Faruk yawned loudly, moving through the central area of the Mwezi lands. The sun was going down and he needed to get back before his mama started worrying. He hadn't meant to sleep in, it just... happened. As per usual. He was actually looking forward to nighttime; he could sleep all he wanted, then! That is, until he was woken up in the morning by his siblings.

Arkaidia had been getting to know her new pride and spotted the pale colored cub dashing along and chuckled. "Where's the fire at young one?" She asked him curiously since she was within speaking distance as he had passed some of the rock ledges she had been laying on.

It was growing late but she had always been a bit of a night gazer. While this pride seemed safe now she recalled their battle they had gone through recently. Perhaps she'd escort him home.

Young one? Faruk nearly went a few more steps before realizing she was referring to him. He nearly sulked, despite logically rationalizing that he was a cub. "It's to the north," he replied simply, turning back around, eyes looking for the owner of the voice. And settled on the starry lioness lounging on the rocks. Glancing in the way he was going one last time, he moved closer to the rock ledge. "Your new," he stated simply. If she didn't know where the fire was, she had to be. Surely his mama wouldn't be too upset with him being out a little bit longer. "I could show you the way?"

She smiled at his initial reaction and sat herself up and gave a stretch as he spoke. "I am new. What is your name?" She asked him curiously as she moved down so that she was closer to him. The fact she was the daughter of a God gave her two things, visions and immense size. She was likely quite large compared to his mother no doubt so she wouldn't be surprised if he remarked on it.

"I would be honored if you did." She said waving her paw in a motio
n for him to lead on and that she would follow. "I am Arkaidia."

Faruk's eyes widen incredibly, moving back a step. The lady towered over him, it was ridiculous. She had to be larger than even his mama, maybe even his dad! Why was she so large? "F-Faruk," he stammered distractedly before stiffening. He was acting like a baby! Shaking his head to clear the bashfulness, he nodded. "Where did you come from?" he asked, moving ahead of her and towards the direction of the fire. He felt self conscious, felt so tiny. It made him frown. He just had to grow up bigger than her. He didn't want to feel small.

He was sweet, his reaction was hard not to smile at so she did her best to not make him feel conscious of the size difference. "That's a nice seeing name, I bet it suits you." She hoped some light praise would ease him a bit. She could tell he was nervous.

"I'm from outside the pride. My mom was a wanderer. So we traveled a lot." She offered to him.

"According to mama, it does," he replied simply with a shy shrug. He felt so unsure of himself, it was strange. He was used to be confident but this new adult was making him feel like a little cub. Granted, he was one. But he didn't like to feel like one.

Outside the pride. Of course she was, if she was new. That much was obvious. But if she got to travel a lot... "Why come to Mwezi, then? Traveling seems much more fun." Well, probably to others, he assumed they found it fun. He heard enough about adventures to last him a lifetime, in his opinion. It sounded too tiring, though. He preferred sleeping.

"Well, they named you rightly." She had to think a moment and then gave the cub a smile. "I feel closer to my father here. Is the best way to describe it." He was the color of the night sky itself and being in this pride made her feel almost more connected. Even though his domain had nothing to do with the night itself. "Plus the lands are beautiful."

"What does your name mean?" he asked, somewhat curious. He could see the glow of the fire in the distance now. They were approaching. He would be able to take his nap soon. Maybe a quick snooze near the fire would be alright. It would be so warm.... Faruk frowned, shaking his head. No, he was suppose to get home and if he slept, he was afraid he wouldn't wake until the morning. "Was your father from here?" The night had come fast, to where he could hardly see any details. He wasn't looking forward to the walk home. He glanced around at the darkened world, shoulders rolling uneasily. "It's land," he pointed out blankly. He saw it for what it was. Dirt with bits of grass, rocks, and other plants. Objectively, not sentimentally. He was sure those were the words for it. He would have to make sure with his parents.

The meaning of her name? Someone hadn't asked her that before, so she had to recall what it was for a moment. "It refers to a region that offers peace and contentment" It was quite a mouthful after she said it and would think of a way to generalize it later on if anyone asked again.

"No, he's not from here." She wasn't sure he had ever travelled here before either. When she saw the flames of a fire she realized that there really was one. She had just been making a joke about him rushing around but apparently there was truly some flames. What he said next made her laugh. "That is true. I can't argue with you there. But if you ever get the chance to leave you'll see."

Faruk blinked. What an odd name, to be named after a place. "My name means discerning," he pointed out flatly. He didn't know what it meant. Hopefully, nothing bad. He watched the lioness carefully for any signs of what it could mean. He didn't want to ask, though. He didn't want to seem like he didn't know anything, wanted to seem more grown up.

Faruk nodded slowly. So, no one would know of him. It was a shame. Curiosity ebbed through Faruk and he wanted to know more about her family line. He wanted the facts. The area was getting brighter as they approached... and he got a good look at the end of her tail and the top of her head. It was stars. They were fascinating. He didn't realize his jaw was slack until his tongue dried. Embarrassed, he snapped it closed. "I don't plan on leaving," he pointed out absently. "Your hair looks like the night sky," he breathed softly, awe in his voice. He was behaving like a cub again but he was too busy admiring to notice.

As the glow of the fire got brighter her mane and tail seemed to glint like the sky itself and she smiled at his remarks about her hair and his comment about never going to leave the pride. That was quite noble of him. It was always nice to find those that were happy with where they were and willing to stay there through thick and thin. "Neither do I."

"Thank you, if my father ever comes to visit me you'll see why it looks that way." She hoped he would, she'd want to introduce her friends to him. She at least considered the cub a friend of some sort. She was sure there was a lot to learn about the pride and his family and she could even share to him stories of her travels in the future.

"Who do you resemble?"
It was like watching the sky twinkle. Faruk didn't know such a thing was possible. He blinked when she spoke again, confused for a moment, before remembering the topic. He nodded, glancing away for a moment towards the sky before bck at her. "He has stars in his fur as well?" he asked in slight awe before grinning at the idea. He would like to see him. He was always fascinated by anyone with the slightest hint of that sort of coat.

"I... look a lot like mama. Though I do have somethings from my dad," he said slowly, attempting to recall which parts were from who. Mama. "I should be heading back soon. Mama won't like it if I stay out too late," he pointed out a bit sheepishly, a slight sulk crossing his expression. He did want to take a nap there, near the warm fire. And the stranger was interesting. He didn't want to go back. And so, he lingered.

"Your mother must be very pretty then. You're markings are quite unique." She offered to him with a kind smile. "If your mother doesn't like when you're out too late then you should probably get going to her. I'm sure you and I will see each other again soon." She said giving the cub some form of hope that she wouldn't just vanish with the night sky.

"She is," he replied with a nod, already inching away. He'll have to start running. "Soon?" he paused and actually smiled. "I hope so." With a nod, he turned to start heading home. "Good night, Ms. Arkaidia," he called over his shoulder before dashing into the night. He couldn't wait to sleep.

She gave him a warm smile and a nod back as he dashed off into the night. "Goodnight Faruk."

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