xxxxZ A C H A R YxxxT H E O D O S I O U SxxxW H I T E T H O R N E xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxB E H I N D T H E N A M E xxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Zach

              AGE 18

              BIRTHDAY March 7, 2027

              BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

              WAND Cedar with vampire blood, 12 inches, pliable and smooth (requested)

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Unsure

              FACECLAIM Elijah Wood [x]

              LANGUAGES English, German

              MORE THAN AVERAGE Half-vampire

          xxxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Gryffindor

              CLASS OF 2045

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Student

              DREAM JOB Unsure

          xxxxO W L S A N D N E W T S xxxxxxxxxxxx
              OWL SCORES
                  ♓︎ Astronomy ~ E
                  ♓︎ Charms ~ E
                  ♓︎ Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ E
                  ♓︎ Herbology ~ A
                  ♓︎ History of Magic ~ E
                  ♓︎ Potions ~ A
                  ♓︎ Transfiguration ~ A
                  ♓︎ Care of Magical Creatures ~ E
                  ♓︎ Ghost and Ghoul Studies ~ O
                  ♓︎ Wandless Magic ~ E

              NEWT SCORES
                  ♓︎ Astronomy ~ E
                  ♓︎ Charms ~ E
                  ♓︎ Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  ♓︎ History of Magic ~ O
                  ♓︎ Care of Magical Creatures ~ A
                  ♓︎ Ghost and Ghoul Studies ~ O
                  ♓︎ Wandless Magic ~ E

          xxxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ◊ ACTIVE Zachary is an active child, and wants to be doing everything at once. He loves engaging in new things, and tries to see if there's something he can try and figure out. He can often be found doing something, even if it's simply being outside helping his mum with the plants she grows.
              ◊ FRIENDLY Zach also happens to be friendly and wants to meet everyone. He's not afraid to approach anyone, and often acts as a buffer between his sister and other people until she gets used to them. He's more willing to deal with outgoing people than his sister as a result.
              ◊ ADVENTUROUS Zach takes after his uncle in that he's willing to jump into any situation and see what happens. He often times tries to sneak away from home to explore the countryside around Hogsmeade, and often gets into trouble during these excursions. He enjoys discovering something new, even if it's only new to him and not to other people.
              ◊ PLAYFUL Zach is also playful, and likes to laugh a lot. He finds life enjoyable, and wants to experience as much of it as he can. He loves to find a good joke, and often times can be seen with his friends out and about goofing off. He does know when to get serious, as he understands there's a time and a place for everything, even having fun. That does not stop him from playing up the fact that he is a half-vampire, as he finds other people's reactions funny.
              ◊ CALCULATING Zach is perceptive of things around him, and considers everything around him before he acts. Whether it's during his adventures or outside of him, he loves considering every aspect of a situation before jumping in. He also is this way in regards to learning and people, as he considers all viewpoints before he makes a decision.
              ◊ PATIENT Despite everything, Zach is a very patient person. He understands he isn't like anyone he knows other than his sister, and tries his best to understand everyone else's viewpoints. He also is very patient in dealing with his sister, who he knows doesn't like being around a lot of people, as evidenced by the fact that she often uses him as a go-between for her and other people.

                  Friendly people
                  Good jokes
                  Having fun

                  Loud Noises
                  Bright sunny days
                  Being alone
                  Bigots and the like
                  Anyone harassing his sister

                  Hanging out with friends

                  Has a good sense of hearing and smell due to his heritage
                  Understanding of differences

                  Has a hard time waking up in the mornings
                  Burns easily in the sun

                  Being alone

          xxxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Zachary is the twin to Desiree Whitethorne, born only minutes after his twin. He is Ada and Chris's second child. He was born before his parents married, however that didn't prevent the rest of his family from accepting him. His first few years consisted of being around his mother, his father, and his sister, until the day his father turned his mother. That day he found himself terrified something bad had happened to his mother, and as a result of Ada's turning, he along with his sister was raised during the day by the family house elf Pumpkin and at night by his parents.

              After that night, they also moved to Hogsmeade where they found themselves learning to adapt to a larger house, as well as the fact that Zach and Desi were going to have separate rooms. While Zach took it in stride, Desi had an adverse reaction to it and ended up spending as much time as she could in her brother's room. They also during this time watched their father's clan grow quite a bit, and Zach ended up considering every new member family, even if they weren't really his family.

              When Zach turned ten, his dad started worrying about whether he could actually cast magic or not. Zach, not really in a hurry to actually prove he had magic, hadn't displayed any his entire life. When he finally did display magic in a casual attempt to get something from the top shelf in the kitchen, Chris was ecstatic, while Zach couldn't figure out what the big deal was.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  ◊ FIRST YEAR First year was interesting, and kind of annoying for Zach. First he was sorted into Gryffindor, while Desi was sorted into Hufflepuff. That led to an epic argument between Desi and another of her housemates, Sujin Cho. Needless to say, Zach had to play referee of a sorts between Desi and Sujin when Zach found out about it. Then Zach was badgered into joining the quidditch team by Eve, though he didn't make it beyond reserves. Beyond that, it was a relatively quiet year.
                  ◊ SECOND YEAR Second year was a lot quieter, at least in regards to Desi. Zach, as a result, had a rather quiet year, although he discovered his great-uncle had yet another child. As a result, Zach attempted to get to know his newest cousin, hopefully without freaking her out since he was most decidedly not entirely human.
                  ◊ THIRD YEAR Information
                  ◊ FOURTH YEAR Information
                  ◊ FIFTH YEAR Information
                  ◊ SIXTH YEAR Information
                  ◊ SEVENTH YEAR Information

              POST GRADUATION Information

          xxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                  Parents - Christopher Whitethorne, Adalaide Whitethorne
                  Twin Sister - Desiree Whitethorne
                  Grandparents - Gearvin Whitethorne, Anastasia Whitethorne (deceased), Nicole Whitethorne, Jonathan Blythe, Natasha Blythe, Brigitte Fairchild
                  Aunts/Uncles - Deveron Whitethorne, Hannelore Bates, Eretria Whitethorne, Michelle Catlin, Olyvia Scott, Tanya Lovette, Melody Barker-Blythe, Elliryanna Whitethorne, Chalmes Whitethorne, Timothy Whitethorne, Sebastian Blythe, Issac Whitethorne, Magnus Borson, Echo Lovette, Uriel Scott
                  Cousins - Chance Whitethorne, Kory Whitethorne, Eve Whitethorne, Lillith Whitethorne, Bethany Borson, Rune Borson, Asbjørn Borson, Tristan Lovette, Zephyros Whitethorne, Michelyn Whitethorne, Clementine Fenwick, Drew Eide, Benjamin Bates, Basil Scott

                  Best Friend - Desiree Whitethorne
                  Daniel Shepherd
                  Elvira Hughes
                  Gideon Edgeworth
                  Ridley Lovell
                  Theodotus Ellis-Hall
                  Aine Ellis-Hall

              SIGNIFICANT OTHER None
              ENEMIES SuJin Cho (kind of...)
              CLAN Dragon - Christopher Whitethorne, Adalaide Whitethorne, Zephyr Beareach, Eleazar Bradley, Desiree Whitethorne, Dominic McHalen
              PETS None

          xxxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          UPDATED 1/2/18xxx
          UPDATES MADExxx
          Age and Yearxxxxxx
          (recent update)
          PENDED BY - Weasley 7/5/17xxx
          ACCEPTED BY ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [09/01/2017xxx
          RECENT UPDATES ACCEPTED BY Weasley 5/16/18xxx