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Live the life of a wizard! Based on J.K. Rowling's books, this guild focuses on the Ministry of Magic and everyday life. Open and accepting! 

Tags: roleplay, J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter, Ministry of Magic, Wizarding World 

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Rivero Family ~ Accepted

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Beloved Vampire

9,900 Points
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 6:45 pm
Rivero Family

(Updated 07/17/19.)

Alejandro Rivero (npc)
♥ Carmela Rivero née Arlotti (npc)
tab ↪ Alana Rivero ~ Age 23 ~ Hufflepuff Alum ~ Musician & Eeylops Employee
tab ↪ Nicolás Benito Rivero ~ Age 19 ~ Angelus Alum ~ Unemployed

Accepted by: Weasley 6/16/17
Recent updates accepted by: Weasley 7/17/19
Accepted characters: Alana 4/23/18, Nicolás 6/16/17
PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 6:46 pm
xxxxALANAxxxJADExxxRIVERO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
User Image
          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Lana or L

              AGE 23

              BIRTHDAY April 25, 2023

              BLOOD STATUS Muggle-born (Both parents muggle-born)

              WAND 11 inch, Cherry Wood, Crup Hair Core, with a Surprisingly Swishy Flexibility

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Straight

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English and Spanish

              FACECLAIM Willow Shields [15+] Elsa Pataky (After Hogwarts) [x] (Both Approved)
              Past Random Anime Pics. [11 - 12] [13 - 14]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Hogwarts

              HOUSE Hufflepuff

              CLASS OF 2041

              HONORS None

                  ■ Music Club (1st - 7th year)
                  ■ Daily Dragon - writer (4th - 7th year)

              BEST LESSONS
                  Care of Magical Creatures

              WORST LESSONS

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ A
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
                  Herbology ~ E
                  History of Magic ~ A
                  Potions ~ A
                  Transfiguration ~ A
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                  Divination ~ A
                  Healing ~ E
                  Music ~ O
                  Mythology ~ E

              NEWT SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ A
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
                  Herbology ~ A
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ E
                  Healing ~ A
                  Music ~ O
                  Mythology ~ E

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Musician (Singer / Songwriter) & Eeylops Owl Emporium Employee (Accepted)

              DREAM JOB To work with animals and write my own music.

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ SOCIAL INTROVERT When it comes to dealing with other people and large crowds I’m shy and quiet. I tend to stay in the background if I can help it. In most cases I withdraw into myself. It takes a while for me to open up but once I get to know you I’m a lot more sociable. It just takes time. Luckily I have a few good friends that help pull me into conversation.
              ■ LOYAL Once I get to know you, I’ll become a most loyal friend. I’m there for my friends whenever needed. I’d help my friends with anything or anyone else for that matter, so long as it isn’t against my moral values. You can count on me to be there no matter what. I put others above myself and that’s what matters most.
              ■ OPEN MINDED I try not to be bias about things and remain open minded. I’m open to new ideas as well as opinions, and am willing to shake things up and divert from the plan. Guess I’m flexible that way. I guess in a lot of ways me being open minded makes me a good listener. I don’t mind lending and ear to anyone who needs it. Sometimes listening is the best thing you can do for someone.
              ■ INSECURE My friends say I lack self-confidence, which is true I suppose. It’s another reason why I remain in the background. My friends like to push me into the spotlight, which helps me rise above it. I don’t really like attention but get me singing and I don’t mind in the least. Of course if I was singing I’d be up in the spotlight with my friends as it’s never always about me. I’d like to say I’m just humble. I don’t like to think I’m better than anybody else or that I can do something really well. I’m not the type to boast about what I can do.
              ■ HEARTFELT I’m very passionate about what I believe in. I put my heart and soul into what I love. My music and the protection of our wildlife and our planet is what matters. I’m willing to stand up for it and put everything into it. If I can make a difference even a small one it’s worth it. Sometimes I put my emotions ahead of everything else, which causes me to jump to conclusions and say the wrong things. Though, I’m quick to apologize when I do.

