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PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2019 6:20 am
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Name: Osris
Age: 24
Nameday: 3549.11.16
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Craft: Harper (Vocalist)
Rank: Journeyman
Location: High Reaches Weyr

Physical Description: Fair-skinned Osris has a round face with an equally round nose, wide jaw, and slightly chubby cheeks, as if he’d never quite shed his baby fat. His thick, flyaway hair is light brown, with equally thick brows and bright, attentive green eyes. His shoulders aren’t especially broad, but they’re solid, as is the rest of his form, save his relatively small hands and feet. He tends to bring to mind the look of a large herd-protection canine, clearly a strong beast but with a characteristic sweetness and intelligence beyond the first impression of its bulky and sometimes awkward-looking physicality.

Osris is one of those people that is usually easy to get along with, an outgoing, kind sort of man with a good sense of humor and lots of love to give. He makes friends easily, for his part, and shows plenty of affection in hugs, shakes, pats, and nicknames.

He has a “sixth sense” about people, using it in a manner that has caused a few of his friends to protest and jokingly accuse him of being a dragon in disguise. But really, he’s no mind reader. He’s just naturally able to pick up involuntary cues in body language or tone and can often piece a part of the story together with clues from conversation or circumstances. It can be very helpful when someone’s not willing to talk and really needs to, but also opens the door to Os taking a bit more onto his shoulders than he should have. He often feels responsible for those he “cracks,” and takes it upon himself to check up on them regularly, offering whatever help he can. With some people this can lead to his being taken advantage of, sometimes while solving nothing, and sometimes even making the initial problems worse. His relationship with his brother Delris is the primary case in point—he “gets” his brother’s headspace, honestly points out his mistakes and offers all the understanding, support and advice, but because of who his brother is (and short of putting Del in a permanent headlock), he seems to have zero ability to offer anything that will actually bring about any changes. It’s just a perpetual, longsuffering slog with people like that.

Creating a bit of a snowball effect, being “responsible” for those situations that are frankly out of his control have led to his developing a bit of a guilty conscience. It can pop up in any situation where he feels like he may have done something wrong, and occasionally for no apparent reason whatsoever, such as on a stressful morning after a bad night's sleep. His main response when it strikes? Whiiiiine like a pathetic canine left out in the rain, about anything but what he’s really worried about. Food’s too cold? Whine. Too hot? Whine. Perfect temperature? Well, shoot. He’s got to whine about something. He’ll just make something up, in that case.

In addition to those occasional annoying moments of whining, he is also an actual coward, and ashamed of it. He startles very easily (a prime target for “BOO!” pranks), avoids confrontation or anger when it’s directed at him, and panics when he finds himself in a situation where physical harm is imminent, though he is good at “holding it in” when necessary. He is all too aware that if he Impresses someday, a self-deprecating smile and “I’ll pass” wave isn’t going to convince Thread (or the Weyrlingmaster, for that matter) to let him bow out. He did have some in-the-moment second thoughts when Thread returned, then during and after the violence of High Reaches' double clutch of 3574, but after recalling his brother's slow but steady growth on the courage front, and refusing to abandon said brother, he's stubbornly settled on his duty to Pern, and trusts in his present trainers and in his maybe someday dragon to help him close that gap.

Positive Trait List Empathic, caring, affectionate
Negative Trait List Enabler, guilty conscience, cowardly

History: Born to a pair of bookshop owners in Nabol, he arrived only a few weeks before his brother: Osris was the result of his mother’s infidelity, but Delris was the product of her husband’s swift revenge. Nevertheless, the two boys were raised surprisingly lovingly by both parents. The adults never blamed the children, just each other, and aside from their constant squabbling and supposed cheating on each other (sometimes Os wondered if they were making it all up just to have more fuel to fight over), the household lived a fairly normal life.

