’t help but chuckle along with his mate. “No my love you don’t need to close your eyes.” he told her whimsy in his voice. Umgiyo admitedly didn’t spend very much time in his den and as such it was pretty clean and well kept. “I am sure your place will be better suited too but we might as well take a look at both of them.” he told her with a nod.

It wasn’t too far from his den “Okay here it is in all its glory.” Umgiyo told her with a hint of laughter in his voice. HIs den was moderatly sized and it fit him well enough, it would fit the two og them but wouldn’t be big enough to have a family in… though he might be getting a bit ahead of himself with that thought.

He turned to his mate so that he could see what her face looked like.

Davy: "Its not half bad." She replied as she finally took it in. It almost looked like it wasn't even really used. Enough to clean up and leave. "This is a not bad den my love. Its definitely big enough to fit both of us but..." She wasn't going to think ahead to the future, that was a bit too far for her tastes at the moment. "Do you think its spacious enough to have guests come?" She knew her den would accommodate her, him, and a couple of other lions or lioness who maybe wanted to come and visit. "We could always splay ourselves out really quick and just see." She laughed as she herself just plopped down onto the ground.

nessiaing: Umgiyo smiled her response was nice enough, he figured her den was going to be a fair bit more impressive than his. He wasn’t ashamed of his den though, it was a nice enough home and had served him well. When she mentioned it being big enough for the two for them then added the word but his stomach did a little bit of a flip. Perhaps he wasn’t crazy in already thinking of cubs with his beautiful mate.

“Well its not as if we have to make any decisions yet. Let’s go take a look at your den. Then we can talk and decided…. together.” Umgiyo gave his mate a gentle nuzzle happy to openly show her affection and love.

Davy: "Then let's take a gander at my humble abode." Thula chimed. "One den down, one more den to go!" A grin spreading from ear to ear. Her purring was quite loud as she bopped his nose with her own. With a quick step she was out of the den and waiting for her lovely mate. It was a short adventure to her new life. They would then need to decide. "So my love, what do you think of everything going on?" While on their short journey they could at least have a quiet conversation. They really hadn't been able to have a conversation other then about themselves and well it would be good to talk about something other than... well that. It wasn't just them in the world.

nessiaing: Umgiyo fell in line with his mate happy to walk along side of her. He was light on his toes for such a large lion. “I am glad things are finally settling this pride has had far too much turbulence for too long.” Umgiyo said with a nod. The black male had stayed mostly out of the polical going ons of the pride. He hadn’t the patience for it, though if he were to be honest he was quite happy to see the old king out of power. Even while they were figuring out the logistics of bringing in a new king or queen.

“What of you darling? Are you happy with the way things are?” It was a little scary for Umgiyo to ask, there was a chance that their political thoughts might not line up, but he was confident that they could over come that.

Davy: "Things are more... lenient." The female noted. "I mean, this." Making a gesture to the pair of them, "Would not have worked with the old king. The pride is moving forward and should continue to do so. Take steps forward, not backward." At least thankful that his mindset was the same as hers. Then again she figured as much since they were together, but there were always a slight chance. To not have this work out would absolutely crush her, even for a political view. "Not having that," emphasizing the word, "here any longer is better."

She could see the den coming into view now. Her lovely abode. It had a few touches outside, some boulders to spruce up the outside give it some color. "My place." Even from the outside it looked different, larger even. Not by too much though. They could probably be close in size. "Shall we take a gander?"

nessiaing: Umgiyo smiled pleased that his mate and he seemed to see the world eye to eye. It was wonderful to know they had that in common. “I agree with you completely.” he told her giving her a little nudge of affection before he continued to walk.

When she paused at her den he stopped too. From the outside alone he could tell that it was larger than his but she was modest about it, something else he loved about her. She may have more than him so to speak but she would never say she was better than him in anyway.

“I think we shall.” he said before he ducked his head and stepped into the den. It was quite a nice size and would quite obviously be enough room for the two of them and any sort of family they might like to have. “I think its perfect love. We will fit her beautifuly and I dare say we could even start a family here.” he said. He knew he was moving fast but he couldn’t help himself he had a little impish grin on his face as he waited to see what her reaction might be to his statement.

Davy: "Do you really want to move here?" The pink lioness asked almost dancing upon her paws. She felt awkward and unsure of what was about to happen even though she could see that he really did like her den and how spacious it was. Despite being of higher ranking she saw herself as equal. She had ignored the start a family part for just a moment before she just looked at him. "I mean starting a family in here would not be something I would be opposed to." His little impish grin was something that made her move closer to him. "So have we decided where we will make our home?"

nessiaing: “I do really want to move here.” he told her nuzzling her neck deeply. He loved seeing her so happy and knowing that he had made her happy made it that much bette for him. “Perfect it sounds like we have decided this will be our home! And one day…. maybe even soon we will make it a home for our own little family.” he told her his impish grin returning yet again. Umgiyo had always known that he wanted a family but now that he was officially mated the reality was even more real.

“I hate to say this though I have to go, its my first shift as a guard. But I will see you here at home in the morning.” Umgiyo leaned in and gave Thula a quick kiss on the cheek and winked before heading out the den opening again. He was just leaving but he was honestly looking forward to returning already.