Painted Moose
Don't forget to get your member's post set up so we can post them in the breeding permission thread. ^_^

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Things had finally settled down with a sense of closure on the whole Shangyue affair. Nubiti felt like she could now lay around the pride and relax without fear for her hide. It was a good feeling. She wanted to look back over that time no more and only focus on what was ahead of her. Oh, she wasn’t going to forget what had happened. No. There was plenty of hard won lessons there for the pride to forget. But it was time to look forward to the future.

The fluffy lioness lay stretched out and completely relaxed in the warmth of the sun. She’d very much missed this with the rules of only being active by night. Her eyes were mostly closed as she semi-napped in the sun. It was definitely time to be looking forward. She’d heard rumors of lionesses having their litters. Perhaps it was finally time to start her family.