Delris was always more strongly effected by the parents’ strife than Osris, taking it to heart and letting it sour him, but Osris wasn’t fooled by their noise. He recognized their quiet, sometimes near-invisible expressions of affection. When the father was in charge of cooking, sometimes he’d make the mother’s favorite meal, unprompted, and serve her first. On days when the father worked later than she did in the bookshop, the mother was always the first to greet him when he came home, and even if it devolved into exchanging rapid-fire insults and accusations afterward, Osris noticed that she would often let him have the last word, and not remain angry for long before she was singing contentedly over her chores again. He also noted that they never stopped sharing a bed, except for the rare nights when the father was banished to sleep on the floor in the boys’ room for some (probably imagined) offense. There were many other small things he saw besides.

In their teenage years, the boys went to Fort Hold’s Harper Hall. For Osris it wasn’t to escape, but to watch over his brother and to follow a potent joy in music that he’d inherited from his mother. He never had the talent to master an instrument, but boy, could he sing. He had several job offers by the time he walked the tables, but he held out for something just right. He wanted to Master his craft through work with a performing group. One that traveled and allowed him to bring family—one reason for this being his brother was a novelist and would find great inspiration in the different places they’d visit. Another being… he’d become something of a nuisance in their time at Harper Hall, and a life of moving about often should stop that from happening again. Until that job came along, he was content to tutor and assist in any way he was needed at the Hall.

When a visiting dragon approached Osris and Delris to invite them to High Reaches Weyr as Candidates, Delris didn’t think twice. Osris, however, thought long and hard, though he knew what he’d inevitably do in the end. He’d heard the stories of dragon hatchlings going between because the One they needed wasn’t there for them. So if there was any chance that he could be needed, he would be there. Also… he couldn’t find it in himself to abandon Delris. Or, rather, abandon the Weyr to Delris, in his mind. Mastery could wait until his prime, if he wasn’t to Impress.

So off they went, both of them to Stand and be passed over for a few clutches. Osris got to witness his brother’s Impression in 3572 and, only a few months later, the return of Thread to Pern’s skies. It was a shock to them both, especially for Delris, who as a rider now had no choice but to remain at the Weyr and fight. As cowardly as he was himself, Osris stayed for his brother, even managing to stand firm in his decision after the infamously bloody double clutch of 3574. (Well. As firm as on can stand with boneless, quivering jelly legs, anyway.)

Other: Not exactly useful for a maybe future dragonrider, just a bit of trivia: He has very strong vocal chords, so much so that he can carry clear notes at a volume as loud as he can straight up shouting.  
PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2019 6:23 am
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Name: R’ogun
Age: 37
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Weyr: High Reaches Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingleader of the Harbingers
Previous Rank/Craft: Wingrider

Physical Description: R'ogun is not the stereotypical statuesque bronzerider. He's not too tall, only about 5’9”, a bit long in the torso and a bit short-shanked, though decently broad in the shoulders. He has naturally-wavy auburn hair that’s kept trimmed just below the tips of his round, sizable ears. His dark brown eyes are large and heavily-lidded, often featuring stylish bags and dark circles that beg for a little more sleep. He’s missing the ring finger of his right hand and the first joint of his left pinkie and middle fingers—the former bitten off by a feline and the latter two taken as payment for stolen goods when he was a teenager. Along with the missing finger, his entire right hand is marked with bite scars and has a tendency to stiffen up in cold weather.

Personality: Something about R’ogun smacks of a big brother, or perhaps a youthful and trendy dad. He’s all business in front of a group, but one-on-one interaction is his specialty and is usually a pretty casual affair. It’s done that way on purpose, to give anarchic or anxious wingmembers a sense of being “off the record.” He’s very approachable, and there’s always a sense of placid serenity when a tough subject comes up. A lot of it is calculated and impartial, being a part of his job, but though he doesn’t often say so in tender words, he really does care about people, especially those in his charge. So much so that at times he’ll overwork himself trying to fit everyone into his already busy schedule. The added stress interferes with his sleep patterns in a most unpleasant manner, but he tries to let the bags under his eyes be the only indication of the lengthy and horrible dreams he’ll have on those nights.

