Astrea = Kasai
Ilkay = *Greenie

Where had the time gone? Every day served as a brand new adventure for the aging lioness. Recently, she had been sought out to become an apprentice to the clerics. It was a position Astrea did not know much about, but she would learn soon. In the upcoming days she would begin her lessons, learning about the role she would get to play in adulthood. But for now, Astrea was quite content roaming the pridelands (with the ever watchful gaze of her former guard father nearby), as well as her snake companion Kaali.

The cub giggled as she spotted a brightly colored butterfly floating nearby. With a sheepish grin back to her father, she pounced towards the bug. Her gray eyes scanned the area. Recently she had met with a few other cubs. She wondered if they were nearby too to play with.

Snoozing had been the cubs goal. If anyone would listen to him he would complain of nightly interruptions in his dreams, but instead he grew quiet. Ilkay had been fumbling around in a corner of the shared den before giving up and embracing the day with a tustled look about him. As he left the home he decided to simply wander. It seemed like a decent idea and walking always tired him out.

"What are you doing?" The cub hadn't seen the butterfly, just a bouncing cub. The scene was odd to the partially awake cub. "Whatever it is looks fun." A rush of excitement was beginning to press in his drowzy mind that was doing wonders to wake him up. With company a potential he didn't mind being awake - at least the terrors would be at bay.

: She peeked in between her paws. For a bug, the butterfly was pretty fast. Either that, or Astrea's pouncing skills needed improvement. Gray eyes looked around to where the fluttering but was and spotted it on a small rock. With a small smirk, the young lioness would attempt the pounce again. That was until a voice interrupted her thoughts. Forgetting about the butterfly for a moment, Astrea looked around, spotting the cub walking towards her.

"Uhm. practicing my pouncing?" she offered to the male with a grin. "I'm not very good at it though." she shrugged slightly. She'd get better at it. Without a second thought, the female pounced on the male. "or maybe I just need bigger targets!" she giggled.

"What's your name?" This boy was not Badru or Akela. So that just meant a new friend for Astrea!

The curious look on his face was amplified with the tilting of his head. Ears forward and attentive as she answered his question. The answer was reasonable, but still, he couldn't see what she had been pouncing after. Perhaps she was just pouncing with herself? He almost giggled, but instead the wind was knocked from his lungs. The cub had leaped at him. At HIM! Ilkay was stunned by the surprise attack, but only for a short period of time before he was laughing.

"You seem to do well with bigger targets." He agreed with a big grin and bright approving eyes. "My name is Ilkay. Who are you?" He asked her curiously. The sleepless night was long forgotten and his tusted fur would mean nothing if they continued their wrestling. He'd been fortunate enough to meet a couple other cubs, but none quite so boistrous. It was refreshing!

Astrea was proud at herself for making the successful pounce. And when the newcomer agreed with her, she was excited. She quickly hopped off the male, sitting just before him. Her tail curled around her front paws as the male introduced himself.

"Ilkay." she repeated. She always repeated the names of anyone new she met. It helped her commit the name to her memory. "I'm Astrea!" she rose to her feet. "I like you. We should be friends." Astrea definitely got her straightforwardness from her mother. Her upbeatness was also a trait from her as well. "Wanna play a game?" Her eyes shifted back to her father, who was now speaking with another lion.

Without waiting for an answer, her paw shot from underneath her, lightly tapping him. "Tag! Your it!" she bolted off, past the small rock with the butterfly on it. "Can't catch me!" she said in her sing-song voice, giggling as she ran off.

He was free! The cub got up and he was able to breathe freely again. "Astrea." He copied her repeating and wondered what it meant. He didn't get a chance to ask before she berated him with something he DID understand.. friendship. "Yes please! I like you too!" He was excited! Any cub would have been. Another cub to play with meant a new friend to look out for in the future. It was worth it's weight in gold.

"A game?" Blue eyes widened with curiosity and he excitement he felt had doubled. "Yes!" Suddenly he wasn't sure why he was even bothering to ask. He would play any game a million times over. When she tagged him he gasped dramatically. "I'm going to get you!" He called out. "Hey!" Ilkay was after he as quick as he could be and silently applauded her on her agility. His limbs reminded him how tired he was, but the adrenaline made up for it.

When the rock came into view he saw his chance. The rock had a ledge, one that he hadn't seen before. It was just near a butterfly, the one he presumed she'd been chasing, and carefuly avoiding the butterfly he leaped up. "Now I can get you." He whispered to himself and narrowed his eyes. Lowering his heading and wiggling his butt he leaped in her direction making a galant effort to land on her.

She didn't make it far past the rock when the male landed on her. She hit the ground with a small 'omph!' the wind knocked out of her. "Hey no fair!" she hoped to get a /little/ bit further away before the male had pounced on her, herself getting tagged in the process. With a small (friendly) growl, she wiggled underneath the male, attempting to get out from beneath him. Since he had got her, that meant she was it now! She did not want to stay it for long.

Astrea would stay playing all day if she could. She would even sneak out at night if it meant more time to play with her friends. She had endless amount of energy, and if she was low on that a quick power nap was all she needed to reboot her. When it came to afternoon naps, Astrea's family would had to force her to stay put and sleep. The star pelted lioness did not like that idea.

"Ha!" He called out as he landed squarely on his target. For a moment there he thought she had gotten away. The triumphant cub was met with a playful growl and wiggling from his 'prey' that he giggled at. Then he playfully growled back and stood quickly to try and free himself of immediately being tagged. Still he stumbled a little bit upon standing before he coud try and get away.

By now the cub had limbered up a little bit and was quickly scooting away. Energy was suddenly flowing through him as they played. He was pumped! "Oh wait... TAG your it." He gasped happily before fleeing once again.

Astrea chased her new friend. He was faster than her, but she would not let that get in the way. Her looked around for something that would help her to an advantage as she ran. Unfortunately, nothing caught her eye. Not watching her steps, she felt herself going down as her paw hit a small hole in the ground. An adult's paw would have just gone over it, however, she was not an adult. Not even close to being one. She left out as small gasp (it almost sounded like a squeak) as she hit the ground. "Ow..." she sniffed, glaring at the hole that had caused her to trip. She frowned at Ilkay's fleeting form. She would not be able to catch him now.

"I call do-overs!" she called out to him. It wasn't the boy's fault she had fallen, but Astrea was a little bit of a sore loser, and she took it out on whenever she could. "Let's play something else?"

: He had only glanced back twice. The first time she was chasing him and seemed happy as could be. The second time she was on the ground and making a unique sound. The sound was a result of her falling and having hurt her foot. Suddenly his face screwed up with concern and the idea of winning left his mind. He ran back.

"Are you okay?" He asked. Blue eyes were wide and ears forward with concern. Carefully he assessed her and then took a closer look at the hole. If either of them had been tricky this would have been a good way to catch him by surprise - perhaps a future more complicated ploy used for later games.

"Can you stand?" The question she asked was rebounded with this one.

Astrea put weight on her paw. "I think so..." she said softly. She turned her attention towards the adults in the background, concern lacing her father eyes. "I think I should go home now." She said sadly as she turned toward Ilkay. "We should meet again tomorrow." She offered. After all, she couldn't let Ilkay be the winner in the game. "Maybe we can get others to play too?" The more the merrier in her mind.

She gave her new friend a smile. "I'll see you later, okay Ilkay?" she walked off tenderly in the direction of her father. Next time she would watch where she was going.