                  Music - Piano
                  Journalism - Writing
                  The Spotlight (only when I’m singing)
                  Anything Pasta

                  Being the Center of Attention
                  Self-Centered People
                  Being Judged (Verbal Abuse)
                  Animal Cruelty
                  Writer’s Block

                  Writing Music / Articles

                  I have an ear for Music
                  I have a passion for writing

                  I lack self-confidence
                  I need to be pushed when having to do something that with get me noticed.

                  Not following through with my dreams

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD When I was young it was nice. I had parents and grandparents that loved me I suppose. One day my parents left me with my grandparents, they went out of the country or something I’m not really sure. When they didn’t come back my grandparents continued to raise me. They were awesome and I learned a thing or two from them about the kitchen. Though I spoke more English then I did Spanish I picked it up quick enough. Sadly one day they were just unable to take care of me anymore. Without any other family in the country I was sent to Wool’s orphanage.

              Coming to the orphanage at the age of six I realized I’d spent about half my life if not more developing my Spanish that I’d forgotten most of my English. So, when a girl named Candace came over and greeted me I froze up. I didn’t know what to say or do. I just waved and looked at the ground like I was completely mental or something. When the girl got no response I thought she’d give up but she kept trying. I’d be attempting to work on my reading and suddenly she’d be there beside me with her friend Kimberly. I managed to give them my name but I wasn’t sure what to make of them. Maybe I’m just lucky Kimberly was quick to give up on me.

              A few months later another girl arrived, Asian would be my guess. I didn’t think much of it as kids come and go out of these kinds of places. It wasn’t until she came over to talk to me that I took a mild curiosity to her. Her name was Minako, Japanese apparently. At first I acted the same as I always did, saying nothing but my name before staring at the ground like some mental case. When she asked what my first language was I looked up at her, she was the first one to clue in to that. Explaining to her that I spoke Spanish in the most broken dialect of English there was, she nodded and went on to explain she spoke Japanese. The next thing I know she’s offering to help me with my English. So I told her I’d teach her Spanish in return.

              Realizing I had my first friend it wasn’t long after that Minako got me talking to Candace and Kimberly. Despite my broken English they didn’t make fun like I thought. Before I knew it the four of us were close friends. With Minako helping me with my English it wasn’t long before I was talking circles around them. Though I let them do most of the talking, I’m just glad that I have some kind of a family again.

              When I was about nine, something happened I couldn’t explain. I was outside at the time and I was lying on the ground watching the clouds go by. It was typically nice day, sun shining, birds chirping. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the sounds. The next thing I knew I opened my eyes to a bunch of birds sitting next to me. They however were quickly disbursed by a couple of boys in the yard. Watching them fly off it took me a moment to recall something similar happening when I was still living with my grandparents. I’d been doing the same thing, only there had been a bed of flowers around me. Being confused as ever I left it as just a coincidence and went to go find my friends.

              It wasn’t until a school governor came with a letter and explained I was a witch that I understood. I guess my grandparents never knew about magic or didn't want to say anything. Maybe they were waiting for my parents to come back and explain it themselves. Then again they never saw what I did when I was with them and I'd never thought to mention it back them. Finding out my three friends weren’t exactly normal either we made a promise to one another that we’d be sisters for life.

              SCHOOL YEARS

              Loyal and heartfelt, Yet also shy,
              You'll blossom quite nicely in...

              Come my first year I was sorted into Hufflepuff with Candace. It's a lot better then being alone. Minako ended up in Ravenclaw and Kimberly ended up in Slytherin. I met a number of people in my house. We all joined the music club together which was super fun. I found I was good at Charms and Herbology but not the greatest at DADA and Transfigurations. Even potions seemed complicated. Things where relatively uneventful till fifth year. Second year I met Skylar’s Ravenclaw friend Dris. Third year we started electives. I spent some time in the gardens which ended in Roo and I talking. Fourth year I joined the school newspaper. I was a writer with Connor.

