Raiatea = *Greenie
Tawi = KasaiLoki

: "I wanted to go."

The lioness admitted to herself only a couple days later. She was speaking with her shadow, one that had cast itself along a rocky surfaced wall. Raia had been thinking of her experience with the other cub for way longer than she had anticipated. "Of course I wanted to go!" She grumbled fiercely under her breath. The situation had been simple. She should have followed.

"To heck with him." She swore lightly. Then quickly her gaze cast around to see if any adults heard her cuss. He wasn't entirely worth getting in trouble over. "I should find him and tell him that." The cub stomped a paw to stress what she had said and nodded firmly. She had to find him and tell him that she didn't care.

So off she went.

: It wasn't like Tawi was...hiding...amongst the tall grass. He was just, pleasantly enjoying the dirt in which the long foliage grew. All day, Mstiri had been bugging him to go out, mingle with others, but instead they were off on their own again. The blue cub had finally had enough of the chirpy falcon before he took off in a sprint, hoping his dark blue would not give him away.

"Come on Branch, you can't hide from me." Mstiri chirped, circling where ahead for his lion friend. The bird liked calling Tawi by the nickname he gave him the day they met, even if the other did not enjoy it. His golden eyes scanned the area, not seeing the male just yet, but instead, an approaching female. If he partnered with this knew cub, they could find Tawi faster!

"Hey, hey! Young lady!" the falcon glided before the lioness cub. "You haven't seen a dark blue lion cub around here? White hair tufts, kinda cloudy markings on his feet?"

Tawi listened to the bird land, straining to hear what was being said. Another approached? His eyes narrowed as he hunkered down in the grass some more, unintentionally swaying the plates of grass with his shuffle.

Raia had barely been paying attention when the bird had called her over to help with something. She'd never spoken to a bird before and so the situation caused her to pause briefly before she recognized what he even had wanted. "Oh?" She raisd a paw to her chin and tapped it thoughtfully. The description had seemed familiar, but she couldn't place it.

Placing it seemed the least of her worries when some tall grass seemed to dance to a non-existent breeze. Her eyes locked onto the are and she narrowed them to seek out the cause. Hidden behind the grass - for the most part - was a dark cub that seemed to stick out almost like a sore thumb. "Hmph." She scoffed slightly and her lips turned up in a wicked grin. "Hm.. actually.." The cub debated what she was about to do. The description seemed familiar because it was him! That rascal that had gotten away.

Would she lie? Redirect the bird? Her green eyes lit up a little bit as the decision was made and shee tapped her chin once more before approaching the bird a little bit. "I actually think I saw him head towards the dens. Probably to go and nap?" She suggested to the avian as casually as she could though a giggle crept up her throat. "I don't think he's anywhere around here."

Mstiri thought for a moment, before huffing. He was definitely flustered, the puffed up he presented to the young female demonstrated it. With a click of his beak, he nodded. "I'll have to go look there. thanks!" Although Tawi wasn't one to nap, he may have headed back to the den for a snack. Without another word, the green falcon took off, gusting the female cub before flying away.

Tawi's gray eyes watched as Mstiri flew right over him. He held in a breath, so not to alert the bird, before letting it out in a big sigh. Good. He was gone. He waited a moment for the other the avian was talking to to disappear as well.

When silence was met to the area, the lion cub wandered out of the tall grasses. For a usually attentive youth, he was not paying attention to his surroundings. If he was, he probably would have noticed Raia's scent , or form off to the left.

"Stupid bird." Tawi muttered staring at the ground.

..Wait... When did the ground grow paws? Gray eyes shifted up, spotting Raia nearby. "Oh." His nose twitched as he mentally berated himself for not paying attention. "Raiatea." That was her name, right? Yeah... that was it.

Raia almost sighed as she watched the bird fly off - she was most certain her might be back once he discovered she hadn't been forthcoming in her answer to him. It wouldn't be that hard to figure out. Now her green eyes rested on the blades of grass that had betrayed her more recent companion.

"So you were hiding in he grass." She mused with a ha-hah! kind of attitude. "That happens to be my name, glad you remembered it."She responded smartly and raised her chin up a little bit with pride. "So is that 'stupid bird' responsible for watching over you?" Raia seated herself and thumped her tail against the ground. She had the upper paw this time - rather than being the stumbly, awkward individual he had met by the watering hole she tried to seem a little more together.

"He was yelling something.. something a little odd." Had her ears deceived her? Before she had even realized the bird had been looking for something had caught him yelling about a branch. Instead of reacting to what she imagined to be an old coot of a creature she simply played as though she hadn't heard him. Could he have been calling out to Tawi? "Something about a.. branch?" The babbling bird had too be a few feathers short of his tail, that was all.

The last encounter Tawi had with the female ended quite abruptly. He still remembered that day, mainly because he had scouted the guards after the fact to see a new rogue requesting to join. It always intrigued the youngster to see those not born in the pride being escorted to where-ever they went to be initiated into the lands. One day, maybe when we was bigger, he would follow to see where they all went.

His mind surfed back to Raia. "At least you are good at stating the obvious." The male said, in referencing how he was hiding in the grass. "And it's not like I could forget it." He hadn't met more youth to get their names.

He shrugged inwardly. "My parents didn't instruct him to watch me if that's what you are insinuating." He scoffed. He did not need to be watch. Mstiri always followed him after the incident that happened one day. The green bird had landed on a branch that Tawi and her sister we playing under when it cracked and fell. Luckily neither were injured, but the avian had felt so bad he stuck with the cub ever since.