R’ogun is very detail-oriented and remembers ridiculous amounts of information about people and things that are important to him. He collects glass marbles in every color and dice made from every material crafters will utilize. The dice are his real passion, and he is able to recall who made them and when, the story behind their creation, what they were made from, how much he paid for them, and even what he was wearing and the weather at the time of the transaction or receipt of the items as a gift. He’d like to have a set from every Master crafter on Pern, or several, if they’re uniquely-made sets. Sometimes his passion goes a little too far, however. More than a few of his treasured objects were stolen or bought on an irresponsible whim with the last of his marks. Though he’s come a long way during his turns at High Reaches, he still suffers strong temptations and occasionally falls prey to them.

After the extremes he’s experienced throughout his young life, there is very little that upsets him these days. It takes a lot of work to ruffle his feathers, and even when he does get angry, he will remain quite calm—alarmingly so at times. This is really when his particular eccentricities manifest at their maximum potency. One such idiosyncrasy is, in an attempt to control himself and anything else within his reach, he’ll go on a rampage in his weyr, counting out his collected trinkets, cleaning and organizing them. His furniture will be re-positioned, sometimes lined up like little wherries in a row by size, shape, or some other determination, or sometimes scattered about in bizarre places. On nights like this, if he sleeps at all, he will usually do so in an unusual location, perhaps with Casreth, perhaps in the bath, perhaps up on the heights, if the weather is good for it.

Positive Trait List Spontaneous, relaxed, observant, dedicated
Negative Trait List Aberrant, avaricious, overextending

History: During his early life, Renogun was the whipping boy for some holder’s spoiled son who took full advantage of that servitude. The punishments he took on behalf of the son were heavy and often, and the son seemed to enjoy watching him suffer. Life was all about unfairness, hatred, and seeking justice. In pursuit of the latter, he finally set fire to the boy’s room. Though no harm came to the son, the Lord Holder literally threw Renogun to his feral felines as punishment, went to bed, and checked on them in the morning. Enough evidence of a death was left behind that no one suspected that the felines had not eaten their fill that night. His fingers numbered only nine and his wounds bled badly, but Renogun managed to escape the one-way journey to their bellies.

He lived on the streets as a wanton thief for several turns, suffering the loss of a few more finger joints and gaining permanent marks on his skin as he crossed the wrong sorts of people. During a Gather where he’d been studiously pickpocketing every likely-looking person, he was caught. Fortuitously, he was Searched (or perhaps “Searched,” but he was never sure) by a High Reaches dragon. His acceptance was probably the only thing that saved him from losing another finger, but what he really cared about was the promise of a full belly and a bed to sleep in.

After being there but a short time, he hated the Weyr. He hated being under what felt like constant surveillance, being ordered about, and always expecting but never actually receiving the punishment he knew he must deserve. It kept a layer of fear about him, always waiting for the moment when it would come. Because he never expected this little fantasy world to last, he did the bare minimum required of him and nothing more—even less, when he could get away with it. He definitely did not want to become invested, lest he become attached and everything he had be torn away from him.

He was surprised, to say the least, when Casreth was shelled and a voice in his head told him that he’d done some bad things, but he was a good person and was loved more than he could imagine. He’d been told similar things a hundred times before, but it’d meant nothing coming from people who had no idea what they were talking about. He was sure they were only spouting the usual hackneyed lines they gave anyone they were already convinced would never amount to anything. Somebody who could actually read his thoughts, who saw everything he was and everything he’d done, and still had something good to say about him, much less still loved him… well, that was different. That meant something.

It was a start, but change did not happen overnight. Life as weyrlings was a trial, with Renogun (now R’ogun) continuously alternating between pushing the Weyrlingmaster’s buttons and completely giving up on himself. The only thing that kept him going was Casreth, the one light in his life. That and the fact that the Weyrlingmaster was merciful was fortuitous for the young man, because he and his dragon had to suffer through two turns of remedial training before they could be trusted to graduate and fly in a fighting wing.

