For Your Knowledge: Guild Rules & Updates


Guild Activity Level is the 1# one cause as to why it dies, now I cannot blame you want to leave for a few days to take care of thing in your life beyond the screen. But if you are not on every now and then and not posting, expect to be Dismissed from the Guild.

Removal of Guild Members will happen frequently, some will be announced, some won't as they will be random. If there has been no activity with in 30 days of your last post, do expect to be removed with out hesitation. How ever, there is a Grace Period of seven days before you can reapply. Inform either me or a VC that you had been removed due to inactivity and you will be accepted back in.

But do not take 30 Days for granted so I am giving a tip. Post as often as possible and keep to the current week, the following posts will not be accepted such as: Bumps and Filler Posts or threads. These will not be tolerated. I want you to be able to interact with your fellow Guild Members.


Communication is a part of Activity. As said, no Bumps or Filler Posts/Threads, so strike up a friendship with your fellow guild members and use the OOC Forum, PM's and Profile Comments to stay in touch. So keep your Profile Page and PM settings set to allow all so its not only easier for the Guild Members but the Staff to remind you by sending notifications.

Because its not right to suddenly returned on day 37 and see that you were removed from the guild due to Inactivity and missed notifications and reminders.

--- If you have the free Gaia Mobile App downloaded on a Smart or Apple Phone from the Play or App Store, check it too. Cause you can see Profile Comments and PM's sent your way. Reply back if you can so you may be spared Dismissal.

Ban Versus Dismissal

These two are quite different, this small change was added to the guild functions some time ago, so FYI, it should still be covered.

A Ban is a lock on a guild member who will not be allowed to post but can still see guild activities. It is a form of punishment if Guild rules are not followed, all dotted "i's" and crossed "T's."

A Dismissal is plain up, removal from the Guild. Do to your actions and/or complaints by not following the rules and what ever strike you have received, do expect to be removed. Depending on the infraction that took place, Grace Periods will be enacted upon.

Grace Periods

When ever a ban or a dismissal is in effect, there is a Grace Period or Cool Down time before you can be accepted back into the guild continue to be a part of guild activities. Your Grace Period, depending on the infraction that has occurred can effect the time you are away.

For more information on Grace Periods and the infraction involved, please click on the F-A-Q Realm Forum and select Grace Period FAQ.

Be Considerate

I was in a guild where there was a member who had a bad temper and complained about another member in a open thread that all members could see. Stop. That is inconsiderate and totally not worth it to cause a strain and tension on other members and makes you look like a bad guy.

If you need to complain about a certain guild member, please PM the Captain or Vice Captains, we should be handling the investigation with out you having to take the brunt of the force and backlash of other members. I'd rather it'd be us and not you.

There will be a form that you can fill out in the F-A-Q Realm Forum and select the Cop An Attitude FAQ

Vigilante Versus Troll

I believe that I am getting queer looks right now. But Yes. Please be a Vigilante and not a Troll, I am simply stating that you should be responsible for yourself and the guild members you're interacting with. So don't troll every single post that goes on but if you notice something out of the ordinary on a regular day as you are reading through a thread, please let us know ASAP, let Me and the VC's take care of it. Do not take matters into your hands and confront the guild member.

There will be a form that you can fill out in the F-A-Q Realm Forum and select the Cop An Attitude FAQ

Competitions and Prizes

Please do not bet on me holding a lot of these competitions with prizes, it will be a rare occurrence and I do mean rare. - Mine usually are active participation challenges. - But you as a member of this guild can, as an added bonus, we can announce it for you by broadcasting it too all guild members.

How ever, you still need to fill out a form and provide all the information about the competition. So get everything together first and use Gaia's Test Forum to put it together.

You will find information and the form in regards to hosting your own competition here F-A-Q Realm Forum and select the under the Guild Activity FAQ