She had snuck away, the slinky adol, to seek out Belial. It felt mischievous, mainly because she should be sleeping. She had recalled places he had talked about and thought she might look for him there. She wanted to see him, something within her willed her to him. Was this what love was? Or was it lust, she didn't know.

The guard had been doing his regular duties when his nose twitched slightly. A smell had erupted into his space that he couldn't ignore - Miyako. He'd been courting her briefly and it had been moving far more quickly than the lion had anticipated. Speed wasn't a bad thing.

Like moths to a flame he began to seek her out. Fate had brought the pair of them together time and time again (or more truthfully pride gatherings). This was no different, except they were alone. Time alone was a rarity for the pair. "Miyako?" He said in a rushed whisper as he caught sight of the familiar pelt. "What are you doing out here?" He queried. It was obvious he wasn't upset to see her, just surprised.

: Maybe it was he was the only one to have ever really see her as her, not another royal family member. She didn't know, she was still too young to understand emotions and all that. She did know she liked this male.

Mostly she wanted to get to know everything about him. There was no harm in that right?

Gaze fell upon the familiar face and she lit up. "Belial!' She didn't shout, just raised an octave. "I wanted to see you." She said suddenly feeling a little foolish. She looked at the ground and pawed a rock. "I can go if you need me to.' She looked at him, hoping he'd ask her to stay.

The musical way she said his name sparked something in the lion. He hadn't heard his name said quite the way she said it and it startled him nearly every time. Belial couldn't help the grin that grew on his face and he quickly closed the gap between them. He approached her and raised a paw to pull her head towards his. He just wanted a moment in silence to breathe in her scent, enjoy her presence then he pulled away briefly to look her in the eye.

"I'm glad you wanted to see me, I missed you." Ah, young love. He was certain anyone that might have over heard the typically tough guard say such things would have teased him endlessly. Fortunately they were alone with no one to over hear them. He gasped dramatically when she suggested that she should leave. "You'll do no such thing." He teased lightly, a paw raising to touch her cheek gently.

"There is no lioness I'd rather have by my side." Again - ick. He could hear himself and couldn't stop it. Miyako brought out the sap in him something fierce and he didn't regret a single word of it. "Care to join me? I know it's boring, but work needs to be done." Being a guard was important to him and to the pride. He cherished the role he was welcomed to keep after swearing before the Queen.

She was pleased he was happy to see her, she didn't doubt his feelings but he was older than her. There were plenty of others in the pride far more experienced in such matters than she. But he seemed to like her, so she counted herself lucky

She let a purr thrum through her throat as they bumped heads and she flushed slightly when he declared she must stay. "I'd very much like to learn about your duties." She said excited to be joining him with his duties.

Had she never travelled with a guard before? Or learned about the roles of her home? Belial was sure that the answer was yes, but perhaps she was just tickling him with questions. “Hopefully my duties won’t bore you.” He remarked to her kindly. “My job can be very underwhelming.” The admittance made him shudder slightly. The time alone was precious to him, but to take her along on something so tedious? He didn’t regret the invitation he’d extended, but he worried that she’d grow tired of him and the task.

“My first task is to hit the border.” They were close already and so the walk wouldn’t be long. He wondered briefly if the green lion he had entertained was still about. The likely answer was ‘no’. He’d left the lion with about as much information as he could leave and he had to hope it was enough. “Sometimes we’ll get visitors, other times and more often than not it will be quiet.”

She gave him a bright smile. She was with him, nothing could be boring. "I'm sure I won't dose off." She said with a giggle. She hadn't ever felt like a job was underwhelming. Though she really hadn't done a whole lot.

She listened as he spoke,almost as if she were training for the job itself. She was very attentive and wondered how fun this might be compared to hunting. At least he got to meet strangers! "This sounds very exciting, even when it's not."

“So long as you can promise me you won’t.” He chuckled at his own joke. At least they would be walking around – his job certainly didn’t allow for much sitting. Even if it did that usually meant they were on a break and dosing wasn’t an awful option for breaks.

“It’s refreshing to hear you say that.” Belial was bewildered to say the least. Of course he hadn’t considered his job to be entirely boring it did have its moments. How could he expect her to think it’d be fun? Yet when he thought of it he understood. Meeting strangers would have been worthwhile in itself. “Just recently I met a bright green fellow.” He mused softly. “The lion was after stories and trinkets. I couldn’t give him a trinket, as I have none, but he didn’t leave without some history.”

He didn’t realize how much pride he took in his job until he started talking about it to another lion. “He was.. interesting.” Another chuckle. “You’d actually have found him strange, but in a good way, I’m almost sure of it.” He wondered if he would ever see Ali again, perhaps he could introduce him to Miyako eventually – they hadn’t left on bad terms.

She looked at him wide eyed with wonder as he spoke about his recent encounter. "Oh, that sounds truly interesting. I don't really have any neat stories like that." She said thinking about anything she might had done that would qualify as interesting.

She cocked her head a little and gave a small nod. "I find 'strange' personalities to be the most interesting." She gave him a smile, not that she found him to be strange. He was definitely different from her family, which was something she liked most about him.

"Have you always been a guard, or wanted to be a guard?" She realized she didn't really know a whole lot about him and what he wanted out of life.

: "I'm almost glad you don't yet." He mused softly, his tone becoming protective. "You know never know who you may come across when your faced with the unknown of the borders." Though in reality he could say the same for just about everywhere. Within the ride itself sat far to many variables. None of which were predictable because they were easily forgotten - a frightening reminder now that he had something to lose.

Belial laughed at her remark about strange personalities - he figured she had to like different lions, he was certainly not the usual type to wander about her family. "He was at least a friendly strange, nothing like some of the lions I've met before - most do tend to want to join the pride.. not just study it." He said out loud, but it appeared to be more of a thought regarding the green lion. "Like I said, one day he could be back - unless he is still around now." He chuckled.

"I've always been whatever I needed to be." The question wasn't carefully considered. "I joined as a guard for ..." He hesitated with his answer - the truth was he joined for Shangyue, but he certainly couldn't say that to the Queens niece. "I joined as a guard to protect what was here. I hadn't really had aspirations beyond that, though I do my best in any role." Truth be told he hadn't considered himself for possible promotion within the pride due to his connections to the previous ruler, not that he was the worst of it out there - far from it. The question had him thinking about far more than he cared to admit.

"I'm pretty much wrapped up here for the night, want me to walk you home? Or perhaps you'd like to watch the stars?" He deflected away from the conversation a little bit - he really did need to think about his future.

She could almost sense the protectiveness of his words and gave a silent smile, he was sweet. To care about things like that.

She had forgotten he was an outsider before being here. Or maybe she had assumed he'd of been born here. "What is your family like?" She was curious to know about his past for some reason.

His reasons for joining seemed to stand up without question in her mind.

She gave a small frown, was it time to turn in already? "I would very much like to watch the stars with you." Thoughts of previous conversation stolen away by the offer. "I can show you a few of my favorites!" She said dashing ahead a bit to lead him towards her favorite spot.

Log complete. <3