He was never able to pinpoint any particular moment when he truly noticed it, but he eventually became aware that V’mel, as well as a few others in the Weyr, had been a constant presence in his life—a consistent source of direction and boundaries that he’d badly needed. Instead of getting kicked out of the Weyr, R’ogun and Casreth had been allowed to stay and were given the attention and correction they needed until things finally clicked. R’ogun was sorry that he’d wasted so much time and caused himself and Casreth both to remain children in the eyes of the Weyr, but it wasn’t rubbed in his face. He was allowed to move forward. There was no further punishment.

Though part of him always felt his personal story was a little cliche, he came to realize that it seemed so because there were a lot of other folks like himself in the world. In the turns that followed, he and Casreth naturally connected with riders who had dealt with or were currently dealing with similar backgrounds and attitudes. Instead of letting the naysayers drag them back down, they tried to pull these folks in the opposite direction. High Reaches was a good place to be. You could be your own person while still having your dignity and a purpose—and a home. Sometimes other arguments worked better. Sure, you can go back whenever you want. I mean, Bitra is so much better than this sharding prison. Remember how great it was before you had all the food you wanted cooked by someone else and set out on a table for you every day? It’s going to be so much better when you have to figure out how to feed a dragon as well as yourself. Totally worth the freedom from those stupid drills and lectures. No, Gedyth, they don’t leave buckets of free meat by the kitchen door in Bitra Hold. And they don’t have a herd to take from, unless you want your rider to be arrested for stealing. You have to go outside the hold and hunt everything yourself. Yes, in the wild. Still others only needed someone to connect with, someone who would care enough to spend time with them one-on-one.

The pair’s loyalty to the Weyr was won in full, and when they felt ready, they began to prepare for the possibility of someday earning an official leadership position.

Other: R’ogun has two most treasured dice sets. One pair was carved from the mast of the marauder ship White Fire. The abnormally pale wood was said to come from a grove of strange white trees discovered and cut by the captain himself, though it was claimed by experts to have been common wood that was somehow bleached. The pips on the dice were inlaid with precious metals from the captain’s ill-gotten hoard. (The other needs to be re-decided but is just for flavor.)

Name: Casreth
Age: 13
Color: Bronze
Size: 37'
Physical Description: Casreth is a smaller bronze, but doesn't seem to mind it. He is fighting fit and naturally has more dexterity in the air than some of his larger counterparts. (More when art comes!)
Personality: Casreth is a well of paternal love and support. He isn’t afraid to express his affection and does so often, but tempers it with firm language and expectations. This, unfortunately, overflows a bit into romance territory. He can be a bit bossy with his lovers, which is probably why he hasn’t settled down yet. He’d like to, though! He loves the idea of being with a gold with whom he can raise offspring, but hasn’t made that an absolute requirement to claim his hearts.

Unlike his rider, Casreth’s memory retention outside of the visual and physical realm is rather poor—anything that requires recital of names or dates, particularly. He’ll memorize drills without a hitch after flying through them a few times, but forget things like the names of riders and dragons. He easily remembers faces he’s only seen once or twice, and that saves him in most situations as he can just share the face in his mind if he forgets their name during conversation, or have the name supplied by his rider. It does get a bit awkward when he has to remember a lot names in a public setting for roll call and the like, though. Repetition over a period of time is the best learning method for him. Sometimes he and R’ogun will sit on the sidelines while on break and just practice naming everyone in sight.