              Fifth year was when things got stressful. It was OWL year, and everyone was fighting. No one was talking. I was the only one anyone would talk too. They kept using me as a messenger owl. So, I ended up spending the year hanging with Darrell from the newspaper. It wasn’t until I had enough and snapped at them all while in the great hall. Pretty sure everyone was surprised. Luckily by the end of the year everyone had made up and we were back together again. Oh, I also got partnered with Peter that year for the newspaper which wasn’t so bad. As for OWLs, Kimberly and I studied for Healing and I managed to at least pass everything although barely. Come sixth year I had a lot less classes due to dropping a few. Then seventh year NEWTs rolled around, and I was worried about my studies. Luckily with some help I managed to pass everything yet again.

              POST GRADUATION My sisters and I found a place where we could live and do our music. Course we all need to get part time jobs to afford it. Went to see about a job in Diagon Alley and found myself getting one at the Owl Emporium. It's been good. The band is starting to take off, granted it's been slow.

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              Adopted Family (unofficial)
              • Minako Tanaka, Kimberly Leon, Candace Mackenzie (sisters)
              Biological Family (known to be deceased)
              • Alejandro Rivero (father - npc) • Carmela Rivero née Arlotti (mother - npc)
              • Nicolás Rivero (unknown brother)
              • Grandparents (deceased)

              ROMANTIC INTEREST • None
              BEST FRIEND • Minako Tanaka
              • Minako Tanaka
              • Kimberly Leon
              • Candace Mackenzie
              • Sara King
              • Rebekah Heartwood
              • Mercy Sanderson
              • Skylar Macclellan
              • Driskol Abrams
              • Darrell Cherri

              • Lucinda Jacobs
              • Peter Whyte
              • Reuben Horne
              • Flick Horne
              • Class of 2041

              ENEMIES • None
              PETS • Silver Tabby Cat named Martin [x] [x]

xxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

UPDATED 07/17/2019

■ Age & Bio


Beloved Vampire

9,900 Points
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  • Waffles! 25
  • Team Jacob 100


Beloved Vampire

9,900 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Waffles! 25
  • Team Jacob 100
PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 7:51 pm
xxxxNICOLÁSxxxBENITOxxxRIVERO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
User Image
          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Nico

              AGE 19

              BIRTHDAY July 21, 2027

              BLOOD STATUS Muggle-born (Both parents muggle-born)

              WAND 12 inch, Maple Wood, Golden Snidget Feather Core, with a Pliant Flexibility and Bent Shaft

              GENDER Male


              LANGUAGES SPOKEN Spanish (fluent), French (proficient), English (proficient), Italian (limited)

              FACECLAIM Emjay Anthony [11 - 15] Diego Boneta [16+] (Both Approved)

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Beauxbaton

              HOUSE Angelus

              CLASS OF 2045

              BEST LESSONS
                  Ancient Runes

              WORST LESSONS

                  Astronomy ~ A
                  Charms ~ E
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ E
                  Herbology ~ E
                  History of Magic ~ A
                  Potions ~ E
                  Transfiguration ~ A
                  Etiquette ~ P
                  Fencing ~ A
                  Arithmancy ~ E
                  Cursebreaking ~ O
                  Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ A
                  Music ~ E
                  Mythology ~ E
                  Study of Ancient Runes ~ O