Tawi's ears went back instantly her next words. "That's nothing." Branch, that was the name Mstiri had given him. It was fitting in the bird's mind, when talking to the cubs, he had learned Tawi's name meant branch. To the bird, saying one syllable was much easier than two. Very fitting name. The blue male definitely wanted to drop the subject, so he did, with the following question. "What are you doing out here anyways?" It wasn't that they were far from anywhere, Tawi just wanted to distract the female again.

Her brow furrowed at his sarcastic response and she even found herself rolling her eyes at him with a discontent expression upon her maw. "Aren't you all rainbows and sunshine." She remarked sourly. Instead of spiralling down that path she chose to force herself to perk up at his expense.

"It's okay to have a babysitter." She smirked deeply and thrashed her tail around behind her. The action was small, but made her feel large. "I just don't need one because I'm not a baby anymore." Pride filled her and she visibly grew in posture. He hadn't explained the companionship found in his bird, but she could spin a wicked tale if she needed too. For the time being she left it at unsupported taunting.

"Nothing?" The lioness was ecstatic! She'd found a true bit of information that seemed to cause the cub to cringe. His ears pinning themselves back had been all she needed to know. "Well, Branch, I was actually looking for you." She admitted casually, figuring that poking at him with his nickname would be enough. Her green eyes were alight with excitement that glimmered as she watched him. "I was curious to know how your walk went the other night." Her tail swished again.

If Tawi's eyes could narrow anymore, they would look like slits. This...This girl. What was her problem?! The bird was NOT a baby sitter. "At least if I need something I can count on him." He said offhandedly. "I don't see YOU hanging around any others." Gray orbs scanned the area to make a point. "Yep. You are alone. Again. Just like last time. What is it, you don't have any other friends? Or have you bothered them so much that they hide from you." His tone was cold.

He was going to kill Mstiri for the nickname. Now Raiatea was calling him that? Great. "I am going to kill him." the dark lion muttered under his breath.

"Should I feel honored you are looking for me?" His ears swiveled on top his head, as if contemplating if he should even humor himself with her chitchat. He had things to do, mainly staying away from this girl. No respect she had. (The street was two ways, Tawi just chose to look at it from only his perspective.)

"None. Of. Your. Business." He said slowly, to make sure her small mind could comprehend it. Who was she to think she could ask about his personal life. "If you wanted to know, you should have followed." He ended with a smirk. He was not the boss of her, she could have followed the male if she wanted.

: The gasp she made was involuntary as he began to assault her verbally. What happened to him to make him so bitter? Was what she could have thought, but instead she got into attack mode. Her small, dainty, claws unsheathed and played with the soil a touch beneath her as a form of distraction from her desire to immediately react. "I don't need anyone." She said harshly in return, definitely unable to mirror the cold tone he used. Where his eyes had narrowed she found her own getting larger.

"Besides, the friends I do have are nice to me and don't hide." She admitted in a half lie. What friends? Acquaintances were likely a better thing to call them. None of them had made the attempt to contact her and she hadn't really gone out of her way to see anyone - besides Tawi. Why Tawi? Her mind grew bitter with the thought. "Honored? Probably not. You've fully explained to me why I might be the only one to seek you out though. I wouldn't be surprised if that bird was the only person to be able to put up with.. YOU." She wasn't sure how to address his character, but gestured to all of him dramatically.

"Fine. You want to be that way?" She asked in a cool, collected tone. "Go find your reliable BABYsitter and play with him? No one else will EVER want to play with a snobby grump like you." These were the words she half-shouted, but deep down the whole situation compelled a piece of her to want to remain and bother him.

But she was very nearing a dramatic exit.

Being the watchful youth Tawi was, he spotted the claws begin to unsheath, digging in the dirt. Maybe he had pushed too far? His mind cleared those thoughts. What was done, done.

"The go bother them." He scoffed. He did not have time for trivial things like friends. He wanted to make his parents proud, just like Astrea was doing. He would not let his little sister get the upper hand on everything. His nose twitched. Sure he had not made any other friends. He'd rather speak to the adults. His 'aunt' Kgwedi, was one of them. Tawi ended up shrugging in response to her. "Seems like you can put up with me. After all, if I recall correctly," he thought, "I was curious to know how youre walk went..." he tried to mimic her voice. He failed horribly.

"Snobby grump." he repeated. Hitting a little below the belt was she now? At least Tawi did not refer to calling the other names. He bowed his head to in an exit. "Goodbye then." He stated to her, his eyes no longer in narrowed slits. Did they hold a bit of sadness in them? No, Tawi would never admit the words she had said to him hurt. If he could not see his own words did the same damage to the female, why should she see it for him.

The lion walked past her, similarly how he had done so the first meeting. This time though, he did not have a special place in mind to wander to.

"You know what..." She started to say, but paused to take a moment to sheath her claws. "Maybe I will go and find them. We will play games, get a snack, and laugh. There will be plenty of laughter!" Clearly she was full of it, but she wouldn't have wanted to let on anymore than he would.

"Mere curiosity." Raiatea argued back. "I should have known better than to come looking for you. Heck! I even thought I was doing you a favor by chasing away your babysitter." Her actions weren't warranted and her attack was even less warranted. Her nose wrinkled slightly as he repeated her words. "I don't sound like that!" Her front weakened slightly and her shoulders slumped.

"Good-bye.. Branch." She snorted and stood her ground as he walked away. When he was past her she hung her head and seemed to collapse in on herself. Being mean was far worse than she imagined. If he was feeling even half as bad as she felt right now than he must feel pretty awful.

"I'm sorry." She muttered all to late.