One thing that Casreth takes notice of more than his rider does is color. He is a dragon who fully subscribes to High Reaches’ traditions, though not in any way that is harsh. Greens, blues and whites only fly half-falls so they can keep up their health for the long haul—because they are the core of the Weyr’s fighting strength, not because they are somehow inferior. Allowing for individuals who don’t always fit the mold, Golds and bronzes are the strongest and provide the next generation, both colors given gifts of leadership that ultimately benefit everyone in the Weyr. Browns are the center line, able to work hard as full-fall fighting dragons or provide the necessary genetics for the future. He feels that all dragons should embrace their roles instead of feeling limited by them but tries to be understanding with those whose very nature seems to disagree.

Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: 2019 Wingleader/Second Shakeup results  



PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2019 6:25 am
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Name: Kainna
Age: 27
Nameday: 3548.01.18
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Craft: Healer/mindhealing
Rank: Apprentice
Former Craft: Apprentice Harper/Dance & Defense
Location: Western Weyr
Physical Description: Kainna is average in height, about 5’6”, with hazel eyes and a mane of muted coppery-red hair. The curves of her body are also pretty average, save her hips, which are a bit wider than she’d like. On the upside, it accentuates the size of her waist in the opposite direction, giving her a nice hourglass shape.

Personality: Kainna is, at her core, a social creature who enjoys being around other people. She learned from her parents and childhood friends that having someone you can be truly close to is one of the best things in life. She cherishes her friends and is quick to protect them at nearly any cost. Her mindhealer training has also given her a bit of a weakness for offering advice, wanted or not.

To make it worse, she is absolutely the “do as I say, not as I do” type, and often without realizing it. She is terribly embarrassed if it’s ever realized and pointed out to her, yet she’ll still try to push her opinion on the subject. If she gets herself hurt or in trouble, so be it, but she’d rather be charred than say nothing and let something happen to a friend. Even if that friend decides she’s being an idiot and has to boycott her for a while.

She’s impulsive as in that example and in many others, whether it’s coming up with ill-advised schemes or just making decisions on a whim without really thinking them through. It’s gotten her into trouble and into a few painfully awkward situations that never needed to happen, and she prefers to pretend they didn’t.

Kainna always loved dancing and it was a major part of her early life, but she dropped out of Harper Hall when her parents passed away. She rarely dances nowadays, and will refuse if invited in most situations, even at Feasts and Gathers. Instead, she prefers to run during the quiet morning or evening hours as her regular physical outlet.

Positive Trait List Caring, well-meaning, social
Negative Trait List Hypocritical, pushy, hasty

History: Kainna was the daughter of a couple who were Masters teaching at Fort Hold’s Harper Hall. They were lovers of dance above all other aspects of Harper training, and Kainna learned much from her parents long before she was old enough to wear an apprentice’s knot. She grew up among the children of many Harper and Healer families, but was closest to the sons of her father’s best friend. Vitryx and Vasadryx were their given names, but they were just Tryxie and Vasa to her. The three of them trained together as Harpers and shared many meals at each others’ homes.

When her parents passed away from sudden illness in her young teenage turns, Kainna was shattered. She held on to her apprenticeship for a few more weeks, but the constant reminders of her parents were too painful. She left Harper Hall for good, preferring instead to make herself useful by helping her friends’ mother with housework. Their father Vilsadryx had promised his dying friend that he’d take care of Kainna, and he welcomed her into their home and provided for her as if she were his own. During the worst of her mourning, Kainna found much comfort in her two best friends, particularly Vitryx, who had been harboring an infatuation for her for some time, but up to that point she had avoided it. It never progressed beyond a soft puppy love, but it kept her head above water and ultimately cemented their friendship.

As time went by, the girl became heavily involved with Healer Hall through counseling, and as she healed, she began to desire to help others in like manner. She officially apprenticed in mindhealing at age seventeen. She progressed well, both personally and educationally, right up until her twenty-first turn when a dragonrider from Western Weyr came to visit family at Fort and approached her. The dragon had noticed her when they arrived and now that it was time to return to the Weyr, the beast was refusing to take another step until the girl considered Search. Knowing how much joy a friendly firelizard could bring to people, she (would admit grudgingly, being terribly embarrassed of that ignorant silliness at present) had an instant pie-in-the-sky dream of becoming a dragon-assisted mindhealer, using the dragon as both an emotional barometer and as a way to make her future patients more comfortable and ready to come out of their shells by interacting with it. Thoughts of being a fighting soldier were far from her, and when she made the decision to become a Candidate, she expected to put in a turn or two at most before being able to return to Healer Hall. In her mind, a dragon’s approval was as good as a guarantee of Impression, and Thread little more than an old wives’ tale.