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Unemployed, Traveller

              DREAM JOB Chef, Food Writer and Critic

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ HARDWORKING Being home schooled my parents taught that hard work is important. I should put my best foot forwards and do the very best I can. Even if it’s something I’m not strong in or comfortable with I still need to try. So that’s what I do. I try my best every day, even when things don’t go the way I planned. I put in a lot of effort to excel and improve. To be a better person and overcome any challenge.
              ■ PROGRESSIVE I might get into trouble from time to time but I always try to do better, to be better. I struggle to work on my faults but at least I try. Dad says I’m a reformer always trying to improve the world around us. I’d like to be a better version of myself. One that perhaps doesn’t get into trouble as much and can help those around me. It’s a work in progress.
              ■ GENUINE Mama and Papa have always taught me to be true to myself, to be real and honest to those around me. I try hard not to lie. I’m truthful but not so truthful to hurt someone. I’m definitely not one to be overly blunt. I try not to hold things against others either. I’m genuine to myself and others, saying how I feel and what I think without being hypocritical.
              ■ INQUISITIVE I’ve always had a curious nature. I enjoy learning new things, it’s like I’m a sponge. Getting into everything some might say I’m meddlesome. I just like giving my input, from the finer details to how to make something better. Especially when it comes to food, I love food. Mama says I have a good taste for flavour and a good eye for detail. I’m her sous chef!
              ■ ADVENTUROUS Willing to try new things and experience new things, I’m not afraid to go outside my comfort zone. I love adventure and enjoy exploring the city I live in. Anything new is simply a new fun thing to try out. I don’t tend to sit on the sidelines as I’m always getting involved with new things. Even if they don’t last long at least I can say I tried whatever it is.
              ■ WILLFUL I mentioned I like adventure and that I have a tendency to get into trouble. Well… the truth is I tend not to think of the consequences. For instance sneaking off when I’m not supposed too. Or better yet getting into things I shouldn’t be getting into. Being determined to do sometime I want to do at times I land myself in problems. I’m trying to work on it but it’s still one of those things that I haven’t quite fixed yet.


                  Getting into trouble
                  The Cold
                  Missing Something

                  Writing in General
                  Piano & Oboe

                  Good Palate for Flavour
                  Good Eye for Detail

                  Finding Trouble
                  I can be Nosy


          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD I was born in Spain on the island of Mallorca to my papá Alejandro and my mamá Carmela. As an only child all I had was my loving parents and the family bird. I was home schooled. Taught the value of hard work and that my studies are in fact important. They taught me a lot about languages and music too. They even let me go with them on their explorations when it was safe to do so.

              When I was six I started showing signs of magic it was shortly after that we moved from our island home to the City of Granada. Mamá said it would give me more culture but all I saw was I had a habit of getting into trouble. My parents decided that they’d try enrolling me in a public school. I think I did well even if I did get in trouble from time to time. Being near everything there’s tons to explore. I can always find something to do around the city. The Alhambra Palace is probably my favourite place.

              Upon turning eleven I received a letter to attend Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. Something tells me it’ll be better than public school. I even got a cat for the occasion, named him Pedro. Though, it’s a good thing Mamá taught me how to speak French along with the other languages I know.

              SCHOOL YEARS First Year was great. I became friends with a Spanish kid a year above me. I also became friends with another boy in my year. If I wasn't hanging with either of them I was studying. From then on I found school to be relatively uneventful. I started electives and spent time with friends. I also of course got into my share of trouble throughout the years. No surprise there. Though my grades never wavered. Before I knew it I had my exams. I came out of them with relatively decent grades and only one failed grade overall. With my last year I'm hoping to get out of school and start exploring the world away from my parents. Not that they've been a bother or anything.

              POST GRADUATION Since graduating I started traveling. I plan on making my way to England, see where my parents used to live for a time. It'll be fun for sure.

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              • Alejandro Rivero (father - npc) • Carmela Rivero née Arlotti (mother - npc)
              • Alana Rivero (unknown sister)
              • Grandparents (deceased)

              ROMANTIC INTEREST • None
              BEST FRIEND • Ismael Rosales
              • Ismael Rosales
              • Colten Lambert

              ACQUAINTANCES • Class of 2045 at Beauxbaton
              ENEMIES • None
              PETS Zeru the parrot • Pedro the American Wirehair (travel companion)

xxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

UPDATED 07/17/2019

■ Age
■ Bio Updated
■ Graduation
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