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Ochieng couldn't be happier that soon she would start a family with her love, Nteo. She had wondered for some time now whether they were the sort of lions who wanted cubs or not... and in the end she had decided that she would very much like to expand her family with her mate. They were married, and they had enjoyed a long time together without the responsibilities of their own cubs. She had seen Nteo often enough with the pride cubs and felt comfortable in the idea of him becoming a father. Sometimes she worried that she would not make such a great mother... would she know what to do? Would the other lionesses in the pride offer her help, even if she did not ask for it? What if she ended up giving birth and then decided that she did not want help?

Her ears perked as she sat, idly gazing over some members of her pride and her home. One in the same... the sudden thought struck her. What if she simply did not get pregnant? Every once in a while this would happen to a lioness, she had bared witness to it herself. That would be so disappointing... what would they do if that was the case? She suspected that maybe... just maybe they could adopt some cubs. But that was a rather hard thing to go about and do, really. Maybe they would just live out their lives cubless... helping out the pride where they were needed and going about their daily routines... they would return back to their dens and they would still be happy. Right?

Ochieng hoped that she had not some how opened some weird whole of worms by asking to start a family with Nteo. She frowned lightly and her gaze swept the area again. Would he still love her if she could not have cubs? The thought was silly... of course he would love her no matter what! Still, this knowledge did not make the thought any less present. She sighed softly to herself before rising up on all fours. She stretched out her limbs, first the front and then the back. She had resolved herself... she would go find Nteo and talk through all of these misguided worries with him. She would put them to rest and then they could continue going about their lives, worry free.

She smiled softly, having calmed her thoughts even a little bit with her decision. She let her paws lead her at random, unsure really where Nteo would be exactly. She knew that if she did wander long enough she would eventually find him though, it wasn't like he wandered far and wide. She also considered some different things to discuss once they got this big and worrisome conversation over with. Would they need to move dens? Would they be seeking a lot of help with nannies or just a small amount? She suspected they would learn more about that once they actually had cubs. If they had cubs.

She shook her head, reminding herself that the possibility of not having cubs would not be the worst situation in the world. And they she had not even spoken to Nteo about anything yet, so she should remain calm and not let it swirl about in her thoughts for too long. She should focus on some other things while she walked. She could enjoy a sunset and a sunrise every day, if she wanted to. She would have to pull Nteo along one of these days to sit and enjoy it with her. She could spend her days hunting with the pride, that always brought her great joy. Especially if they were successful. She always felt proud when she could help out in hunting the prey beasts.

She took a deep breath of the gentle air, tail flicking as she tossed the fringe of hair out of her eyes. Nteo was not in his usual spots he enjoyed lounging and relaxing in... so that must have meant that he would most likely be at their den. She huffed a little and chuckled at her unfortunate luck... their den was all the way in the opposite direction. Well, that would be okay too. The exorcize was good for her and it gave her more time to put all of her thoughts in order so when she spoke to him it would not be broken up, hectic, or confusing. That was a very good thing indeed!

Her red eyes spotted a hare in the distance and she slowed a minute, finally coming to a complete stop so she could watch the little hare for a moment. It was young, but not young enough to warrant a mother near by. Soft and fluffy, it's fur almost like little whispy clouds in the wind. "You will need better hiding places if you want to survive in this world, little guy." She said softly to herself. She then smiled brightly, her heart warm and her stomach already full. "Luckily for you today will not be the day you are hunted." Again, this was said more to herself then the hare. "Do you know why?" She whispered, leaning forward slightly although there was no way the rabbit would be able to hear her from this distance. "Because pretty soon in the future I am going to be a mother... and that is cause for celebration!" She laughed to herself, feeling a renewed energy about what she and Nteo had decided.

Yes, she would still have to speak to him about everything... but perhaps it would not be as scary as she suspected. No, she could definitely remain positive about their plan to have children together. She watched the hare for another minute or so before beginning her search for her mate yet again. Nteo was bound to be nearby, it was only a matter of time now, just like almost everything else in life. He was excited for what they had decided together... and he was surprised. Pretty soon when the surprise wore off he would probably be very doting and wonderful... although, he was still wonderful while surprised. She laughed just thinking about her wonderful mate, finally spotting him in the distance.

word count: 1,043