That silly idea for a dragon partner was deflated like an old bladder when she witnessed the profound Impression events of her first Hatching, replaced by a growing ache to see her friends—for they were her family—again. She missed Vitryx terribly, but managed to make it through with the help of his encouraging letters. She still might have ended up going home after a time, but then Thread began to fall in 3572. She was incensed enough by the losses caused by this thought-to-be-mythical menace to stay, completely devoting herself to her Weyr.

She’d always kept up contact with her dear Vitryx and Vasa by firelizard, but there were things they’d left unsaid when they reported their safety after that first Threadfall—thus she was shocked when they arrived at Western as Candidates themselves not too long afterward. It was a bittersweet reunion, full of both joy and heartfelt outrage that they’d go and put themselves in more danger of death by dragonet and later Thread if and when they Impressed. Of course, she was being terribly hypocritical, and they told her so. Western would be stuck with the three of them for the foreseeable future.

As she was not too far from walking the tables when she came to Western, she has made every effort to keep up with her craft, studying on her own and assisting the Weyr’s Healer staff when permitted. Most recently, she has come under the tutelage of Journeyman Mindhealer Raen. After witnessing firsthand the struggles riders, candidates and other weyrfolk deal with, she plans to walk the tables and stay on at Western as a mindhealer if she ages out someday.

Other: Has she kissed both ‘Ryx brothers on the lips, knowingly and in earnest? You’d better believe it—though with one it was spontaneous and instantly regretted, and the other has been forever BFF-zoned.  
PostPosted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 5:55 am
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Name: Vitryx
Age: 28
Nameday: 3547.05.01
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Craft: Harper/Composer, Dance & Defense
Rank: Journeyman
Location: Western Weyr
Physical Description: Vitryx is 6’3” and very slender, usually carrying himself with an elegant, straight-backed posture. The way he moves is quite graceful, wasting little energy and seeming almost rehearsed, one movement flowing smoothly into the next. It’s a combined side effect of his shyness causing him to be very aware of his actions and his deeply-ingrained Harper training in dance and swordplay manifesting itself. He has silky golden blond hair cut short in the front and left at shoulder length in the back, and his eyes are dark blue.

Personality: Vitryx is very clean and health-conscious, always careful with what he eats, his sleep schedule, and how hard he works, and doesn’t mind cleaning up after others for the comfort of all. He can appear cold to those who aren’t familiar with him, but it’s largely due to his physicality: straight-backed, dignified, and gracefully poised in his movements. In reality, he is quite shy and hides behind that demure exterior, but when he’s ready to open up to someone, they will find that he’s very warm-hearted and speaks relatively simply for someone with his education—or perhaps it’s the soft tone and slight lisp that can make it seem so.

He thinks of everyone in the Weyr as an extended family and will not hesitate to assist when he sees someone in need. He’s never pushy about it and will respect those who don’t see him in the same light he does them, but it rankles him terribly if he knows he could have solved that problem. If his efforts are welcome, he puts his all into it. In any case, when he has set an achievable goal for himself, he will stick to it, even if progress is very slow or difficult, until he has reached it. He doesn’t experience burnout in the usual sense, but he does feel a great sense of loss after a particularly long or trying project, a what now? that eats away at him and makes daily life a frustrating struggle until he can find something else to fill the void.

In his caring deeply for others and penchant for sticking to goals, he has potential to find himself in unhealthy relationships, though for a long time he was luckily spared. But now, in a Weyr full of all types and away from home and childhood friends and acquaintances who respect him, the doors are wide open for other sorts of people to step through, knowingly or not.

Positive Trait List Warm, goal-oriented, committer
Negative Trait List Shy, easily frustrated, easy mark

History: Vitryx was born outside of any major holding, but all of his earliest memories are of Fort Hold. He was raised by his parents Vilsadryx and Asetla to appreciate the good life they had there, never to take it for granted. Though they were far from well-to-do, he had many good things to appreciate—two parents, a brother, friends, health and sustenance, an education in music, dance and swordplay at Harper Hall—and more. He was very happy, yet one essential thing seemed out of his grasp: Kainna.

She’d always been around as long as he could remember, had always been his friend, but there came a day when his feelings for her crossed a threshhold and became something far more poignant. When he asked them about it, his mother was evasive but seemed pleased, and his father was amused. “Ask us again next Turnover,” they said. So he waited until Turnover, and asked again… and was told to wait to ask again at the next Turnover. Their answer on the third attempt surprised him, and he kept it to himself for yet another turn before finally confessing to Kainna. It… did not go well.

Even Kainna herself, as she admitted much later, wasn’t sure why she’d turned him down, but after what seemed like another lifetime of waiting had passed, she confessed her own feelings for him. It was the misery of losing her parents that finally pushed Kainna to open up to Vitryx the way he’d been quietly hoping she would, though it pained him that it happened under the saddest possible circumstances. They were “together” for a short, sweet time, but came to realize that though their feelings for each other were very strong, they didn’t mean what the young pair thought they should. Vitryx still bears a powerful affection for Kainna and vice versa, but while what they have isn’t exactly a sibling relationship, it is completely platonic in nature.

Vitryx earned his Journeyman’s knot at twenty-one and stayed on at the Hall as a tutor, occasionally selling his personal compositions to performers and other interested parties who passed through Fort. Less than a turn later, Kainna, who had left Harper Hall after her parents’ passing to become a Healer, was Searched and left for Western Weyr to get herself a dragon. He never understood why she wanted to go so badly (she could be alarmingly spontaneous at times), but he supported her anyway and went about his business, trusting that she would be safe and would return eventually.

Life was fine until Thread rained down on the land, seemingly out of nowhere. Everything was a chaotic mess, fugitives and Searchriders both swarming the Hold as the Pernese attempted to regain control over their world. When he and his brother were eventually approached by a rider and dragon from Western Weyr, Vitryx was ready to go. Kainna was already there, and besides—what use were musical notes on paper anymore? It was as if everyone had been somehow transported to a brand new world of danger and insecurity. He brought his sword with him, though it would sit in his personal trunk untouched for most of his time in the Weyr, as a sign of his readiness to serve.




PostPosted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 6:00 am
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Name: Vasadryx
Age: 25
Nameday: 3550.09.24
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Craft: Harper/Musician (harpist), Dance & Defense
Rank: Journeyman
Location: Western Weyr
Physical Description: This fellow is 6’5 and very strong, broad-shouldered with a slim waist. Vasa has a bit of a natural swagger that can negatively color a first impression of him, but he isn’t arrogant in the least. He has dark blue eyes, a fringe of wavy golden blond hair, and a slightly lopsided smile.

Personality: Contrary to the “big, dumb blond” stereotype his looks can recall, Vasa has a witty brain in that flaxen-haired head. Whether or not he chooses to use it depends on the situation, and the company. He's found that some individuals are, frankly, made nervous by intelligence in a person his size, or ignore his opinions out of hand based on a skewed estimation of who's smarter. Thankfully, those sorts seem to be scarcer at Western than they were at a certain major hold and crafthall.

Ironically, that same displeasure towards those “intellectual types” leads to an unconscious prejudice on his end of things as well. He wouldn’t walk up to someone that looked the part to initiate some sort of confrontation, but he’d definitely be less likely to approach them to introduce himself, or to seek out a friendship with them if brought together through other means. He’d do the required work with them when assigned, but would not be very talkative, preferring instead to just let them do all the talking and decision-making, since they’d probably ignore his opinion anyway.

Vasa’s got a great sense of humor and loves to laugh, but also has a deep love for tragic, heart-rending stories of any genre. If it can make him tear up, it’s likely going to be a favorite on his bookshelf or preserved in memory if told verbally. He’s generally candid about his feelings and opinions and will express them outright, good or bad. If he considers you an offensive git, you'll know it. If he finds a woman attractive, he'll say so, and though he's never crass about it, he may be quite specific in his compliments, and that kind of attention isn't always appreciated. If you’ve managed to kindle his heart toward love (platonic or otherwise), expect a lot of hugs and verbal affirmation.

As a rule, he likes outdoor activities best. The reason for it is simple: the longer he’s cooped up inside or in a small space, the more stressed out he’ll become. For example, during his time as a candidate, classroom lectures and long stints of indoor chores have been tough for him to handle, causing him to become taciturn and somewhat uncooperative. The lessons also tend not to stick as well as they would when he’s mentally fresh and not distracted by thoughts of other things he’d rather be doing, causing some mistakes here and there. The good news is that he already has Hatching Etiquette 101 down pat, mostly thanks to luck, instinct, and personal experience.

Positive Trait List Intelligent, fun-loving, forthright, sensitive
Negative Trait List Biased, blunt, claustrophobic

History: Vasadryx was the second son born to Vilsadryx and Asetla. His parents were laborers who moved to Fort Hold from a small cothold, allowing Vasa and his elder brother Vitryx to have their choice of education from two major crafthalls right within the hold’s walls. They chose Harper Hall, starting with Dance and Defense and a general taste of everything else. Vasa liked the rhythms of the drum messages best at first, but as he grew ever more tall and spindly, the boy developed quite the reach and was encouraged to learn the grand harp, to good success. His muscles caught up with his frame much, much later during his very last turn of growth, turning him into a worthy example of physical masculinity: very tall, broad-shouldered and powerful, yet capable of deft movements in hand and body thanks to his Harper training.

He walked the tables and enjoyed a full turn of freedom as a Journeyman before the menace known as Thread returned. There was a planet-wide call for Candidates to all fighting Weyrs, and Vasa was Searched not once, but thrice before he answered, tapped along with his brother by that same third dragon, to Western Weyr’s call. If he were to go to any Weyr, it would be that one, where his close friend Kainna and others he knew had gone to Stand some turns before.

He’d had a childhood crush on Kainna back when most boys their age thought girls carried diseases, and used to chase her around threatening to kiss her. He unexpectedly got his wish over a dozen turns later when they reunited at Western Weyr as adults—a real collar-scorcher that left him wheezing when (in her words) “I had a weak moment.” He's smart enough not to hold out for a repeat performance, but wouldn't say no to one.

He was present for several clutches, most memorably Vimiath's eventful clutch of 3573, and has suffered a few gashes and at least one hours-long knockout (hey, those babies are heavy when they bodyslam someone!) for his participation, but his enthusiasm in his Candidacy never faltered.

Since coming to Western Weyr, he’s Impressed two firelizards. Early in his candidacy, he bonded with one from a wild green’s clutch that he’d found on the beach. He’d only meant to watch, but he felt bad for the tiny spotted green who seemed too slow to keep up with her siblings as they left the nest. Pox was, of course, a very stupid animal that probably would have been better left to nature; practically untrainable, and to this day she still does bothersome things like nest in the hair of people who don’t like her. The second was hatched in 3575 from an egg that he was told came from High Reaches Weyr; it’d changed hands several times before he got hold of it as a prize for winning a card game. It was another green, which he named Shaz. Shaz quickly proved herself much more intelligent than Pox, but far less friendly to strangers.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 6:07 am
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